Part 5 (2/2)
She was puzzled, but absolutely unconvinced.
”You mean to deny that you are Leopold Von Ragastein?” she asked incredulously. ”You do not know me?”
”Madam,” he answered, ”it is not my great pleasure. My name is Dominey--Everard Dominey.”
She seemed for a moment to be struggling with some embarra.s.sment which approached emotion. Then she laid her fingers upon his sleeve and drew him to a more retired corner of the little apartment.
”Leopold,” she whispered, ”nothing can make it wrong or indiscreet for you to visit me. My address is 17, Belgrave Square. I desire to see you to-night at seven o'clock.”
”But, my dear lady,” Dominey began--
Her eyes suddenly glowed with a new light.
”I will not be trifled with,” she insisted. ”If you wish to succeed in whatever scheme you have on hand, you must not make an enemy of me. I shall expect you at seven o'clock.”
She pa.s.sed away from him into the restaurant. Mr. Mangan, now freed from his friends, rejoined his host, and the two men took their places at the side table to which they were ushered with many signs of attention.
”Wasn't that the Princess Eiderstrom with whom you were talking?” the solicitor asked curiously.
”A lady addressed me by mistake,” Dominey explained. ”She mistook me, curiously enough, for a man who used to be called my double at Oxford.
Sigismund Devinter he was then, although I think he came into a t.i.tle later on.”
”The Princess is quite a famous personage,” Mr. Mangan remarked, ”one of the richest widows in Europe. Her husband was killed in a duel some six or seven years ago.”
Dominey ordered the luncheon with care, slipping into a word or two of German once to a.s.sist the waiter, who spoke English with difficulty. His companion smiled.
”I see that you have not forgotten your languages out there in the wilds.”
”I had no chance to,” Dominey answered. ”I spent five years on the borders of German East Africa, and I traded with some of the fellows there regularly.”
”By the by,” Mr. Mangan enquired, ”what sort of terms are we on with the Germans out there?”
”Excellent, I should think,” was the careless reply. ”I never had any trouble.”
”Of course,” the lawyer continued, ”this will all be new to you, but during the last few years Englishmen have become divided into two people who believe that the Germans wish to go to war and crush us, and those who don't.”
”Then since my return the number of the 'don'ts' has been increased by one.”
”I am amongst the doubtfuls myself,” Mr. Mangan remarked. ”All the same, I can't quite see what Germany wants with such an immense army, and why she is continually adding to her fleet.”
Dominey paused for a moment to discuss the matter of a sauce with the head waiter. He returned to the subject a few minutes later on, however.
”Of course,” he pointed out, ”my opinions can only come from a study of the newspapers and from conversations with such Germans as I have met out in Africa, but so far as her army is concerned, I should have said that Russia and France were responsible for that, and the more powerful it is, the less chance of any European conflagration. Russia might at any time come to the conclusion that a war is her only salvation against a revolution, and you know the feeling in France about Alsace-Lorraine as well as I do. The Germans themselves say that there is more interest in military matters and more progress being made in Russia to-day than ever before.”
”I have no doubt that you are right,” agreed Mr. Mangan. ”It is a matter which is being a great deal discussed just now, however. Let us speak of your personal plans. What do you intend to do for the next few weeks, say? Have you been to see any of your relatives yet?”