Part 11 (1/2)

The men stopped work and put the horses in the barn, so they would not get wet. The hens and chickens went under the shed. The cows in the pasture went under the big trees.

It was not long before the lightning flashed and the thunder crashed and the rain came down.

They all went to the Big South Window to watch the storm--Father, Mother, John, Sue, Bobby and Betty.

”I like to watch a storm,” said Bobby.

”It is a good sight,” said Father. ”Now the corn and potatoes will grow and the fruit will stay on the trees.”

”My flowers will blossom again,” said Mother, ”and we'll have water in the cistern.”

”I hope it will make the gra.s.s green,” said Sue.

”I hope it will fill the Duck Pond,” said Bobby, ”so I can sail my boats and the ducks can have a swim.”

As they stood there, suddenly Bobby called out, ”Oh, see the ducks!”

There they were in the rain, waddling around in the pools of water.

”Quack, quack, quack!” said the Big White Duck. ”Isn't this grand?”

”Quack, quack, quack!” said the six other ducks, as they shook their feathers and waggled their tails.

After the rain had stopped and the pools had begun to dry up, Bobby saw the Big White Duck start off toward the Duck Pond.

All the other ducks followed, one behind another.

Down to the Duck Pond they went and found it full of water.

So all the ducks a-swimming went and were content.

[Ill.u.s.tration: THE RESCUE]


The day after the big rain, Bobby and Rover were down at the Duck Pond.

Bobby would throw a stick out into the middle of the pond and shout, ”Get it, Rover.”

Rover would jump into the water, swim out to the stick and bring it back in his mouth. Nine times Bobby threw the stick into the pond. Nine times Rover brought it back.

When they had done that long enough, Rover shook himself to get the water out of his coat, and lay down on the bank to dry.

Bobby spied an old raft, lying at one edge of the pond, under the willow tree. ”I'll play on the raft,” he thought.

It was only a few days since Mother had said, ”Never go on the raft, Bobby, unless Father or John is at the pond with you.”

”Oh, pshaw!” thought Bobby. ”There is no danger; I'll have a little fun.”