Part 15 (2/2)

It was just the sort of thing Lochlan would do. But oh the pain it must cost him. Why would his father have hurt him so badly?

Suddenly, she felt like a fool for complaining about her own father to him. By comparison, her father was a saint.

”Did the baby survive?”

”Nay, it was buried in her arms.”

Cat winced as she also remembered her earlier conversation with Lochlan when she'd thoughtlessly asked him about what type of woman he'd want for his bride. No wonder he felt as he did. He'd already offered his heart to a woman only to have her serve it back to him in pieces.

How could anyone hurt another in such a manner?

But then life seemed to be nothing except pain.

And in that moment of sympathy, she wanted to do something nice for him. But what?

”Tell me, Lord Simon, does Lochlan have something he enjoys doing?”

He looked baffled by her sudden switch of topic. ”Such as?”

”Chess? An instrument he plays? Anything of that nature?”

”Nothing Sin ever mentioned and nothing I've ever seen him do.”

Cat paused to look about the various vendors who surrounded them. Nothing stood out among their wares that looked like Lochlan. He was a simple man with simple needs.

And then she saw it...

There, across the way. A smile curved her lips as she rose from her bench and headed toward the stand. There were several n.o.bles in front of the table, glancing over the wares.

Ignoring them, she picked up the small toy that was carved to look like a monkey. She pressed the bottom and watched as it rocked back and forth. Its tiny mouth opened and closed, making a clicking noise. It was perfect.

Unlike Lochlan, it was completely frivolous. And it was just what such a stern man needed.

”Would milady like for us to wrap her toy?” an older male merchant asked.

Smiling even wider, she handed it to him. ”Aye, please.”

Simon frowned at her as he joined her and she paid the man for the toy. ”Is it a gift for a child?”

”Nay. It's for my protector.”


She nodded. ”I think he could use a bit of merriment. He seems far too somber to me.”

Simon scratched at cheek as he looked skeptical. ”I'm not sure how he'll welcome this gift.”

Neither was she. ”I suppose we'll find out, eh?”

”I suppose.”

She thanked the merchant as he returned with her parcel. Taking it from him, she started back toward their tent.

Lochlan paused in the crowd as he again had the feeling that he was being watched. He scanned the people around him, but he couldn't find anyone who seemed to be the least bit interested in him. Still the feeling was there, tingling his skin and begging him to look until he found the source of it.


He turned to see Julia heading for him, with Bryce three steps behind. ”Aye, la.s.s?”

”Would you please escort me about so that Bryce may be free to annoy someone else? The saints as my witness if I don't have peace from him soon, I shall have to kill him.”

Lochlan suppressed a smile at her mortal tone.

Bryce let out a disgusted breath. ”I have no choice. Bracken will kill me if I don't. Think you I enjoy watching you fawn over stupid woman things? Oooh, aah,” he mocked in falsetto. ”How lovely. How beautiful. This would make a most splendid gown...It's only cloth for Peter's sake.

Who cares what it feels like?”

She growled at her brother. ”You're such a boy.”

”And glad of it. Especially if it'll save me from the need to pet every piece of fabric at the fair.

Why can't you go watch the joust like a normal person?”

”See!” she shouted at Lochlan while gesturing at Bryce.

Lochlan cleared his throat as he felt sorry for the lad and grateful that he'd only had brothers.

”Aye, la.s.s, I see quite clearly. Bryce, hie yourself to the lists. I'll take over the guardians.h.i.+p of your sister for you.”

One would have thought the boy had just been crowned king by the look of relief and joy on his face. ”May G.o.d bless you, Lord Lochlan. Your kindness truly knows no boundaries and I am sure the Lord will be merciful to you always. Truly, you have just bought yourself sainthood.”

Then the boy shot off so quickly that Lochlan didn't even have a chance to respond.

Julia let out an audible sound of relief before she closed the distance between them and took his arm. ”Thank you, my lord. You have truly saved my sanity this day...and most likely my brother's life. For my next stop had I not found you was surely at an armorer's booth for a dagger to stab him with.”

”Then I'm most glad you found me.”

Laughing, she released his arm and flounced off before him so that she could stop and browse at more cloth.

Graham MacKaid stepped back into the shadows as he saw Lochlan pa.s.s by and b.u.mped into his brother Sean who was directly behind him.

”So we have two women to choose from,” Sean whispered. ”Which one do we take?”

”The one without a brother to back him.”

Sean started away from him, but Graham grabbed his arm. ”Not yet. We haven't been following him all this time to act quickly now and risk losing all. Let's find out more about the woman with him, then we'll take her.”
