Part 19 (1/2)

I agree,' said Verity. Daniel, you mustn't mess around in things like that. It can be dangerous. Dad, tell him!'

Oh, don't worry,' Lily said. They're just winding us up.' She pulled a face at her brother. Aren't you, O?'

Owen put his head on one side, smiled in a charming manner. Of course, sibling.'

I find it all very interesting,' Barbara said, realising, too late, that Lily had effectively closed the subject.

After the meal was finished, everyone moved back into the lounge, where Louis put on a compilation CD of sixties rock music. The younger people found they had little to complain about, as much of it was fas.h.i.+onable again now. Lily asked to hear a Jefferson Airplane track, White Rabbit', and when it came on, slowly danced alone on the rug in front of the fire.

I'd join you,' Louis said, then indicated his legs, but alas...'

No matter,' said Lily. She put down her gla.s.s on the mantelpiece and took Louis in her arms. We can just sway.'

Delighted laughter escaped Louis' surprised lips. Oh, oh... Er, yes.'

Verity and Daniel exchanged an embarra.s.sed glance.

Dance?' said Othman to Verity.

OK.' It was preferable to join in rather than witness her father lurching about on his own with the Winter girl. She stood up and proceeded to dance several feet apart from Othman. Discretely, she observed he was a good mover and put more effort into her own performance.

Not to be left out, Barbara hauled Barney to his feet, who shuffled awkwardly to the unfamiliar music. She waved her arms about a lot.

Owen went to sit next to Daniel on the sofa. A home disco,' he said. How quaint.'

Don't ask me to dance,' Daniel answered. Just don't.'

It's amazing how different people can be when you put them in an unfamiliar situation,' Owen said. Your sister, Lily, your dad, even old Barney bopping away there.'

Daniel sighed and leaned his head back against the sofa, his knees drawn up to his chest. What a night.' He glanced at Owen. What were you playing at in there. All this psychic stuff?'

It's true, isn't it?' Owen replied.

Daniel felt uncomfortable. It's not something I'd want to cultivate. Sometimes I just say things or experience peculiar feelings, but nothing more than that. I don't think I'm really psychic.'

You are, Daniel,' Owen insisted. It's one of the things I like about you.'

Why are we talking about this now?'

Well things are just happening now, aren't they. Haven't you noticed?' He didn't wait for an answer. I'm making decisions about things. Important decisions. Things are getting clearer now.'

What are you on about?'

We'll talk about it later,' Owen said. I think an escape to your lair is in order soon. I have a ready rolled spliff in my pocket that's itching to be smoked.'

Daniel laughed. Sounds appealing.'

But first I'll have to walk Lily home.'

Daniel paused before answering. Lily was still throwing herself around to the music. She doesn't look ready to go yet.'

So. We can wait.'

Alcohol and music, an intoxicating combination. Lily said she wanted to dance all night, which reminded her of a song from the old musical, My Fair Lady'. She asked Louis if he had the soundtrack. When he said he had, and found the CD, Lily and Barbara sang along to the words, joined by Barney and Louis.

Verity and Othman sat down. Verity too was enjoying herself immensely. She hadn't danced for years. Tonight's turned out very differently to how I expected,' she said.

Better, I hope?' Othman said.

She nodded. Much. The Winters aren't quite what I thought they were.'

They certainly aren't!' Othman agreed.

Oh? And were you aware of what I thought of them? What's that Owen been saying about me?'

Nothing,' Othman said. It was just a bit obvious.'

Oh dear!' She glanced at Owen, who was still talking to Daniel on the sofa. Still, I do wonder if he's quite the right sort of friend for Daniel. There's something very sinister about Owen Winter.'

You're too protective.'

No I'm not,' Verity protested. I'm not protective at all!'

Perhaps we could go for a drink one evening,' Othman said.

Verity smiled at him. Perhaps.'

You and I, and Owen and Lily. We could drive out somewhere.'

Oh. Yes. Perhaps.' That wasn't quite what Verity would have preferred.

The party broke up about one o'clock, when it became obvious Lily was rather the worse for wear. One moment she was prancing around with Barbara on the hearth rug, the next she had flopped down next to Owen on the sofa with the slurred announcement. I need my bed. I'm going home.' She tried to stand up and fell back down again.

I'll take you,' Owen said.

S'only across the road,' Lily said, flapping a hand at him.

I'll take you. Shut up.' Owen hoisted her to her feet, and retrieved her shawl, which was draped over a chair.

The others seemed to take this as a cue, and began to say their goodbyes. Daniel went with Lily and Owen to the door. We didn't get to have our smoke. Oh well, never mind.'

Are you kidding?' Owen said. I'll be back in a bit. Just let me lay this drunken floozy out on her bed.'

It's late,' Daniel said. I have to be up in the morning.'

So skive off for a day. I doubt your Dad and Verity will be up early by the look of them.'

Bed!' yelled Lily. O, I feel funny.'

Wait up,' said Owen to Daniel, as he began to drag Lily down the drive.