Part 1 (2/2)
However, when I emerged from the reeds, I saw the dear old fellow standing as still as if he were in his stable. But now came another difficulty with my lame leg, I could not put a foot into the stirrup, perhaps he might have been in a circus and taught to lay down, so I began kicking his forelegs and lifting up one and then the other--but no--he had no idea of it: then I thought I would lash his feet together with the bridle and throw him down, but there might be some difficulty in my remaining on his back when he floundered to get up, well, if the worst comes to the worst, I will lash myself to his tail and make him tow me home; but an idea struck me, I lengthened the near stirrup to about a foot and a-half of the ground, and then lengthened the other and brought it over on the same side, and here I had a nice little ladder to walk up which I did, and then knelt on the saddle and dropped into my seat. I could not help shaking hands with myself, and patting my steed on the neck, I then commenced my journey home, which I reached just before dark.
We had agreed to erect the observatory about half a mile from the station, on a rising part of the prairie; carpenters were engaged, and an arrangement made with a lumber merchant, who would supply what I wanted and take it back when I had done with it, only charging us for the damage done to the stuff. Early on Monday morning, the instruments were carted out and unpacked; and at sunset the four walls of the observatory were up. Now, as we thought it not advisable to leave all these things open on the prairie, it was agreed that some one should sleep there--and, of course, it was my duty to remain. They sent down a mattra.s.s, pillow, and blanket; there was no wood to build a large fire outside, but I collected some chips, and lit a small fire inside, and placed my mattra.s.s alongside. A little after sunset a musquito looked over the wall, and then sounded the a.s.sembly; on they came, and I with my head in the smoke kept blowing the fire, putting on wet gra.s.s to make a smoke; but, after half an hour at this work, I found out the fact that man was not intended for a pair of bellows, and although I a.s.sisted the action by compressing my sides with my hands, still at the end of the half hour that I blew I found that I was blown. When once my head was out of the smoke, the musquitoes flew at me; I stood up to fight them, but in so doing I had to fight myself also. Now an army was drawn up in contiguous columns on my cheeks, the skirmishers advancing through my eye-brows; at their first volley I felt as if I was struck with a hackle. I really think that they work their stings like the needle of a sewing machine. Maddened, I struck myself a fearful blow with both hands in the face, and had the satisfaction of making them ”leave that,” and so I fought myself and the musquitoes for some time: still they attacked me with an impetuosity truly marvellous, and where one fell two took his place. I was getting weak; a storming party had now taken possession of my right ear; I clenched my fist, and with a swinging blow, cleared the ear, but knocked myself down. Exhausted and worn out, I put my hands into my pockets, and gave them my head. In that half-dreamy state, the long, long hours were pa.s.sed; and after they had breakfasted, dined and supped, they began to discuss me. ”Ah,” said one, ”if you want a good drink, strike between the corner of the eye and the nose.” ”No, no,” said a large party; ”if you want a draught of good sparkling astronomer, sink your pump in his temple.” ”You are wrong,” said a dissipated old fellow with frayed wings; ”just creep up his cuff, and harpoon his wrist, and there you will drink until you lift yourself off your legs.” Then they sung the following
”The blood of the Indian is dark and flat, And that of the buffalo hard to come at But the blood of the astronomer is clear and bright: We will dance and we'll drink the live-long night.
Chorus:-”How jolly we are with flights so airy; Happy is the mosquito that dwells on the prairie.”
And then they quarrelled and fought with each other, and made speeches,--and so the dreary hours dragged along; but when the eastern horizon was tinted with beams of light, they staggered off to their respective marshes-some to die of apoplexy, others of _delirium tremens_. Verdict--served them right. From dawn until six, I had a refres.h.i.+ng sleep, and when my relief came, I awoke up, and began to think whether I had heard all this, or only dreamt it.
I suppose I dreamt it.
The work now made rapid progress: doors with locks, dark room settled, platform for telescope support firmly laid. The next day, began to mount the telescope, but when we came to screw in the object-gla.s.s, we found out that the bra.s.s seat in the tube had been pressed into an oval. What was to be done? No one in Jefferson that knew anything about it; too late to send it anywhere; here was a great break-down.
However, a Mr. Kelly said he would try; and after some hours' hard work, he got the object-gla.s.s screwed home, but could not be unscrewed; so the flats that hold the bolts that secure the object-gla.s.s to the telescope could not be put on, but we secured it as well as we could.
It is important to mention that before arriving at Jefferson, we made the acquaintance of a Mr. Vail, from Philadelphia, who was going to Des Moines to observe the eclipse, and as I had a 42-inch telescope by Dolland, without an observer, I asked him to join our party and observe the eclipse with it, which he kindly consented to do; and his report is of the very greatest consequence, as it confirms, in a most striking manner, the details that are seen in the negatives.
By Friday night, all preparations were made, and we retired to rest with great doubts about having a fine day.
[Photograph: CLEAR FOR ACTION.]
However, came at last, and the morning was hazy and overcast; but about eight, the clouds began to break and Mr. Vail and I took some observations for ”time.” The afternoon was cloudless; but still a haze near the horizon. At half-past three, we ”Beat to quarters.”
Mr. Douglas shut himself up in the dark room; I took charge of the telescope; Mr. Stanton, with a light cloth, covered and uncovered the ”object gla.s.s;” Mr. Vail had his telescope nicely adjusted; and Mr. Falconer was seated in a very good position to observe the dark shadow crossing the country, and to note any other phenomena.
At 3h. 38m. 40s., local mean time, the first contact took place, and the first photogram taken, shewing a slight indentation on the sun's limb. We took the partial eclipse with an eye-piece, giving a 3-inch picture but as it was hazy, I removed it before totality, and took the photograms in the focus.
I may remark that no one could have had a better view of the eclipse than I had. As I stood in rear of the telescope, I had only to count the double beats of the pendulum of the ”Driving Clock,” which I did without taking my eyes off the moon.
I exposed the plates of totality for ten seconds, then withdrew the holder, and handed it to Mr. Douglas. We took several photograms of the partial eclipse before totality, four during totality, and two after; but the weather had become so hazy, immediately after the sun made its appearance, that we could hardly get a picture. As all the reports are published, it only remains for the Jefferson party to give theirs, and the eclipse of 1869 can be fully discussed. There are one or two points that the negatives of our party will throw a light upon.
With regard to the bright band on the sun, bordering the moon, in the pictures of the partial eclipse, it is well known that, there is nothing surrounding the moon that could produce that effect; and also, that the photograms taken at Burlington, shew, beyond a doubt, that it is no optical illusion. Dr. Curtis has suggested that it is caused by diffraction; still, I very much doubt if diffraction could produce such a uniform dark broad band, so well defined, as is seen in those photograms. One of the photograms of the partial eclipse that we took before totality, shews the cusps and edge of the moon to be double, giving the appearance of a band surrounding the moon.
This is caused by the reflection of the moon from the second or underside of the gla.s.s, which happens when the sun is not in the centre of the field; and by holding the negative of a partial eclipse so that the light will fall obliquely on it, you will see a dark band surrounding the moon's limb, from the same cause.
In the eclipse of 1860, I had the honor of being attached to the American Expedition that went to the coast of Labrador. Professor Alexander, Dr. F. A. Barnard and myself, who were observing with telescopes, all exclaimed at the same time, ”Bailey's Beads!” It is very true, that at Otumwa a picture at the last instant, just before totality, was taken, ”shewing the sun's edge cut by the peaks of the lunar mountains into irregular spots;” but these were not the Bailey Beads that I saw in Labrador, and I am confident that neither Professor Alexander nor Dr. Barnard will accept that solution. In the report of Mr. W. S. Gilman, junr., who observed the eclipse at Sioux city, Mr. Farrel gives a description and drawing of Bailey's Beads; and what he saw in 1869, I saw in 1860, the film of light broken into rectangular pieces, which appeared to swim along the edge of the moon like drops of water.
A crowd had followed us from the town, and took a position near the observatory, as, no doubt, they thought that we would select the best place for observing the eclipse.
On the last glimpse of day-light vanis.h.i.+ng, the crowd never fail to give expression to their feelings with a noise that is unlike anything else that I have ever heard. It is not like the noise that a crowd makes on seeing a lovely rocket burst, or that which they make on seeing some acrobat perform a wonderful feat. No; there is an expression of terror in it. It is not a shout; it is a moan.
Before giving a description of the photograms of the Total Eclipse, it will be necessary to refute some opinions that have gratuitously been given respecting them. After I had carefully examined the negatives, and made drawings, I had the drawings and the negatives compared by Mr. Langton, who expressed his opinion that they were faithful copies; and when I found that it would be many months before I could get funds to print my Report, it was agreed upon, after consulting some friends, that the negatives of totality should be sent to England. Unfortunately, I selected Mr. De la Rue as the fittest person to examine them. He never acknowledged the receipt of them, and, after many months, Mr. Falconer, who had returned to England, sent me a copy of a letter to him, from Mr. De la Rue:
”THE OBSERVATORY, CRANFORD, MIDDLEs.e.x, ”Dec. 27th, 1869.
”My Dear Sir,-I am very sorry to have caused any uneasiness to Commander Ashe; but one circ.u.mstance and another have delayed my writing to him. I have received his papers, which I sent to the Astronomical, and later on, the original negatives, which arrived safely, although Commander Ashe had neglected the precaution of protecting them with a covering of gla.s.s. There is evidence in these negatives of the telescope having moved, or, perhaps, followed irregularly, during the exposure of the plates, and this renders the dealing with the negatives very difficult; moreover, it contradicts the theory set forth by Commander Ashe in respect to a certain terrace-like formation in the prominences, and also the rapid shooting out of a certain prominence. The American photographs are very much more perfect than those sent by Commander Ashe; in fact, they leave nothing to be desired. To correct the defects of duplication in Commander Ashe's photographs, would entail some expense, [I understand that Mr. De la Rue has spent 300 pounds, in patching up Major Tennant's photograms.] and much trouble; and it would be necessary for hint to re-write his paper.