Part 26 (1/2)
The hesitation in her eyes brought a wave of fear to him. If she rejected him again, he wasn't sure what he'd do.
She glanced to Kestrel before she nodded. ”To the ends of this earth, I will run with you, Lochlan MacAllister.”
Chapter 15.
For the first time in Lochlan's life, he actually looked forward to the future. For once, he had one worth living for.
As soon as they tied up this last mystery with his brother, he and Catarina would begin their life together. Neither of them knew where they would go, but it didn't matter.
She was used to earning her living and making do, and she would teach him whatever he needed to know. Not to mention he could earn extra coin at tournament. No one had ever bested him in a joust and few could defeat him at sword. They would be fine, he was sure of it.
He waited on the docks with Catarina while Kestrel bought them new mounts that would take them to the Scot's castle. This late at night, there were very few people about. But even so, he was careful. They still didn't know who Philip's informer had been.
But even with that weight on him, he still felt freer than he'd ever been before.
Kestrel returned with the horses. Lochlan smiled in approval. The man had chosen healthy, fast mounts for them.
”My thanks.”
Kestrel gave him a wry smile. ”I hope they never come in handy.”
Lochlan laughed as he swung Catarina up into her saddle. ”That makes two of us.” Running from a king's justice was never good and often made b.l.o.o.d.y bedfellows.
Mounting his own horse, he allowed Kestrel to take the lead.
They rode in silence with nothing more than the bright moonlight as company. The sound of wolves echoed in the distance. There was a light mist on the ground, but even so there was nothing ominous about the night.
At least not until they reached the Scot's castle. It sat up on top of a high hill with a road so narrow, they were forced to ride single file. More than that, it was so narrow that even the horses were nervous and had to move very slowly lest they lose their footing.
”We should have dismounted,” Catarina said from behind them.
”Too late now,” they said in unison. There was no way to dismount without falling down the side of the hill and most likely dying painfully on the sharp rocks below.
The Scot had planned this location well. No one would ever be able to take his fortress. Nor would they be able to approach it without being seen. Something that became obvious as they reached the small clearing before the castle's opening.
Kestrel reined his horse and made sure he was within the circle of light that fell from the battlements above. It allowed visitors to be seen clearly, while the visitors could tell nothing of those who stood above, watching them.
”Raziel, 'tis the Kestrel. I bring friends in search of the Scot. Let us in.”
Lochlan could only see shadowed outlines on the battlements above them. For all he knew they were getting ready to pour oil over all three of them and set them on fire. It was an unnerving thought.
The silence rang out for several minutes.
”Did he hear you?” Lochlan finally asked.
His answer came as one of the doors before them sc.r.a.ped open. There in the doorway was a tall, lean Saracen who was dressed in dark blue and gold-trimmed flowing robes. With an aura of extreme power, he wore two swords crossed over his back. Arms akimbo, he didn't appear pleased by their late-night visit.
”Kestrel,” he said, his voice nothing more than a deep rumble. ”It's been a long time, old friend.”
”Aye. Thanks for not shooting me...this time.”
Raziel's face showed no sign of amus.e.m.e.nt. ”You will never forget that, will you?”
”I still limp and feel the bite of the wound every time it rains. How could I?” Kestrel dismounted before he joined Raziel and clapped him on the back like a brother.
Grateful the tension was broken, Lochlan dismounted, then moved to help Catarina down.
As they approached the Saracen, Raziel's black eyes narrowed dangerously.
”They're not us,” he growled at Kestrel. ”Who have you brought here and why?”
”I'm Lochlan MacAllister.”
Raziel hissed before he pulled a sword free and angled it at Lochlan's throat. ”Are you mad?” he snarled through clenched teeth. ”The Scot will lose what little mind he has left.”
Lochlan couldn't breathe as antic.i.p.ation, fear, and trepidation mingled inside him. ”He's my brother. I want to see him.”
”You abandoned him.” The accusation hung heavy in the air, but it wasn't the truth and Lochlan knew it.
”I have never abandoned a brother in my life. Ever. And I won't let that lie stand.”
”I believe him,” Kestrel said, pus.h.i.+ng Raziel's blade to the side with his bare hand. ”He's traveled far for the truth. What say we speak to the Scot alone and see what he has to say?”
Raziel snorted. ”You'll be lucky if you're not gutted on the floor like a pig. The Scot has no interest in the past.”
Still Kestrel argued for them. ”Have a heart, Raziel. Lochlan isn't like my family. He's not going to spit on the Scot for surviving. Let us speak to him and see what he has to say.”
Raziel curled his lip before he finally sheathed his sword. Even so, the disdain he felt for Lochlan was clearly etched into every part of his demeanor. He narrowed his black eyes before he spoke a low, deadly warning. ”If you say anything to hurt my lord, I will have your tongue and your heart.”
”I won't hurt my brother.”
Raziel glared at him one last time before he turned and led them through the outer bailey.
Catarina took his hand in hers as they walked through what was obviously intended to withstand the Second Coming. Lochlan shook his head at the fortifications. Kieran had never cared for such. Though his brother been a natural fighter with good instincts, Kieran had never really cared about conflict or leading. He'd only wanted to play and chase maids.
It was obvious Lochlan was about to face a very different man than the petulant boy who'd left home.
As they walked, he counted at least twenty knights patrolling the battlements and yard. It said much that the Scot had the money to pay them and it spoke even more to his paranoia that they were about at this time of the night. Obviously, the Scot was ready to fight anyone who threatened the sanct.i.ty of his home.
Once they reached the castle, Raziel wouldn't allow them to enter anything more than the foyer.
”Wait here and don't move.”
”May I at least scratch my ear?” Catarina asked impishly.
Raziel curled his lip at her. ”You think this is amusing?”