Part 3 (1/2)
A troop of damsels fair exceedingly, And one who led them. Beautiful was she, And not like other women; good beyond All he had seen or ever thought to see.
Her girdle was of gold and gold her hood, And all that touched her fragrant was and good, And maids behind her fifty walked and two; And, seeing, SETNE wist not where he stood,
But called the Slave that served him: 'Haste thee, go To where yon woman wors.h.i.+ps; I would know What need hath brought her and what name she bears.
Go swiftly.' And the servant bowed him low,
And found a handmaiden who walked aside: 'Damsel, thy mistress cometh in much pride; Say by what name men call her, and what need Brings her to Memphis.' And the maid replied:
'This is the child of the Chief Vision Seer Of Bast, Queen of the Far World and the Near; Her name is TA-BUVUe, and a vow To PTAH, your mighty G.o.d, hath brought her here.'
The slave returned and told to SETNE all The handmaid spoke; and SETNE said: 'Go, call This handmaid secretly behind the rest; Greet her from me and speak my name withal:
”SETNE KHAMUAS, son of RAMESES, Greets thee: he sends ten gold Arsinoes; And more, if any man hath done thee wrong, SETNE the judge will right thine injuries;
All this, if thou wilt speak with him an hour, And help him. To a great and secret tower Thou shalt go in, where none shall do thee hurt Nor know thy name; so great is SETNE'S power.”'
The slave returned and all of SETNE'S word Told to the handmaid; and her wrath was stirred, And loud she railed, as though 'twere blasphemies His lips had spoke; and TA-BUVUe heard,
And called him: 'Strive not with this foolish one; But hither, tell to me what wrong is done.'
But quick the handmaid ran before, and cried: 'He bringeth words of shame from PHARAOH'S son:
Thus saying: ”SETNE, son of RAMESES, Greets thee, and sends ten gold Arsinoes; And more, if any man hath done thee wrong, SETNE the judge will right thine injuries”;
All this, if I will speak with him an hour And help him. To a great and secret tower I shall go in, where none shall do me hurt Nor know my name; so great is SETNE'S power!'
Then TA-BUVUe laughed: 'I think he spake This word to thee for TA-BUVUe'S sake.-- Go, speak to SETNE, saying: ”Who am I That thou shouldst send my bondmaid gifts to take?
I am no common woman; I am one Born of great kings, who walk my ways alone, Priestess of Bast, the Queen of the Two Worlds, And seeking no man's gift and fearing none.
If me thou seekest, I will speak within Mine own house: knock and thou shalt enter in: In Per-Bast, by the Houses of the Dead, Past Kemi, where the desert doth begin.
There ask for TA-BUVUe. I go hence Now with my maids to make magnificence Before thee. And no man shall watch thy way Into my house, nor mark thy coming thence.”'
The Slave returned, and SETNE'S heart did fail For very joy at hearing of the tale.
He called his servants: 'Make me a swift boat Ready, with rowers and a silken sail.'
And SETNE marvelled in his heart a s.p.a.ce, And in his mirror looked; and, lo, his face Seemed beautiful again, and all his limbs Light, like a young man when he runs a race.
So walked he to the boat and entered in, And bade them row as ne'er they rowed, to win Per-Bast, beyond the Houses of the Dead, Past Kemi, where the desert doth begin.
And there, behold, a tower exceeding tall Set in a pleasant place; and a great wall Was round it, and a garden to the north With many trees. And SETNE gave a call:
'Whose is this tower?' And heard an answer: 'Here Dwells TA-BUVUe, daughter of the Seer Of Bast, she who is named The Beautiful.'
And SETNE entered and no man was near.
And up the garden ways he went, and cast His eyes on all and marvelled as he pa.s.sed: And TA-BUVUe came and held his hand And spoke: 'Now by the Holiness of Bast,
This day is happiness. Come to mine high Chamber, we two alone amid the sky.'
So up the stair they went, to a cool room Of turquoise wrought and lapis lazuli.
Couches were there, decked with fair linen strand Like PHARAOH'S couch; and cups of gold did stand On a great dresser, and a cup of gold Was filled with wine and laid in SETNE'S hand.
And TA-BUVUe said: 'Take wine and meat.'