Part 1 (2/2)
A war-lord's daughter and a war-lord's son, And fast bind NEFREKEPTA to the one, And me to the other; so his race would grow, But we two meet no more beneath the sun.
Now PHARAOH'S ancient Steward loved me well, And NEFREKEPTA too; and it befell, One day he watched me and the second day He spoke: 'AHURE, surely I can spell
A story that is written in four eyes.
Thou lovest NEFREKEPTA and likewise He loveth thee.' And I cried out: 'O friend, Speak unto PHARAOH quick, ere this day dies!
Pray that he give me to my cousin straight, Nor seek to make us two live separate.'
And he said: 'I will speak; for so the law Commandeth, by long ages consecrate;
The King's sons wed the daughters of the King.'
Then all my heart was like a water-spring Leaping; and soon he went and soon returned Sad, and reported of his counselling:
'I spake to PHARAOH, saying: ”Lord, may life Like RA'S be thine and glory in all strife!
Is it not meet that NEFREKEPTA take By ancient rule AHURE to his wife?
Let PHARAOH wed with PHARAOH; so shall pure PHARAOH be born:--the rule doth still endure.”
And PHARAOH spoke not, but his brow grew dark With trouble; and I said: ”O King, for sure
Thou hast some grief; say what doth vex thy brow?”
And PHARAOH said: ”None vexeth me but thou.
I have but two, and if those two be wed All PHARAOH'S fruit is hanging on one bough.
Nay, search and find me one great war-lord's son, Another war-lord's daughter. With the one And other let these children twain be wed.
So PHARAOH'S line on many threads shall run.”
Next day the hours pa.s.sed and the feast was set Before the King; and I was called ere yet The Lords came. And I stood before the King Not as of old, my heart being desolate.
And PHARAOH spake: 'AHURE, was it thou Didst send that message that hath made my brow Troubled, that with thy brother thou wouldst wed?'
And I said: 'Hath the King not made a vow,
A war-lord's daughter and a war-lord's son-- Behold us!--Let my brother take the one, And let the other take AHURE; so Shall PHARAOH'S race be great beneath the sun.'
And there I laughed; and PHARAOH laughed again, And called the Steward of the King's domain: 'Steward, this night to NEFREKEPTA'S house The maid AHURE take and all her train;
And all things beautiful go with her there.'
Thus I to NEFREKEPTA'S house did fare, And PHARAOH sent wrought silver and fine gold, And PHARAOH'S servants stood about my chair.
And NEFREKEPTA took with me delight, And feasted PHARAOH'S servants; and that night Was made our marriage, and we knew great joy, And never, never, failed I in his sight;