Chapter 129 - Chapter 22: Dragon Heart #3 (1/2)
Chapter 129 – Chapter 22: Dragon Heart #3
The Moonlight Core and Starlight Core continued to be connected.
In-gong and Caitlin influenced each other. In-gong had three aura hearts, while Caitlin had two. The dragon style which came from the dragon heart headed toward Caitlin. The aura which was exchanged through the Moonlight Core and Starlight Core painted their auras with both colours.
The quad-core was a great force, but the penta-core was more than that. It wasn’t simply the addition of one aura heart.
The aura flow was bigger and stronger, and the aura recovery rate was faster as well. In a short time, Caitlin’s body, which had consumed an enormous amount of aura, filled with a new aura.
In-gong didn’t capture all the aura. Instead of controlling the enormous power of the penta-core, he released it. The white aura emerged from In-gong’s body like fire, and the dark blue aura twisted with the white.
The aura’s density was different. It wasn’t a mild light. For a moment, In-gong seemed like the sun.
Aura was life force. Everyone had it, so everyone could feel the power. It wasa force which could be understood better than any other.
The lycanthropes were astounded, and the barbarians trembled in fear.
However, the barbarian king smiled, and he laughed loudly.
“Aura! It is the same as War!”
It was meaningless to everyone except for In-gong, but it didn’t matter.
The barbarian increased the power of his Body Hardening one step further. His body became redder, stronger and harder.
The aura of War surrounded the barbarian king, and In-gong stared straight at him. The barbarian king was inherently strong. In-gong hadn’t struggled against Gerard just because of the power of Famine, but Gerard himself was powerful as well.
So, it wasn’t just the power of War—In-gong needed to concentrate on the barbarian king himself.
Barbarian King Karatus…
A person who was more incredible than Vandal. When it came to just the power of the body, he was superior to any enemies In-gong had faced so far. From the beginning, it had been all about power. He couldn’t drag this out too long.
In-gong took a step forward. While the barbarians and lycanthropes were still in shock, he triggered Wind Style. There was no noise. There were no signs. The moment that massive amount of aura was released, In-gong’s body appeared beside the barbarian king.
The barbarian king hadn’t seen In-gong move, but he was a natural warrior and wielded Skull Crusher instinctively.
In-gong saw it. Naturally, he reached out his left hand and triggered Great Mountain.
The pushing force collided with Skull Crusher. The brutal force tried to destroy Great Mountain, but it didn’t work. Great Mountain diverted Skull Crusher’s trajectory. As it struck the ground, In-gong took one step and aimed for the barbarian king.
The barbarian king once again instinctively tried to defend. He strengthened his front parts, such as his chest and abdomen, through Body Hardening. The change occurred in the blink of an eye, almost creating a fortress in the front of the body.
However, In-gong didn’t pay attention to it. He knew the barbarian king would do this. Instead of using a fist, he stretched out his palm. The barbarian king felt something ominous and opened his eyes, but it was already too late. In-gong’s palm just touched the abdomen of the barbarian king.
A technique of Divine Sura Authority was triggered.
It was an attack that destroyed the enemy’s aura from within!
A rough aura, like an angry wolf, dug inside the barbarian king. The hard, external shell was no use. The tremendous aura devastated the barbarian king’s insides. His life force was damaged.
The barbarian king coughed up blood, and his red flesh returned to its normal state. The blow was so severe that Body Hardening was turned off.
However, he wasn’t thrown back like Paratus had been. The barbarian king swallowed down the pain and pushed strength through his entire body. It was enough to make In-gong admire his patience and durability.
In-gong didn’t panic. He hadn’t thought the barbarian king would fall with just this, so he pulled back his palm and rotated his body. The barbarian king had been able to withstand Arang, but this strong kick to his abdomen pushed him back.
At the same time, a huge amount of aura spread. It was a sense of pushing, rather than destruction. The barbarian was thrown back into the sky and flew 20 meters. He would have flown much further if he hadn’t encountered so many barbarian warriors.
The barbarian king slammed into the ground. Instead of pursuing the barbarian king, In-gong chose to take some time to breathe.
It seemed like ages, but only a few dozen seconds had passed in reality. In-gong looked atthe mini-map. Vandal was moving toward In-gong’s side with his troops. In the rear, Takar’s troops were fighting the barbarians, and the lycanthropes were still surrounded by barbarians.
In-gong stretched out his hand. He recovered the king’s flag from Carack and penetrated it into the ground, spreading the power of Conquest. A ray of light shot up into the sky. As Conquest spread like a shockwave, the lycanthropes were covered with the white energy.
After confirming In-gong’s position through the light, the movements of Vandal and other high ranking members became more active. Additionally, the lycanthropes regained the strength to fight.
Caitlin approached In-gong. She hadn’t adapted to the penta-core yet. It was like a flooding river of aura, so it was hard to control it. However, she was a genius, and it wasn’t long before she bound back the floor of aura.
In-gong watched the barbarian king while asking Caitlin,
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, it isn’t my blood.”
Despite the pain, Caitlin spoke in a bright voice to reassure In-gong. She was always like this.
In-gong glanced at Caitlin and smiled. He adjusted the penta-core to alleviate some of the burden on Caitlin, then he breathed out and formed a fist.
“He’s coming.”
In-gong declared. The barbarian king was standing up. He was indeed strong. He wasn’t an opponent who could be defeated with just a few surprise attacks.
However, In-gong wasn’t afraid, and it wasn’t just because of the penta-core.
Then Caitlin grabbed In-gong’s hand. The connection between them was strengthened for a while, and the white aura and dark blue aura mixed together.
Caitlin said, and In-gong nodded. The two people let go of their hands as the barbarian king moved. Skull Crusher was giving off a formidable aura. The barbarian king was changing the way he fought.