Part 17 (1/2)
I know not what period may have elapsed, but when at length I was restored to consciousness, it was but to realize the exquisite bitterness of my loss. Close to where my best and long-proved friend had fallen, lay the lifeless form of my well-loved wife, pierced by a flight of bullets.
[41] Alluding to _Admiral_ Sherrard Osborne's 'Vampyre' fleet.
[42] Since the loss of Nankin, and all their former cities, through British hostility, this has resulted to a certain extent only; for still, with wonderful forbearance, the Ti-pings have not begun to ravage the country, their moderation in the neighbourhood of Amoy, where they now are in force, being well known.
[43] In honour of the Holy Trinity.
[44] The officiating priest.
[45] It is hardly to be understood how dishonourable men are ”worthy a more honourable death.”
[46] Table of Ti-ping loss of life.
[47] _Vide_ pp. 126 and 108, Blue Book on China, No. 3, 1864, for Dr.
Murtagh's letter, and the attestation by Bishop Boone and the Bishop of Victoria of the statements of two other eye-witnesses.
[48] _Vide_ Blue Book on China, No. 3, 1864 p. 111.
On the Wong-poo River.--Ningpo Sam.--The _China_.--Her pa.s.sengers.--The Ta-hoo Lake.--Its Scenery.--The of Central China.--General Burgevine.--Soo-chow.--Deserters.--Burgevine suspected.--The Americo-Ti-ping Legions.--Burgevine's policy.--Colonel Morton.--The Mo-w.a.n.g.--Arrival of the Chung-w.a.n.g.--The Loyal and Faithful Auxiliary Legion.--How regulated.--Affair at Wo-kong.--Recruiting.--Plan of Operations.--A _coup de main_.--Arrangement.--Interruptions.--Postponed.
Towards the close of a fine October day in 1863, an ordinary Shanghae _san-pan_, or pa.s.sage-boat, might have been seen slowly sculling up-stream against the ebbing tide of the Wong-poo river, and carefully hugging the bank opposite to the foreign settlements. Besides the hardy Chinese owner (working away with a big oar over the stern, and rejoicing in the euphonical cognomen ”Ningpo Sam”), the boat was occupied by two foreigners, seated under the arched mat cover. One seemed to be of Anglo-Saxon race; the other, by his dusky skin, long moustache, and jet-black hair, a native of the East Indies.
To a close observer there was something suspicious in the management of the _san-pan_ and the movements of the people on board. All pa.s.sing craft were carefully avoided, and whenever a European s.h.i.+p on the river, or European dwelling on the sh.o.r.e, was approached, down came the outside mat from the cover, screening the front of the boat, and completely hiding the two pa.s.sengers inside. If the observer had been near enough, he might have been further edified by hearing sundry energetic expressions addressed by the irritable foreigners to ”Ningpo Sam,”
whenever that stolid individual did not sheer his boat sufficiently far from strange vessels to preserve their incognito.
As the shades of evening fell upon the s.h.i.+pping on the river and the trees on the sh.o.r.e, the strength of the tide gradually relaxed, and the _san-pan_ proceeded much more rapidly on her course. The see-saw rocking from side to side became less vigorous and unpleasant as the arms of the sculler were tired, and at last, when a point nearly three miles above Shanghae had been reached, ”Ningpo Sam” ran his boat into the bank, threw down the heavy _yulo_, or oar, and emphatically declared his determination not to proceed any further until he had satisfied the cravings of his inner man with the _chow-chow_ (to ”che fan”--eat rice--as he said), bubbling over a little cooking stove in the stern-sheets.
The Chinese are an obstinate people; some are essentially mulish, and ”Ningpo Sam” seemed to be of the latter order; consequently his pa.s.sengers very wisely produced a large hamper, and hauling bottles of beer, with a cold fowl, _et caeteras_, from its innermost depths, were soon busily engaged eating and drinking. By the time the hamper had been repacked night had closed in, but still the boatman's capacious jaws went ”munch, munch.” Meanwhile the dark-hued pa.s.senger, having lighted a cigar, was taking a fisherman's quarter-deck walk--that is to the extent of two steps and overboard--on the small fore-part of the _san-pan_. The second traveller reclined on the thwarts.h.i.+p seat, and seemed absorbed with his own reflections, plainly not of the most happy tenor. He was far from being displeased when his companion aroused him by exclaiming:
”Jump up, sir; jump up; the steamer is coming!” and then shouting to the Chinaman, still feeding in the stern, ”Yulo, yulo, Sam!”
Sam, however, did not seem at all inclined to obey the summons; upon the contrary, he jerked the rice into his mouth and handled his chopsticks more vigorously than ever, spluttering out at intervals ”Hi-ya!--how can?--my--wantchee chow-chow--no can yulo--just--now; by-em-by--finish chow-chow--can--do.”
Upon the termination of this cool reply, the European pa.s.senger pa.s.sed to the after-part of the boat, and with the a.s.sistance of a stout cane, succeeded in making ”Ningpo Sam” forsake gorging and resume his oar, much to that worthy's disgust, who, for some time, gave vent to his outraged feelings by a low-toned muttering of choice Ningpo ”Billingsgate,” which, however, excited not the smallest attention from the abused parties, who were intent upon the approaching steamer.
When the steamer had arrived quite near, the Indian produced a bright bull's-eye lantern and displayed it for a few moments. This was answered by a light shown over the vessel's side, and by the stoppage of her engines. The _san-pan_ was then sculled alongside, and her pa.s.sengers taken on board. Directly the baggage had been received, the s.h.i.+p went on ahead at full speed, while ”Ningpo Sam” and his boat disappeared in the distance, his gratified expectations finding vent in the following adieu: ”Chin-chin, ga-la! _Numbah one_,; mi too much thankee you.”
Soon the loud protestations of grat.i.tude died away in the distance, and the only sound which disturbed the stillness of the cool night air was the regular beat of the screw propeller, as the small steamer steadily proceeded on her course.
The little steamer was named the _China_, belonged to Messrs. H---- & Co., of Shanghae, and was employed in the silk trade. This valuable branch of commerce was wholly in the hands of the Ti-pings, and unrestricted until their expulsion from the producing districts, when the Imperial Manchoo mandarins closed the interior to foreigners, and the trading of steamers or other vessels was entirely prohibited.[49]
The pa.s.sengers who so mysteriously embarked themselves were on their way to Soo-chow. One was _General_ Burgevine's _aide-de-camp_, the other being myself. Burgevine had quite lately put into execution his plan to join the revolutionists, and was established at the large city of Soo-chow in command of ninety to one hundred Europeans, and a batallion of 1,000 Ti-pings, placed under his orders to be drilled according to foreign tactics, and officered by their instructors. Burgevine's _aide_ was proceeding to join his master. I was anxious to ascertain the principles and practical worth of the newly-formed Americo-Ti-ping contingent, and also to rejoin the Chung-w.a.n.g.
The voyage of the _China_ terminated at the town of Nan-zing, situated almost in the centre of the silk district; and here she remained while the Chinese supercargo went into the country with many thousands of dollars to purchase silk; the regions under Ti-ping rule being so safe to travel, that all the vast amount of specie (from 8 to 10 millions sterling per annum) used during each season was carried about the country simply under the protection of the Chinese _shroff_, employed by the firm to whom the money belonged.
Having obtained a fine large boat from the Governor of Nan-zing--a most friendly and courteous chief--I proceeded with my companion on our way to Soo-chow. Although the direct distance was not much over fifty miles, in consequence of the capture of Quin-san, and another city named Wo-kong, by the enemy, the approaches to Soo-chow from the east and south were not available; so that we were obliged to cross the great Ta-hoo Lake, and reach the provincial capital by making a considerable _detour_ to the west. The Ta-hoo, though so extensive that from its centre no land but the highest mountains can be seen, has nowhere more than an average depth of twelve feet; and in many parts its waters are so enc.u.mbered with floating weeds and interwoven stems of tough aquatic plants growing from the bottom, that navigation is impossible. The lake, similar to every piece of water in China, swarms with fish; thereby affording constant employment to numerous congregations of fishermen.