Volume Ii Part 21 (1/2)
When first I saw her, at the stroke The heart of nature in me spoke; The very landscape smiled more sweet, Lit by her eyes, pressed by her feet; She made the stars of heaven more bright By sleeping under them at night; And fairer made the flowers of May By being lovelier than they.
O, soft, soft, where the suns.h.i.+ne spread, Dark in the gra.s.s I laid my head; And let the lights of earth depart To find her image in my heart; Then through my being came and went Tones of some heavenly instrument, As if where its blind motions roll The world should wake and be a soul.
George Edward Woodberry [1855-1930]
When down the stair at morning The sunbeams round her float, Sweet rivulets of laughter Are rippling in her throat; The gladness of her greeting Is gold without alloy; And in the morning sunlight I think her name is Joy.
When in the evening twilight The quiet book-room lies, We read the sad old ballads, While from her hidden eyes The tears are falling, falling, That give her heart relief; And in the evening twilight, I think her name is Grief.
My little April lady, Of suns.h.i.+ne and of showers She weaves the old spring magic, And breaks my heart in flowers!
But when her moods are ended, She nestles like a dove; Then, by the pain and rapture, I know her name is Love.
Henry Van d.y.k.e [1852-1933]
THE MILKMAID A New Song To An Old Tune
Across the gra.s.s I see her pa.s.s; She comes with tripping pace,-- A maid I know,--and March winds blow Her hair across her face;-- With a hey, Dolly! ho, Dolly!
Dolly shall be mine, Before the spray is white with May, Or blooms the eglantine.
The March winds blow. I watch her go: Her eye is brown and clear; Her cheek is brown, and soft as down, (To those who see it near!)-- With a hey, Dolly! ho, Dolly!
Dolly shall be mine, Before the spray is white with May, Or blooms the eglantine.
What has she not that those have got,-- The dames that walk in silk!
If she undo her kerchief blue, Her neck is white as milk.
With a hey, Dolly! ho, Dolly!
Dolly shall be mine, Before the spray is white with May, Or blooms the eglantine.
Let those who will be proud and chill!
For me, from June to June, My Dolly's words are sweet as curds-- Her laugh is like a tune;-- With a hey, Dolly! ho, Dolly!
Dolly shall be mine, Before the spray is white with May, Or blooms the eglantine.
Break, break to hear, O crocus-spear!
O tall Lent-lilies flame!
There'll be a bride at Easter-tide, And Dolly is her name.
With a hey, Dolly! ho, Dolly!