Part 28 (1/2)

”On the job now,” sang out Yeager. ”When I get through with him he'll be as good as new. Eh, Morgan?”

”Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” returned that impa.s.sive individual.

”Where's Sam?” I asked.

”Back at the wheel.”


”Alderson is with him. Don't worry about them. You couldn't dynamite that bunch of pirates on deck just now. There'll be nothing doing until they get Dutch courage from the bottle. We jolted them a heap harder than they did us,” Tom rejoined lightly.

It was all very well for him to keep up his cheerful talk to raise the spirits of our friends, but I did not forget the fact that since the beginning of hostilities we had lost as many men as they had in killed, and only one less in wounded. To be sure, with the exception of Dugan, their disabled were in worse condition than ours. Morgan had only a scratch, and a day or two of rest would set me right.

”Time is fighting for us too, you bet,” continued Tom briskly. ”We're a unit, and I'll bet they're pulling already every which way. We've got them traveling south, Miss Wallace.”

Perhaps his cheerful, matter-of-fact talk was the best possible tonic for the depression which had settled upon us. I could not help think what a blessing it was that we had picked up at Los Angeles this competent frontiersman whose strong, brown hands could make or dress a wound with equal skill.

It was plain to me that during the next few hours I would not be of much use. Out of ten thousand, Tom Yeager was the one I would have picked to take charge of the defense in my absence.

When a few minutes later the beat of the screw began again the sound of it was like wine to me. It meant that, for the present, the mutineers had had enough. They would join in a tacit truce while the yacht was being worked south.

”Help Mr. Sedgwick down to his cabin, Morgan, and then both of you turn in for a few hours' sleep. We'll look out for trouble. Won't we, Jimmie?

You and I and Billie Blue, eh?”

”Yes, Mr. Yeager.”

”You'll call us if another attack threatens?” I asked.


The steady _throb--throb--throb_ of the propeller was again shaking the yacht as she took up her journey. This might be a ruse to throw us off our guard, but I did not think so. The enemy was badly demoralized, and the chances were that Bothwell would welcome a chance to whip his forces into shape again.

”Is the door from the galley to the main deck locked and nailed up, Billie?” I asked of the flunky.

”Yes, sir.”

”Nail planks across the window too. Philips will help you get dinner if you can find him. I'll expect you to see that our party is well fed.”

”Yes, sir,” the young fellow promised.

”You must go to your room at a moment's notice, Miss Wallace. Have Philips nail up your porthole. You need not be a bit afraid. We hold a very safe position at present. Get all the sleep you can to-night.”

”That's good advice, Mr. Sedgwick. Take it yourself,” she returned with a little flicker of a wan smile.

For an instant her hand, warm and firm, rested in mine. If I had not been sure of my love before, there was no uncertainty now. While her brave eyes met mine I seemed to drown fathoms deep in the blue of them.

Trouble was what I read in them, but part of that trouble was for me. I gloried in that certainty.

She might not love me--it was presumptuous to suppose she did--but at least I held a place in her regard. That was the thought I carried with me down-stairs, and it stayed pleasantly with me till I fell asleep in spite of the pain in my arm.