Chapter 106 - Chapter 17: Test #5 (1/2)
Chapter 106 - Chapter 17: Test #5
In-gong opened the sealed red envelope and pulled out a beautifully folded piece of stationery.
Although it was a somewhat slow response, In-gong tilted the letter gently and smelled it.
It didn’t seem to be poisoned.
Flora would have confirmed it already, so it would be a big deal if something was wrong. However, In-gong had Hundred Poisons Resistance, so he confirmed it himself.
After completing a rough check, In-gong opened the letter, on which there were words written in a beautiful font.
My dear brother, Shutra Ignus,
I don’t know what is going on, but all of my siblings are gathered at the Demon King’s Palace.
Although we couldn’t communicate properly at the court gathering, it was very nice to see everyone’s faces.
Shutra, as you know, all of us have the same mission this time. The departure will be in one week.
This is an important mission that involves danger to the Demon World, but I think it is a great opportunity. After all, it is uncommon for all of us to gather at the Demon King’s Palace.
Before we leave on our missions in a week’s time, I hope to have a meeting between siblings. Wouldn’t it be nice to see each other’s faces and have a good chat?
Two days before departure, in the afternoon, I will hold a small tea party where all of our siblings are invited.
I’d like to invite you.
-Baikal Ragnaros.’
The contents were simple and affectionate for a letter written by royalty, but the royalty of the Demon World was different from the human world.
In-gong read it quickly and handed the letter over to the curious Chris and Felicia.
“Baikal orabeoni.”
Felicia nodded and turned to ask Flora a question. She asked in a friendly tone,
”Flora, was there anything else?”
”I’ve been told that in addition to 9th Prince, the same letter has been delivered to the mansions of the other princes and princesses.”
The letter was an invitation to all the children of the demon king. Chris smiled and said with narrowed eyes,
”A tea party involving all the children of the demon king. This is the first time.”
In the first place, it was rare for all the children of the demon king to be gathered at the castle.
Caitlin, who wanted to get close to the other children of the demon king, thought the idea of a joint tea party was brilliant.
Felicia alternated looking between Chris and Caitlin and shrugged.
”Like Baikal orabeoni said, a gathering like this is uncommon. Even if everyone is gathered, we will soon scatter. Anyway, isn’t Baikal orabeoni very busy?”
Not only did Baikal take missions as the eldest son of the demon king, he was also on the forefront as a general.
He spent most of the year on the frontlines, so he didn’t stay at the Demon King’s Palace.
A joint tea party.
All the children of the demon king gathered in one place.
The expression in Chris’ eyes became complicated.
”I don’t feel like it.”
As expected from Chris.
It was rare for the lycanthrope siblings to attend official events, so it went without saying that the result would be the same for information gatherings such a tea parties.
'Certainly, he didn’t attend in Knight Saga either.’
Although it was different this time, Baikal had held several joint tea parties in Knight Saga. The participants had been different every time and there were some who never participated.
Caitlin’s expression became grumpy as she heard Chris’ murmur. Her eyes asked, ‘Will we also be absent this time?’
Chris pinched Caitlin’s cheeks. He laughed and turned toward In-gong.
“However, this time, we won’t be alone. I will follow everyone’s will.”
Caitlin’s eyes widened. She turned towards In-gong and Felicia, and Felicia spoke with a mischievous expression.
”The purpose itself isn’t bad. I don’t think Baikal orabeoni will be orchestrating something bad. Though... it is a little uncomfortable meeting Zephyr orabeoni and Anastasia unni at this point.”
So, was she participating or not?
Felicia felt Caitlin’s nervousness and nodded with a loud laugh.
”I will participate.”
”I will follow Felicia’s will.”
Silvan agreed. In-gong was the only one left.
Caitlin's voice was impatient. Instead of answering, In-gong raised his arm slowly with a very serious expression. Caitlin’s expression showed ‘restlessness’ while Felicia and Chris tried not to laugh.
In-gong said with a smile,
“I need to participate. There is no reason not to.”
Caitlin’s expression became brighter. It was like a flower was in full bloom.
”It is nice to have a good relationship between siblings.”
“Sword Duke.”
The sword duke interrupted their conversation with a laugh and got up.
”Prince, I will go back now. I will be sure to go out the front gate.”
The sword duke had visited the 9th Prince’s mansion.
The meaning of that one fact was quite large and it was impossible for the sword duke to not know the meaning of it.
”Thank you for your consideration.”
In-gong shook hands with the sword duke.
”I don’t know if I should be praised for that. Also, if possible, I’d like to see you once again before you leave. I am curious about the progress of the Divine Sura Authority.”
”Okay, do check our achievements before we leave.”
Silvan’s eyes shone as he heard the conversation. His nervous face resembled Caitlin’s, who was eager to participate in the tea party.
However, Silvan could not get any words out. This was due to another person speaking.
”If you’re leaving, go quickly. Why are you talking for so long?”
Amita slammed their tail against the ground angrily. The sword duke laughed and looked down at Amita.
”I’m glad that you’re so cute.”
”What cuteness? I’m not cute!”
Amita protested, but it wasn’t very convincing.
The sword duke didn’t stay any longer.
“I’m going.”
He said briefly and left. Flora hurriedly followed behind the sword duke.
Amita glanced after the sword duke, then looked up at In-gong.
”I’m tired. 9th Prince, can you give me Earth Quaker and White Eagle now? I will work on it immediately.”
Having Amita as his personal craftsman was something In-gong had never dreamt about until now. Amita’s head would be full of the readjustment for the next week.
Felicia quickly interrupted.
”Amita, what about Silvan’s sword?”
”Don't pressure me, no pressure.”
Amita looked up at In-gong and he nodded, pulling out White Eagle and Earth Quaker from his inventory.
”Thank you, Amita.”