Volume I Part 88 (1/2)

It may be strange--yet who would change Time's course to slower speeding, When one by one our friends have gone And left our bosoms bleeding?

Heaven gives our years of fading strength Indemnifying fleetness; And those of youth, a seeming length, Proportioned to their sweetness.

Thomas Campbell [1777-1844]


Long time a child, and still a child, when years Had painted manhood on my check, was I,-- For yet I lived like one not born to die; A thriftless prodigal of smiles and tears, No hope I needed, and I knew no fears.

But sleep, though sweet, is only sleep; and waking, I waked to sleep no more; at once o'ertaking The vanguard of my age, with all arrears Of duty on my back. Nor child, nor man, Nor youth, nor sage, I find my head is gray, For I have lost the race I never ran: A rathe December blights my lagging May; And still I am a child, though I be old: Time is my debtor for my years untold.

Hartley Coleridge [1796-1849]


Few, in the days of early youth, Trusted like me in love and truth.

I've learned sad lessons from the years; But slowly, and with many tears; For G.o.d made me to kindly view The world that I was pa.s.sing through.

How little did I once believe That friendly tones could e'er deceive!

That kindness, and forbearance long, Might meet ingrat.i.tude and wrong!

I could not help but kindly view The world that I was pa.s.sing through.

And though I've learned some souls are base, I would not, therefore, hate the race; I still would bless my fellow men, And trust them, though deceived again.

G.o.d help me still to kindly view The world that I am pa.s.sing through!

Through weary conflicts I have pa.s.sed, And struggled into rest at last; Such rest as when the rack has broke A joint, or nerve, at every stroke.

The wish survives to kindly view The world that I am pa.s.sing through.

From all that fate has brought to me I strive to learn humility, And trust in Him who rules above, Whose universal law is love.

Thus only can I kindly view The world that I am pa.s.sing through.

When I approach the setting sun, And feel my journey nearly done, May earth be veiled in genial light, And her last smile to me seem bright!

Help me till then to kindly view The world that I am pa.s.sing through!

And all who tempt a trusting heart From faith and hope to drift apart,-- May they themselves be spared the pain Of losing power to trust again!

G.o.d help us all to kindly view The world that we are pa.s.sing through!

Lydia Maria Child [1802-1880]


It is time to be old, To take in sail:-- The G.o.d of bounds, Who sets to seas a sh.o.r.e, Came to me in his fatal rounds, And said: ”No more!

No farther shoot Thy broad ambitious branches, and thy root.

Fancy departs: no more invent; Contract thy firmament To compa.s.s of a tent.

There's not enough for this and that, Make thy option which of two; Economize the failing river, Not the less revere the Giver, Leave the many and hold the few.