Part 12 (1/2)
”O my mistress,” answered Abdulla, ”impose upon thyself, I beseech thee, the obligation of good manners.”
”Dog and son of a dog----” cried Zobeida. But Abdulla heard no more. A distant confusion of sounds had arisen. It drew nearer with amazing rapidity, and finally broke forth into the tramp of marching feet, the rumbling of wheels, and the booming of a drum. The houses melted away, the sound of Zobeida's voice grew fainter and fainter, and the knot of bystanders was gone.
Abdulla sprang to attention and looked about him. He was in the main street of the city, and opposite was the house of the Interpreter of Dreams. Coming down the street was a regiment of Turkish infantry, with a battery of guns following behind. And a dim memory pa.s.sed, like a swift shadow, over the mind of Abdulla.
For an instant he was bemused, and one who pa.s.sed by heard him muttering broken words. ”The long way round,” he murmured; ”the lattice of Zobeida--a caravan of camels laden with sweetmeats--dog and the son of a dog.” Then a wind pa.s.sed over his face, and it seemed to him that he had been thinking foolishly. ”Well for me,” he replied, ”that I went not round by the house of Zobeida. For the time is short and I too am called.” And with that he crossed over, making haste that he might reach the other side before the marching column blocked the street.
The house of the Interpreter was built after the European fas.h.i.+on, and on the door was a large bra.s.s knocker after the manner of the Franks.
Abdulla stretched forth his hand, and was about to raise the knocker when one plucked him by the sleeve. Turning round he saw a man in the uniform of an officer of artillery.
”Wherefore hast thou not reported thyself?” said the officer. ”Thy name was called two days ago, and verily thou runnest a risk of being shot.”
”O my master, a bewilderment hath overtaken me,” said Abdulla, ”so that I forget all things and know not the day from the night. Lo, even now, I seek the Interpreter of Dreams that the matter may be resolved.”
”Thou art in a way to have thy dreams interpreted by a bullet through the brain,” said the officer. ”Leave then thy dreaming and hold thy peace; or, by Allah, I will proclaim thy cowardice forthwith and order thy arrest. Fall in!”
Abdulla had no choice. A moment later he was marching in step with a squad of reservists who followed in the rear of the guns.
As the column pa.s.sed down the street a veiled woman stepped out from the edge of the crowd, and, taking three paces by the side of Abdulla, whispered in his ear:
”Play the man.”
They were now at the station, entraining for the seat of war. The carriages were crowded with shouting soldiery, and many, unable to find room within, had clambered on the roofs. Among these was Abdulla, crouching silent.
Suddenly a man in European costume forced his way along the platform and called him by name.
”Art thou Abdulla, the water-seller of Damascus?” said the man.
”I am he.”
”Come down, then, that I may speak with thee. And hasten, for the time is short.”
”Stay thou behind and let these go,” said the European, when Abdulla had descended from the roof. ”I will purchase thy release from the Pasha.
Nay, the matter is already arranged, and none of these will hinder thee if thou stayest.”
”And wherefore should I do this?” asked Abdulla.
”For a weighty and good reason,” said the European. ”Know that the fame of thee has reached to London, to Paris, to New York. Thou art spoken of as one who hath a power upon thee which may aid in opening up the things that have been hidden from the foundation of the earth. And the probers of secrets have sent me that I may search thee out, and engage thee at a great salary, and take thee with me to the seats of the learned and the cities of the West.”
”Thou art in error,” said Abdulla, ”for power such as thou speakest of belongeth not to me. Of a truth, I am one who walketh in a great bewilderment, and the spirit of forgetfulness hath overpowered me. But withal I am a common man, of whom Allah hath created millions, and it was but yesterday I was seeking the Interpreter of Dreams, that I might pay him the fee and have the matter resolved.”
”I am the Interpreter of Dreams whom thou soughtest,” said the other, ”and I dwell in the house built in the European fas.h.i.+on, with the great knocker of bra.s.s, after the manner of the Franks.”
”Thy name?” said Abdulla.
”My name is Professor----”--but an escape of steam from the panting locomotive drowned the next word,--”and I am come from London to fetch thee.”