Part 41 (2/2)
”I have made a little money once or twice on the Stock Exchange,” she remarked, ”but I didn't have to carry my broker about in my pocket afterwards.”
”Seaman is a good-hearted little fellow, and he loves companions.h.i.+p. He will drift away presently, and one won't see anything of him for ages.”
”Henry began to wonder,” she concluded drily, ”whether you were going to stand for Parliament on the Anglo-German alliance ticket.”
Dominey laughed as he caught Middleton's reproachful eye in the doorway of the farmer's kitchen in which they were hunching. He gave the signal to rise.
”I have had some thoughts of Parliament,” he admitted, ”but--well, Henry need not worry.”
The next morning saw the breaking-up of Dominey's carefully arranged shooting party. The Prince took his host's arm and led him to one side for a few moments, as the cars were being loaded up. His first few words were of formal thanks. He spoke then more intimately.
”Von Ragastein,” he said, ”I desire to refer back for a moment to our conversation the other day.”
Dominey shook his head and glanced behind.
”I know only one name here, Prince.”
”Dominey, then. I will confess that you play and carry the part through perfectly. I have known English gentlemen all my life, and you have the trick of the thing. But listen. I have already told you of my disapproval of this scheme in which you are the central figure.”
”It is understood,” Dominey a.s.sented.
”That,” the Prince continued, ”is a personal matter. What I am now going to say to you is official. I had despatches from Berlin last night. They concern you.”
Dominey seemed to stiffen a little.
”I am given to understand,” the Amba.s.sador continued, ”that you practically exist only in the event of that catastrophe which I, for one, cannot foresee. I am a.s.sured that if your expose should take place at any time, your personation will be regarded as a private enterprise, and there is nothing whatever to connect you with any political work.”
”Up to the present that is absolutely so,” Dominey agreed.
”I am further advised to look upon you as my unnamed and unsuspected successor here, in the event of war. For that reason I am begged to inaugurate terms of intimacy with you, to treat you with the utmost confidence, and, if the black end should come, to leave in your hands all such unfulfilled work as can be continued in secrecy and silence. I perhaps express myself in a somewhat confused manner.”
”I understand perfectly,” Dominey replied. ”The authorities have changed their first idea as to my presence here. They want to keep every shadow of suspicion away from me, so that in the event of war I shall have an absolutely unique position, an unsuspected yet fervently patriotic German, living hand in glove with the upper of English Society.
One can well imagine that there would be work for me.”
”Our understanding is mutual,” Terniloff declared. ”What I have to say to you, therefore, is that I hope you will soon follow us to London and give me the opportunity of offering you the constant hospitality of Carlton House Gardens.”
”You are very kind, Prince,” Dominey said. ”My instructions are, as soon as I have consolidated my position here--an event which I fancy I may consider attained--to establish myself in London and to await orders. I trust that amongst other things you will then permit me to examine the memoirs you spoke of the other day.”
”Naturally, and with the utmost pleasure,” the Amba.s.sador a.s.sented.
”They are a faithful record of my interviews and negotiations with certain Ministers here, and they reflect a desire and intention for peace which will, I think, amaze you. I venture now upon a somewhat delicate question,” he continued, changing the subject of their conversation abruptly, as they turned back along the terrace. ”Lady Dominey will accompany you?”
”Of that I am not sure,” Dominey replied thoughtfully. ”I have noticed, Prince, if I may be allowed to say so, your chivalrous regard for that lady. You will permit me to a.s.sure you that in the peculiar position in which I am placed I shall never forget that she is the wife of Everard Dominey.”