Part 23 (1/2)
_Annette._ But why go to Altdorf, my husband? Thou knowest the power of Gessler and his cruelty!
_William Tell._ Wouldst have me a coward? No, dear wife. When my business calls me to Altdorf I shall go and in all ways act as a free man, loyal to my country and afraid of no one.
_Annette._ Thou art a brave man, my husband, and I honor thee.
SCENE II.--_Altdorf: The Market place_
_William Tell._ Come, my son, I have sold the chamois skins, and now I must buy the things your mother wished me to get for her.
_Albert._ And, father, please buy some toys for little Lewis.
_William Tell._ You are a good boy, Albert, to remember your little brother. We will go to the shop across the square and look there for toys.
_Soldier._ Halt, man! Salute yonder cap!
_William Tell._ Why should I salute a cap of cloth?
_Soldier._ It is the cap of our emperor. If you do not honor the cap, you are a traitor.
_William Tell._ I am no traitor, and yet I will not bow down to an empty cap. I am a true Swiss and love my country.
_Gessler._ Ha, ha! Then we have a traitor here who will not yield to our emperor! Arrest him, my men; and we will teach him his manners. Who is this man?
_Soldier._ His name is William Tell, my lord.
_Gessler._ Insolent traitor! Bind him well.
_Albert._ Oh, father, I am afraid. Do not let the soldiers take me.
_William Tell._ Be calm, my son. No harm will come to thee.
_Gessler._ Indeed, and is this your son? Has he come to mock the cap of our royal master, too? Seize the boy and bind him to yonder tree.
_William Tell._ What will you do with the boy? Does a captain war with a child?
_Gessler._ We shall see. I hear you are a famous shot, William Tell, and handle well the bow and arrow. We shall soon know your skill. Have you a good arrow in your quiver? Perhaps you can shoot an apple from the head of your child.
_Soldier._ Where shall I bind the boy, my captain?
_Gessler._ To yonder tree. If his father shoots the apple from his child's head, he shall go free. If he fails he must die. Are you ready?
_William Tell._ Rather would I die than risk killing my eldest son. Let him go, and take my life.
_Gessler._ That I shall not do. You must both die unless you save your lives as I have said. Will you try the shot or are you afraid?