Part 23 (1/2)

Whispering a prayer of grat.i.tude, he held Catarina tight against him and slid to the ground. He kept her carefully s.h.i.+elded while he knocked on the door and waited for the keeper to admit them.

A small, wiry old man opened the door to peer up at him. ”Aye?”

”Have you a room to let, good sir?”

Scratching his cheek, he nodded and opened the door wider. ”There's a room for you, my lord.

Do you be needing a hand with your horses?”

”Aye, please.”

”I'll see to them as soon as you and your lady are settled.”

Lochlan entered and noted that the place was small, but clean and well kept. ”My thanks.”

The man inclined his head before he closed the door and led Lochlan to a room on the first floor, about midway down a long, narrow hallway.

The inn was completely silent, which was good. Only the innkeeper had seen them, so no one could mention his appearance to one of the king's men should they happen upon them or the king. The fewer who knew about Catarina's presence, the better.

”My name is Reynard.” He opened the door to the room and stood back so that Lochlan could carry Catarina to the bed and lay her down. ”If you be needing anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'll be at my post by the door until my brother, Rolfe, awakens. He'll be just as happy to help you, my lord. I'll be putting your horses in our stable in back. There's good oats for them and fresh water.”

”Thank you, Reynard.” Lochlan handed him a coin and made sure to tip him well.

His face lightened instantly. ”My pleasure to serve you, my lord. Remember, anything you need...anything at all.”

It wasn't until Reynard was gone that Lochlan realized that the innkeeper hadn't asked for his name. Then again, this close to the docks, he was probably used to men who used aliases anyway. It was probably better for him not to know the ident.i.ty of who he housed here.

Grateful for that, Lochlan pulled his sword off and balanced it on the table by the bed. It wasn't until he went to remove his boots that it dawned on him he'd had them on the entire time he'd made love to Catarina.

For that alone, he felt terrible. They'd been so incredibly rushed, and she hadn't even complained. She deserved so much better than what he'd given her.

Jerking his boots off, he tossed them to the floor before he turned around to remove her small, delicate shoes. The sight of the rope burns around her ankles angered him even more. He should have killed Graham for what he'd done to her. b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

But at least she was safe now and he had no intention of letting her out of his sight?

Until she demanded it. Lochlan cursed at the knowledge. He'd promised to free her as soon as they found her uncle. And he would abide by that even if it killed him.

You've suffered worse.

He flinched as he saw the memory of his father in bed with Maire in his mind.

The b.a.s.t.a.r.d hadn't even had the decency to apologize for it. She's just another wh.o.r.e. What care you who crawls inside her? If not me, 'twould have been one of your brothers.

But Catarina would never do something like that. She wouldn't crawl into another man's bed.

Grateful for that fact, he gathered her in his arms and held her close as he allowed his exhaustion to overtake him.

Cat sighed as she came awake to the sensation of a warm body pressing up against her. Even without looking, she knew the feel of those steely arms. She smiled as she realized Lochlan must have found them a safe, comfortable place to sleep.

Opening her eyes, she saw a small, slightly parted window. The sound of the sea and of people talking and moving about filled her ears. They must have made it to town and Lochlan had once again brought her inside and tucked her into bed without waking her.

He was so thoughtful that way.

”I hope to heaven she runs before we get there.”

Cat froze at the Romanian words. More than that, she knew the voice speaking them.


Her heart thrumming in excitement, she launched herself from the bed to draw closer to the window. Had she misheard? Was it even possible...

”Aye, it'll be bad for her if she's there when we arrive.”

And Bavel, too! Tears p.r.i.c.ked her eyes as she heard their voices. Carefully, she cracked open the window to make sure no one else was with them. Once she was certain it was clear, she gave a low whistle.

Viktor was the first to turn in her direction. Tall and dark, he was as handsome as any man could be. And the instant his black gaze focused on her location, his entire face lit up. He popped Bavel in the chest before he rushed to her window. ”Wild Catarina, thank the Lord that you're all right.”

She put her hand outside the window so that she could touch him. It was so good to feel his touch again. ”Oh Viktor, Bavel, I've missed you two more than I can even begin to relay. I can't believe you're here.”

Bavel pushed her back inside and closed the window to nothing more than a bare crack. ”We're not alone, kitten. Your father's with us.”

Her joy ended instantly. ”What?”

Bavel glanced about nervously before he answered. ”He knew you'd be looking for us, so we're in his custody. He hopes you'll find us and he can s.n.a.t.c.h you away again. Any moment now one of his men is sure to come seeking us. We're not to stray far from them.”

”A pox on that man!” she snarled.

Ignoring her outburst, Viktor stepped closer. ”We had word you were in Rouen and that's where we're headed.”

”I was until last night.” She glanced over her shoulder to where Lochlan continued to sleep. ”I'm very safe at present. I'm traveling with Lochlan MacAllister.”

Viktor gaped.

”The stiff Scot prig?”

She blushed at Bavel's indignant question.

Viktor scoffed. ”Be grateful for that. At least we know he won't harm or touch her.”

Bavel nodded. ”Aye, that's true. He's much preferable to some of those brothers of his.”

”Listen,” she said quickly as she caught sight of men nearing them. ”I'm traveling with Lochlan to England to meet his brother. Can you get free of my father's men?”

Bavel shook his head. ”Not likely, but we can try.”

She stepped back even farther so that no one outside would be able to see her. ”If you don't find me there, then meet in Scotland. I'll be with Lochlan until you come for me.”

Bavel stepped back and turned around so that it would appear he was talking to Viktor. ”Love to you, kitten. G.o.d keep you safe.”

She sniffed back her tears at the love she heard in his voice. ”Same to you, Uncle. Now go before we all get into trouble.”