Part 20 (1/2)
47The time had come: Omvedt, Ambedkar Ambedkar, p. 61.
48If any admiration: B. R. Ambedkar, Annihilation of Caste Annihilation of Caste, pp. 8486.
49”Obviously, he would like”: B. R. Ambedkar, What Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables What Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables, p. 277.
50But there's suggestive: Rajmohan Gandhi, Gandhi Gandhi, p. 597.
51”a flair for action”: Nehru, Toward Freedom Toward Freedom, p. 240.
52He also knew that: This is made clear in a discussion between Nehru and Mahadev Desai, on August 23, 1934, summarized in an as-yet-unpublished English translation of a portion of Mahadev Desai's diary on file at the Gandhi Memorial Library, pp. 12124.
53This provoked the Bengali: Tendulkar, Mahatma Mahatma, vol. 3, p. 205.
54”Life ceases to interest me”: Ibid., p. 215.
55”If Mr. Gandhi now feels”: Ibid., pp. 215, 217.
56He was thus maneuvered: Ibid., p. 216.
57An early conclusion: The reports by colonial officials on the Gandhi tour are on file in the archive of the Nehru Memorial Museum. Many but not all of these reports have been excerpted in Ray, Gandhi's Campaign Against Untouchability Gandhi's Campaign Against Untouchability.
58”I am quite sure”: Tendulkar, Mahatma Mahatma, vol. 3, p. 281.
59”We can't even say”: Unpublished English translation of a portion of Mahadev Desai's diary, for autumn 1934, on file at the Gandhi Memorial Library. See p. 162.
60”The only way we can”: Tendulkar, Mahatma Mahatma, vol. 3, p. 280.
61Near the end of the tour: Ray, Gandhi's Campaign Against Untouchability Gandhi's Campaign Against Untouchability, p. 220.
62It so preoccupied him: Rajmohan Gandhi, Gandhi Gandhi, p. 362.
63”Anything more opposed”: Nehru, Toward Freedom Toward Freedom, p. 301.
64Tagore said Gandhi's logic: Rajmohan Gandhi, Gandhi Gandhi, pp. 36263.
65”Our sins and errors”: Tendulkar, Mahatma Mahatma, vol. 3, p. 250.
66”I would be untruthful”: Ibid., p. 251.
67The sanatanists were: Nayar, Preparing for Swaraj Preparing for Swaraj, pp. 2078.
68In Poona, near the end: Ray, Gandhi's Campaign against Untouchability Gandhi's Campaign against Untouchability, p. 178.
69”Dr. Ambedkar complained”: Ibid., pp. 4647.
70”the growing pauperism”: CWMG CWMG, 2nd ed., vol. 65, pp. 17879.
71”I have lost the power”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 59, p. 218.
72He ended the tour at Wardha: Tendulkar, Mahatma Mahatma, vol. 3, p. 282.
73”The sanatanists are now”: Ibid., p. 283.
74”a profound error for me”: Ibid., p. 297.
75He was going in the opposite: Ibid., pp. 280, 296.
76”None of them knows”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 61, p. 403, cited in Brown, Gandhi Gandhi, p. 292.
77”What I am aiming for”: Tendulkar, Mahatma Mahatma, vol. 4, p. 304.
1”The villagers have a lifeless life”: Nayar, Preparing for Swaraj Preparing for Swaraj, p. 301.
2”a mechanical performance”: Harijan Harijan, Aug. 17, 1934.
3Later he allowed himself: CWMG CWMG, vol. 60, p. 58.
4”We have to work away”: Tendulkar, Mahatma Mahatma, vol. 5, p. 245.
5”We have to become speechless”: CWMG CWMG, 2nd ed., vol. 65, p. 432.
6Now, by working again: CWMG CWMG, vol. 59, p. 179.
7Once he resolved: Ibid, p. 312.
8”Wardha became the de facto”: Weber, Gandhi as Disciple and Mentor Gandhi as Disciple and Mentor, p. 104.
9By the end of the decade: Tendulkar, Mahatma Mahatma, vol. 5, pp. 1718.
10”shame some j.a.panese”: Ibid., p. 14.
11”You must not”: Ibid., p. 15. It's not clear whether a translator, editor, or Gandhi himself was responsible for this odd misuse of the word ”clout” for what might have been termed a codpiece, breechcloth, cup, or even ”jewel case.” In one of its more obscure definitions, ”clout” can refer to a leather or iron patch.
12”Who knows”: Ibid., p. 347.
13As might have been expected: Payne, Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi Life and Death of Mahatma Gandhi, pp. 46465. Also see Rajmohan Gandhi, Gandhi Gandhi, pp. 4067.
14”The people are completely shameless”: Narayan Desai, The Fire and the Rose The Fire and the Rose, pp. 6012.
15No road, as yet: Slade, Spirit's Pilgrimage Spirit's Pilgrimage, pp. 2023.
16”If you will cooperate”: CWMG CWMG, vol. 62, p. 332.
17”a very charming”: Slade, Spirit's Pilgrimage Spirit's Pilgrimage, p. 203.