Part 1 (1/2)

Friend Island.

by Francis Stevens.

It was upon the waterfront that I first met her, in one of the shabby little tea shops frequented by able sailoresses of the poorer type.

The uptown, glittering resorts of the Lady Aviators' Union were not for such as she.

Stern of feature, bronzed by wind and sun, her age could only be guessed, but I surmised at once that in her I beheld a survivor of the age of turbines and oil engines--a true sea-woman of that elder time when woman's superiority to man had not been so long recognized. When, to emphasize their victory, women in all ranks were sterner than today's need demands.

The spruce, smiling young maidens--engine-women and stokers of the great aluminum rollers, but despite their profession, very neat in gold-braided blue knickers and boleros--these looked askance at the hard-faced relic of a harsher day, as they pa.s.sed in and out of the shop.

I, however, brazenly ignoring similar glances at myself, a mere male intruding on the haunts of the world's ruling s.e.x, drew a chair up beside the veteran. I ordered a full pot of tea, two cups and a plate of macaroons, and put on my most ingratiating air. Possibly my unconcealed admiration and interest were wiles not exercised in vain.

Or the macaroons and tea, both excellent, may have loosened the old sea-woman's tongue. At any rate, under cautious questioning, she had soon launched upon a series of reminiscences well beyond my hopes for color and variety.

”When I was a la.s.s,” quoth the sea-woman, after a time, ”there was none of this high-flying, gilt-edged, leather-stocking luxury about the sea. We sailed by the power of our oil and gasoline. If they failed on us, like as not 'twas the rubber ring and the rolling wave for ours.”

She referred to the archaic practice of placing a pneumatic affair called a life-preserver beneath the arms, in case of that dreaded disaster, now so unheard of, s.h.i.+pwreck.

”In them days there was still many a man bold enough to join our crews. And I've knowed cases,” she added condescendingly, ”where just by the muscle and brawn of such men some poor sailor la.s.s has reached sh.o.r.e alive that would have fed the sharks without 'em. Oh, I ain't so down on men as you might think. It's the spoiling of them that I don't hold with. There's too much preached nowadays that man is fit for nothing but to fetch and carry and do nurse-work in big child-homes.

To my mind, a man who hasn't the nerve of a woman ain't fitted to father children, let alone raise 'em. But that's not here nor there.

My time's past, and I know it, or I wouldn't be setting here gossipin'

to you, my lad, over an empty teapot.”

I took the hint, and with our cups replenished, she bit thoughtfully into her fourteenth macaroon and continued.

”There's one voyage I'm not likely to forget, though I live to be as old as Cap'n Mary Barnacle, of the _Shouter_. 'Twas aboard the old _Shouter_ that this here voyage occurred, and it was her last and likewise Cap'n Mary's. Cap'n Mary, she was then that decrepit, it seemed a mercy that she should go to her rest, and in good salt water at that.

”I remember the voyage for Cap'n Mary's sake, but most I remember it because 'twas then that I come the nighest in my life to committin'

matrimony. For a man, the man had nerve; he was nearer bein'

companionable than any other man I ever seed; and if it hadn't been for just one little event that showed up the--the _mannishness_ of him, in a way I couldn't abide, I reckon he'd be keepin' house for me this minute.”

”We cleared from Frisco with a cargo of silkateen petticoats for Brisbane. Cap'n Mary was always strong on petticoats. Leather breeches or even half-skirts would ha' paid far better, they being more in demand like, but Cap'n Mary was three-quarters owner, and says she, land women should buy petticoats, and if they didn't it wouldn't be the Lord's fault nor hers for not providing 'em.

”We cleared on a fine day, which is an all sign--or was, then when the weather and the seas o' G.o.d still counted in the trafficking of the humankind. Not two days out we met a whirling, mucking bouncer of a gale that well nigh threw the old _Shouter_ a full point off her course in the first wallop. She was a stout craft, though. None of your featherweight, gas-lightened, paper-thin alloy, but toughened aluminum from stern to stern. Her turbine drove her through the combers at a forty-five knot clip, which named her a speedy craft for a freighter in them days.

”But this night, as we tore along through the creaming green billows, something unknown went 'way wrong down below.

”I was forward under the shelter of her long over-sloop, looking for a hairpin I'd dropped somewheres about that afternoon. It was a gold hairpin, and gold still being mighty scarce when I was a girl, a course I valued it. But suddenly I felt the old _Shouter_ give a jump under my feet like a plane struck by a sh.e.l.l in full flight. Then she trembled all over for a full second, frightened like. Then, with the crash of doomsday ringing in my ears, I felt myself sailing through the air right into the teeth o' the shrieking gale, as near as I could judge. Down I come in the hollow of a monstrous big wave, and as my ears doused under I thought I heard a splash close by. Coming up, sure enough, there close by me was floating a new, patent, hermetic, thermo-ice-chest. Being as it was empty, and being as it was shut up air-tight, that ice-chest made as sweet a life-preserver as a woman could wish in such an hour. About ten foot by twelve, it floated high in the raging sea. Out on its top I scrambled, and hanging on by a handle I looked expectant for some of my poor fellow-women to come floating by. Which they never did, for the good reason that the _Shouter_ had blowed up and went below, petticoats, Cap'n Mary and all.”

”What caused the explosion?” I inquired.

”The Lord and Cap'n Mary Barnacle can explain,” she answered piously.

”Besides the oil for her turbines, she carried a power of gasoline for her alternative engines, and likely 'twas the cause of her ending so sudden like. Anyways, all I ever seen of her again was the empty ice-chest that Providence had well-nigh hove upon my head. On that I sat and floated, and floated and sat some more, till by-and-by the storm sort of blowed itself out, the sun come s.h.i.+ning--this was next morning--and I could dry my hair and look about me. I was a young la.s.s, then, and not bad to look upon. I didn't want to die, any more than you that's sitting there this minute. So I up and prays for land.

Sure enough toward evening a speck heaves up low down on the horizon.

At first I took it for a gas liner, but later found it was just a little island, all alone by itself in the great Pacific Ocean.