Chapter 125 - Chapter 21: Barbarians #4 (1/2)
Chapter 125 – Chapter 21: Barbarians #4
“The ebb and flow of peace.”
“A short peace.”
It had been a day since arriving at the second base and two days after the battle with the pursuing army.
The remnants of Vandal’s army had been able to gather. There were Vandal’s original soldiers and the handful of soldiers belonging to the third base which had collapsed. They had saved approximately 2,000 troops, and Vandal still had approximately 2,000 troops when In-gong saved him. So, it was around 4,000 in total.
‘Vandal originally had an army of 9,000… This is moderately good.’
It was nearly half of his army.
It was a significant achievement considering General Vandal had been defeated by the barbarian king. Moreover, it had only been two days, and this many soldiers had already been recovered. As time passed, more troops were gathering, so In-gong could expect that number to grow in the next few days.
“It is a short but precious peace. Why don’t you rest for today? You were moving around a lot yesterday.”
Carack offered with a smile, and In-gong nodded his head slowly.
In-gong had been busy circulating around the second base yesterday and helping with the scattered troops. Thanks to sharing Green Wind’s gaze and the mini-map, he had been able to achieve significant results, but the fatigue had accumulated. Come to think of it, he hadn’t had a proper night of sleep since he first left Takar.
“Yes, I want to relax today.”
Of course, he couldn’t really afford to relax. However, he needed to rest to restore his spirit.
In-gong answered and stretched out on a long chair. In-gong was currently at the second base, which contained fairly high quality accommodations as they were for generals to stay in.
Unlike the sixth and seventh bases, which were closer to supply points, the second base was truly a fortress, so the scale was different. The walls were high and durable, and there were many rooms in the base.
Carack looked at In-gong lying down, and he sat down on one of the empty seats. It was similar to a reception room, so there were plenty of chairs beside the one that In-gong was lying on. Carack was as tired as In-gong, so the two of them rested in silence instead of talking. After many minutes passed… there was the sound of knocking.
“Shutra, I’m entering.”
Felicia’s voice was heard from outside the door. Before In-gong could reply, the door opened and Felicia and Delia entered the room, with Caitlin and Seira following them.
“Did you get some rest?”
Felicia asked as she saw In-gong lounging on the long chair. It was obvious that she was asking for a seat, so In-gong lowered his legs and got up into a sitting position.
“Somewhat. Noona, aren’t you tired? You look a little thin.”
Felicia sat down at the end of the long chair and scoffed at In-gong’s words.
“Someone drove me harshly day and night.”
“I know that I am a bad guy.”
“Yes, you have a conscience.”
In-gong and Felicia stared at each other and then laughed.
“Well, it was still my choice. It is my natural duty as a princess.”
Felicia had exhausted her magic until she had been on the verge of fainting almost everyday for a week. In-gong’s super fast plan would have failed from the beginning if it hadn’t been for Felicia’s painful sacrifice.
“Daphne is ill, but she is also very satisfied. Not only did we manage to save three bases, but we managed to save General Vandal as well.”
Felicia made a very pleased expression. She had a lot of pride because she rescued a lot of people, including Vandal, but she also liked Daphne’s attitude.
In-gong nodded in agreement, then he took a potion from his inventory and handed it to Felicia.
“Now, you should take this. I will need you tomorrow as well.”
It was a white potion for restoring fatigue. Felicia received the potion bottle reflexively and stared at In-gong with a pout.
“Aren’t you really too much?”
She looked at Caitlin for support. Caitlin nodded and replied with only one word,
Many things were implied in that word, and Felicia laughed.
“That’s right. It is Shutra.”
“I’d prefer if you stop that.”
Caitlin laughed at In-gong’s request and sat down beside Felicia. Felicia hugged Caitlin and said to In-gong,
“Here, take this.”
In-gong asked, and Felicia glanced at Delia before giving a signal. Delia approached In-gong with a long box in her hands.
“It is late but happy birthday. This is my birthday present.”
It was moderately luxurious, so it didn’t seem to be prepared in a rush.
In-gong made a surprised expression, and Caitlin explained,
“I heard Baikal orabeoni’s words at the tea party that it would be Shutra’s birthday soon. So, when we were in Takar, I went shopping with Unni.”
The tea party had been right before their departure, so there had been no way to prepare a present in the Demon King’s Palace.
“Oh, is that so?”
“Uh, yes. I wanted to buy you a present, so I agreed to go there.”
Felicia said with a laugh.
In-gong understood what had happened in Takar. He had thought it was a bit odd that they separated with just Carack watching In-gong, but he had never thought there would be a reason like this.
“This is my gift, and Caitlin has a separate one. Open it quickly.”
Felicia prompted, and In-gong quickly accepted the box. His heart was throbbing.
“Open it quickly.”
Carack urged In-gong like he was curious. In-gong opened the box and blinked.
“Uh, a drink?”
Inside the black box, there was a bottle of classy, dark blue wine.
“You are 15 years old, so you can drink now.”
He didn’t know if it was based on dark elf standards, gandharva standards or the standards of the Demon King’s Palace.
Felicia explained further,
“The first alcohol must be learnt properly. I also learnt to drink with this wine. It is a great drink, so learn well from it.”
When she finished talking, she winked softly. It seemed like Felicia wanted to learn with him. However, it wasn’t just Felicia. Carrack also had a similar expression.