Chapter 187 – Chapter 39: Ghosts #2 (1/2)
Chapter 187 – Chapter 39: Ghosts #2
The door was broken. Simultaneously, In-gong shot down the hallway while expanding the mini-map. It wasn’t hard to find her location because Felicia belonged to the King’s Knights.
‘Too far away!’
If he used Wind Style, he could get there in a few minutes. However, he felt like a few minutes was still too long. What would he do if something happened in the meantime? In-gong had already lost his temper when he heard Felicia scream. The image of Felicia protecting Silvan from the Famine Knight popped into his head, and he felt a surge of fear.
Carack shouted from behind him, in attempt to restrain him, but In-gong didn’t care.
It wasn’t a simple call. This was the powerful Call of the King’s Knights.
He would normally have refrained from using it because he didn’t know what Felicia was doing. However, now wasn’t the time to consider such things. The moment he shouted the command, the space in front of him opened, and Felicia was revealed.
“Shock Wave!”
Felicia cast a spell as she appeared in front of In-gong. It was because she had activated the magic the moment that Call was used.
Felicia tried to stop the magic when she saw In-gong, but it was already too late. A powerful shock wave hit In-gong. However, In-gong’s body was able to withstand this level of magic. He didn’t resist the moment the shock wave struck, but instead of being blown into the air, he used strength to flip and land on the ground.
Normally, a shock wave would cause blood and vomiting, but In-gong was fine. Felicia’s attempt to stop the shock wave at the last minute had weakened the magic, but In-gong’s durability itself was very high.
“I’m okay! Is Noona okay?”
In-gong asked loudly, and Felicia flinched with surprise before nodding. She looked around in a voice mixed with embarrassment.
“Uh, yes. I see you used Call.”
Felicia was reminded of the fight at the 12th base of Curtis. Her breathing was probably rough due to her surprise.
“Princess, what is going on? The fog is strange!”
Carack asked Felicia. No matter how familiar she was with Carack, she could not help but feel fear as the rough looking Carack approached. Felicia flinched again before shouting,
“I don’t know. This is the first time this has happened!”
Felicia stayed at the Demon King’s Palace more often than at the Dark Elves’ Palace, but she had still spent a third of her 20 years at the Sky Forest. This was a phenomenon which had never been present in the records.
Right then, In-gong used Dragon Words again. Due to the exposed side wall, the fog entered directly and banshees were forming. At that moment, Carack remembered something and took a step closer to Felicia.
“Delia! What is Delia’s situation right now?”
She was always with Felicia. Felicia had screamed, so maybe Delia was in a dangerous situation. However, it was groundless. If there really was a dangerous situation, then Felicia would be the first one to return to Delia.
Felicia replied calmly,
“She will be fine. I wasn’t in danger. I just screamed because I was confused. A banshee suddenly appeared in front of me. So, Delia will be fine. Yes, I bet on it.”
It seemed like Felicia was reassuring herself, rather than Carack. Felicia explained the situation in a bit more detail. According to her, she had been walking along the corridor with Delia and two servants when she encountered a banshee. After hearing about the growing number of banshees, In-gong spoke to Felicia and Carack,
“Then let’s move on. First we need to secure the safety of Caitlin noona.”
After securing Felicia, the next one was Caitlin. Felicia was familiar with ghosts and spirits because she was a magician, but there was no telling how Caitlin would react to the banshees. Caitlin was also a magician, but she could only use some spells for combat support.
Felicia had a subtle expression on her face, but she quickly nodded. She was also concerned about Caitlin. Caitlin’s and Chris’s rooms were somewhat distant from In-gong’s room. If this were an ordinary mansion, the guest rooms would be close to each other, but this was the palace of the dark elves. Moreover, a distinction had been made between males and females, so the gap between rooms was quite substantial.
They saw banshees in the hallway as the magic power of the fog became stronger. The sound of dark elves screaming, not banshees, could be heard in many places.
In-gong gritted his teeth and used Wind Style. Carack and Felicia were together, so it wouldn’t be a big problem to go first. Like Felicia, Caitlin was a member of the King’s Knights, so he had no trouble finding her room. As soon as he arrived at the guest room, In-gong used the divine flame to break through the door.
The moment that In-gong shouted, several banshees exploded before him.
Caitlin blinked with surprise and greeted In-gong. There was a considerable number of dead banshees in the room.
“This, pant, before, pant, guess, pant…”
Felicia breathed roughly as she arrived behind him. Caitlin didn’t have blood covering her body like at the time of the Red Lightning tribe mission, but In-gong was reminded of that time. Even Seira standing beside her was unharmed.
In-gong thought Caitlin was scared of ghosts, but that was a mistake. Rather, Caitlin’s eyes were shining like lanterns. It was at this moment that there was a deafening roar from behind them.
It was Chris. Felicia covered her ears reflexively with a frown while, In-gong grabbed Caitlin’s hand.