Volume Ii Part 29 (1/2)
Or how can that Elysium be Where I my mistress still must see Circled in other's arms?
For there the judges all are just, And Sophonisba must Be his whom she held dear, Not his who loved her here.
The sweet Philoclea, since she died, Lies by her Pirocles his side, Not by Amphialus.
Some bays, perchance, or myrtle bough For difference crowns the brow Of those kind souls that were The n.o.ble martyrs here: And if that be the only odds (As who can tell?), ye kinder G.o.ds, Give me the woman here!
John Suckling [1609-1642]
TO CHLOE Who For His Sake Wished Herself Younger
Chloe, why wish you that your years Would backwards run till they meet mine, That perfect likeness, which endears Things unto things, might us combine?
Our ages so in date agree, That twins do differ more than we.
There are two births; the one when light First strikes the new awakened sense; The other when two souls unite, And we must count our life from thence: When you loved me and I loved you Then both of us were born anew.
Love then to us new souls did give And in those souls did plant new powers; Since when another life we live, The breath we breathe is his, not ours: Love makes those young whom age doth chill, And whom he finds young keeps young still.
Love, like that angel that shall call Our bodies from the silent grave, Unto one age doth raise us all; None too much, none too little have; Nay, that the difference may be none, He makes two, not alike, but one.
And now since you and I are such, Tell me what's yours, and what is mine?
Our eyes, our ears, our taste, smell, touch, Do, like our souls, in one combine; So, by this, I as well may be Too old for you, as you for me.
William Cartwright [1611-1643]
My dear and only Love, I pray This little world of thee Be governed by no other sway Than purest monarchy; For if confusion have a part, Which virtuous souls abhor, And hold a synod in thy heart, I'll never love thee more.
Like Alexander I will reign, And I will reign alone; My thoughts did evermore disdain A rival on my throne.
He either fears his fate too much, Or his deserts are small, That dares not put it to the touch To gain or lose it all.
But I must rule and govern still, And always give the law, And have each subject at my will And all to stand in awe.
But 'gainst my batteries if I find Thou kick, or vex me sore, As that thou set me up a blind, I'll never love thee more!
Or in the empire of thy heart, Where I should solely be, If others do pretend a part And dare to vie with me, Or if committees thou erect, And go on such a score, I'll laugh and sing at thy neglect, And never love thee more.
But if thou wilt be faithful, then, And constant of thy word, I'll make thee glorious by my pen And famous by my sword; I'll serve thee in such n.o.ble ways Were never heard before; I'll crown and deck thee all with bays, And love thee evermore.
James Graham [1612-1650]
When Love with unconfined wings Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates; When I lie tangled in her hair And fettered to her eye, The birds that wanton in the air Know no such liberty.