Volume I Part 22 (1/2)
Little fingers that feel For their home on my breast, Little lips that appeal For their nurture, their rest!
Why, why dost thou weep, dear?
Nay, stifle thy cries, Till the dew of thy sleep, dear, Lies soft on thine eyes.
Alfred Austin [1835-1913]
'Skeeters am a hummin' on de honeysuckle vine,-- Sleep, Kentucky Babe!
Sandman am a comin' to dis little c.o.o.n of mine,-- Sleep, Kentucky Babe!
Silv'ry moon am s.h.i.+nin' in de heabens up above, Bobolink am pinin' fo' his little lady love: Yo' is mighty lucky, Babe of old Kentucky,-- Close yo' eyes in sleep.
Fly away, Fly away, Kentucky Babe, fly away to rest, Fly away, Lay yo' kinky, woolly head on yo' mammy's breast,-- Um--Um--, Close yo' eyes in sleep.
Daddy's in de cane-brake wid his little dog and gun,-- Sleep, Kentucky Babe!
'Possum fo' yo' breakfast when yo' sleepin' time is done,-- Sleep, Kentucky Babe!
Bogie man'll catch yo' sure unless yo' close yo' eyes, Waitin' jes outside de doo' to take yo' by surprise: Bes' be keepin' shady, Little colored lady,-- Close yo' eyes in sleep.
Richard Henry Buck [1869-
Minnie and Winnie slept in a sh.e.l.l.
Sleep, little ladies! And they slept well.
Pink was the sh.e.l.l within, silver without; Sounds of the great sea wandered about.
Sleep, little ladies! Wake not soon!
Echo on echo dies to the moon.
Two bright stars peeped into the sh.e.l.l.
”What are they dreaming of? Who can tell?”
Started a green linnet out of the croft; Wake, little ladies! The sun is aloft.
Alfred Tennyson [1809-1892]
Sleep, my baby, while I sing Bed-time news of everything.
Chickens run to mother hen; Piggy curls up in the pen.
In the field, all tired with play, Quiet now the lambkins stay.
Kittens cuddle in a heap-- Baby, too, must go to sleep!