Chapter 226 – Chapter 48 – Myth (2/2)
“I’m sorry, are you leaving me out?”
Carack laughed in In-gong’s imagination, and In-gong laughed as well.
The light continued. The white light from the Sanctuary wrapped around In-gong. It became one with the power of Conquest and grew even more. The red dragon used his magic power. Simultaneously, In-gong also exuded an enormous magic power with an angry cry.
Everyone looked at In-gong, and it was accepted by all. The strongest person in the Demon World…
Protector of the Demon World… The demon king… In-gong was the one who took over the throne from the sura king, Mitra!
The magics of the red dragon collided with In-gong in midair. The tremendous collision created a vicious magic vortex in the air. However, this was just a skirmish. Each of the red dragon’s seven heads had different powers.
In-gong wasn’t watching quietly, and the protagonist brought all his strength together.
Felicia and Caitlin, who stood right beside In-gong, roared simultaneously. The two people awakened as apostles of Conquest. Felicia, who was on the verge of exhaustion from faster than the wind, laughed. Meanwhile, Caitlin raised up the full strength of her wilderness and revealed a beautiful beast-like person.
In fact, it wasn’t just the two of them. Call had been used despite the fact that In-gong hadn’t cried out a name. The King’s Knights gathered through In-gong’s power. Nayatra looked around her with a surprised expression as a mighty magic power moved around her body. Her purple hair blew in the wind. Vandal was also reborn as an apostle. He grew to a huge size reminiscent of a giant. Karma, who had already experienced the apostle upgrade, dealt with her power skillfully, and many spirits gathered around her.
Silvan stood beside Felicia. The power of Conquest allowed him complete control over the fairy.
“My master.”
The white woman said in a sweet voice, while Green Wind, who had become the goddess of the wind, cried out competitively.
“What a mess, a mess.”
Carack laughed before blowing the horn again. It was to spread news to the whole Demon World that a new demon king had ascended. The black sky shook, and the white crack broke the red moon.
Chris burst out laughing. It was right before the decisive battle, but he couldn’t help wanting to laugh. He envied Caitlin, Felicia, and Silvan who were gathered in one place. He should’ve closed his eyes and entered the King’s Knights.
Anastasia admitted it. It was curiously comforting. Maybe she had known that this was going to happen. No, she had definitely known. She had guessed it since the moment she’d been saved by In-gong in Curtis.
A smile appeared on her face. Anastasia had thought she would be upset, but she wasn’t. Baikal orabeoni’s words were right. They weren’t enemies, they were competitors. However, In-gong was just more suitable to becoming the demon king.
Then she remembered the words that Felicia and Caitlin always said.
‘Truly, Shutra.’
Zephyr closed his eyes, simply accepting it. He was a prince of the Demon World and out of reach of War’s madness, Famine’s greed, and Death’s darkness. Zephyr was only responsible for his duties.
‘It’s okay, Zephyr is still the coolest to me! And keep this a secret, but you are better than Erebos! Kyah! It will be okay! I’m telling you!’
Altesia’s voice was heard in his head. She used message magic on such useless words, but Zephyr couldn’t help smiling.
Warrior Locke grabbed another sword while listening to the sound of the horn in the sky. Guardian Queian had given him another powerful sword which contained the magic of a dragon. The true Drakon Kechatulla had returned, but Locke was still a warrior of the Human World. Beatrice prayed while Carlov tied his hair up.
Seven pillars of light emerged from the red dragon’s seven heads. At the same time, In-gong and everyone else started to move. Rather than fleeing from the fearsome power of destruction, they faced it head on.
The sword duke wielded his sword. He cut through one pillar of light like he’d done with the tsunami of undead. Silvan and Felicia held hands and used the magic power of the fairy to block one light column.
Zephyr and Quanta blocked another pillar. Altesia and Beatrice used their miracles of light and darkness to crush one light pillar, while Locke roared and attacked another.
Five pillars of light were thwarted. One of the remaining two were handled by the queens. Sylvia’s and Titania’s powers twisted the trajectory of the light pillar, while Elaine concentrated the auras of the Blood Companions and destroyed the light pillar.
One pillar of light remained. In-gong rushed toward it as it extended straight to the Sanctuary. Caitlin followed In-gong. He moved through the air and aimed White Eagle at the giant pillar of light. Then Green Wind cried out with him!
“Absolute Area!”
It was White Eagle’s super special move! A brilliant green light collided with the column of light and split it into hundreds of branches. The trajectory was reflected, and the branches aimed for the red dragon instead.
However, In-gong didn’t stop. He reached for Caitlin’s waist while casting another skill.
‘Black Specter.’
He triggered the super special move of Night Watch, Violent Kaltein’s equipment.
In-gong turned into blue smoke. There was the sound of hundreds of wings flapping as he rushed toward the red dragon.