Part 10 (1/2)
”What's your name again, arling'?” Vincent asked when the blonde leaned over to await his order.
”Shelby, Mr. Carlotti. Shelby Phillips.”
”Cain, meet Shelby. She's filling in for my usual girl until she gets back from having her second baby.”
”I'm impressed, Vincent, giving maternity leave. What's next, a dental plan?” Cain joked as she looked at what could be a dead woman standing.
”We're looking into it, smart-a.s.s. Shelby, this is my friend Cain.” He pointed to Cain and saw the condescending expression the agent quickly tried to hide. ”Cain was wondering if she could have a private conversation with you back in the office.”
”If it's just a talk she's interested in, I'd be happy to.” Shelby turned to Cain, plastered a fake smile in place, and asked, ”Ms...?”
”Derby Cain Casey. That's C-A-S-E-Y. Do you also need my social and date of birth for the record?”
It happened so quickly Shelby didn't notice when she lost control of the situation, but she felt a tiny line of perspiration break out along her forehead. Remembering her training, she took a deep breath and tried to make her smile look more genuine. After all, the instructor who had lectured on undercover techniques had said most of the people they would be trying to bring in didn't have enough brain cells to string a correct sentence together.
”I'm sorry. I didn't want to be presumptuous and call you by your first name.”
”Of course not. Do you mind if I call you Shelby, Ms. Phillips?”
”Please do.” Cain led the way to the small room Vincent used as an office when he was on the plane and sat in the old man's chair.
”Shelby, have a seat.” Cain pointed to one of the other two chairs available. ”Can I get you anything?”
She laughed and pointed her index finger at Cain. ”That's my line, Ms. Casey. That's my job here, remember?”
”Please, feel free to call me Cain. And I don't really know your purpose for being on this plane, but that's what we're here to find out.”
The urge to wipe her brow was becoming overwhelming, but she didn't want to show fear. She felt like there was already blood in the water, and a display of weakness would only agitate the sharks swimming in her tank that much more. ”I'm filling in, like Mr. Carlotti said.”
”I see, so you graduated in the top 1 percent of your cla.s.s at Stanfordpolitical science I believe was your majorthen from Quantico so you could serve drinks on Vincent Carlotti's plane. That's the story you're telling me?”
”I don't know” She was scrambling.
”Please, Agent Daniels, don't insult me by finis.h.i.+ng that sentence. One thing I'm always sure of is what I'm talking about. That was what the last part of your statement was going to be, wasn't it?”
Shelby felt like crawling out of her skin. She needed to get off this plane and now.
”I asked you a question, Agent, and I would appreciate the courtesy of an answer.”
”Yes, that's what I was going to say. I think you must have me confused with someone else.”
”Don't take this the wrong way, Agent Daniels, but yes, I do know Phillips is a cover name so we aren't going around about that one too. But you're like a textbook study of cliches. That all you gleaned from Barry's undercover cla.s.s at the academy?”
”I'm not the person you think I am.”
Cain stood up and started to re-b.u.t.ton her coat. ”Then we have nothing else to talk about, Agent Daniels.”
The relief flooded so quickly through her body, she was afraid she might slide out of the chair if she weren't careful. Barry Trice had been right about the average bad guy's level of intelligence. ”I'm sorry to worry you like that, and please call me Shelby.”
”Okay, Shelby, but don't waste your air or your time on apologies. My parting advice would be prayer, or whatever it's going to take to make things in your heart right before you meet your maker.” Her coat fully b.u.t.toned, Cain started for the door.
”What do you mean?” She laughed nervously.
”It means when Vincent is cruising at thirty thousand feet, you'll be doing some cruising of your own without benefit of a parachute. And I'm seriously doubting he's going to be giving you one of those nifty flotation devises for the dramatic water landing you'll be making.”
”Do you know the penalty for killing a federal agent, since you're under the impression that I am one?”
”Capital offenses call for the death penalty, last time I looked up the section of law you're referring to.”
Cain laughed at the shocked expression on Shelby's face.
”Never play a game you don't know all the rules to, Shelby, especially the penalty shots that come when you f.u.c.k up. The main thing you have to remember, though, is know who all the players are and what they might know about you. The government isn't the only one with good sources of information. Good luck to you.”
Shelby was up and pulling on Cain's arm before she took her third step for the door.
”Don't go.”
”Like you said, I have you confused with someone else.”
”Is that what you're going to tell Mr. Carlotti?” Shelby's desperation was starting to bleed into her voice.
Cain stroked the hand on her arm and smiled. ”As a matter of fact, yes, I am.”
”Thank you.”
”You're wasting time again, Agent. I'm going to tell him that, and since we all know it ain't so, you're going to enjoy the rest of your career as fish food. Vincent won't remember you by the time this thing hits the tarmac in New Orleans, and I'll just chalk it up as a waste.”
Cain gave her credit for a viselike grip for such a pet.i.te woman. Fear was almost as strong a stimulant as adrenaline. ”Because I guarantee you this baby's taking the long way back over the Atlantic.” She waved her hand to the plane around her so Shelby would know what she was talking about.
”What are my choices here?”
”Very limited indeed.”
Shelby tightened her grip on Cain's arm, trying to fight back the hysteria that was trying to force its way out and make her beg for her life. ”I saw you with him tonight. He'll listen to you.”
”Like a wise man said, Shelby, the truth will set you free, baby.”
”I'm new to the area so I don't know a whole lot of information about the agency, if that's what you're after.”
”I'm not after information, Shelby. Believe me, I just want to see you live out the night. You're a beautiful young lady who deserves a second chance.”
”What will it cost me?” Her last two years of training and any hopes of an FBI career were quickly disappearing, but it wasn't worth her life to give in to her more n.o.ble side now.
”Very little, really, but that depends on how honorable you are. Because we can do it the hard way, or we can act civilly and live to fight another day.”
”What's the hard way?”