Volume Iv Part 12 (1/2)

Too swiftly now the Hours take flight!

What's read at morn is dead at night: Scant s.p.a.ce have we for Art's delays, Whose breathless thought so briefly stays, We may not work--ah! would we might!-- With slower pen.

Austin Dobson [1840-1921]


Si vieillesse pouvait!--

Scene.--A small neat Room. In a high Voltaire Chair sits a white-haired old Gentleman.

Monsieur Vieuxbois Babette

M. Vieuxbois (turning querulously) Day of my life! Where can she get!

Babette! I say! Babette!--Babette!

Babette (entering hurriedly) Coming, M'sieu'! If M'sieu' speaks So loud, he won't be well for weeks!

M. Vieuxbois Where have you been?

Babette Why M'sieu' knows:-- April!... Ville d'Avray!... Ma'am'selle Rose!

M. Vieuxbois Ah! I am old,--and I forget.

Was the place growing green, Babette?

Babette But of a greenness!--yes, M'sieu'!

And then the sky so blue!--so blue!

And when I dropped my immortelle, How the birds sang!

(Lifting her ap.r.o.n to her eyes) This poor Ma'am'selle!

M. Vieuxbois You're a good girl, Babette, but she,-- She was an Angel, verily.

Sometimes I think I see her yet Stand smiling by the cabinet; And once, I know, she peeped and laughed Betwixt the curtains...

Where's the draught?

(She gives him a cup) Now I shall sleep, I think, Babette;-- Sing me your Norman chansonnette.

Babette (sings) ”Once at the Angelus, (Ere I was dead), Angels all glorious Came to my bed; Angels in blue and white Crowned on the Head.”

M. Vieuxbois (drowsily) ”She was an Angel”... ”Once she laughed”...

What, was I dreaming?

Where's the draught?

Babette (showing the empty cup) The draught, M'sieu'?

M. Vieuxbois How I forget!