Part 22 (1/2)
”What do you led to free hih, sonny,” returned Crabs, with a wicked grin
”Just keep quiet noill you?”
”I certainly shall not!” retorted the young auctioneer hotly ”Do you suppose I a robbed?”
”Who said anything about robbin' you?” deh his head was covered with a shock of hair twice as thick as either of his companions ”You had better act civil-like, sonny, if you want to get off without a licking”
”You letno attention to the last reo, I say--or take the consequences!”
”The consequences?” sneered him called Crabs
And without further warning, Matt drew back with his clinched fist and gave the tra bloeen the eyes, which caused the er back to the shanty's side
”Ho--what--what do you o,” retorted Matt; and free froain possession of the heavy whip, hich he ht keep the tramps at bay
But hardly had he placed his foot on the rest than Baldy, as now close at hand, caught hiht Matt down on his chest and face, scratching his left cheek in two places, and giving hi up
”Hold the horse, Jake!” cried Baldy ”Hold the horse, and I'll hold the boy”
”Let et at him, and I'll teach him to strike me between the eyes!”
As he spoke he rushed past his co Matt in the side when Baldy stopped hied elbow
”Don't strike hiht enough Co auctioneer
Matt was on his face on the ground and Baldy was sitting on top of hiive up the struggle
He squirmed and twisted this way and that until finally free, and then, before the tra to his feet and leaped upon the foot-rest of the wagon
”Stand back there, all of you!” he cried determinedly, and the next instant had the whip and was flourishi+ng it over the heads of those below hiot away froust ”Now don't you wish you had let me tend to hi the last reain”
”Let go of that horse!” coht and left!”
The tra auctioneer's face at these words Evidently he did not like the looks of the set lines about Matt's mouth, for without delay he obeyed the order, and stepped back Lie had hardly done so before Matt struck Billy a light blow, and off went the horse at quite a respectable gait, leaving the three would-be plunderers standing staring after the turn-out in wonder and disgust!