25 Still Pre-Emptive attack (1/2)
Meanwhile, the infantry still pushing their position against a heavy armored knight which made small arms no longer had the advantage. However, they brought heavy artillery this time.
The 3rd Tank company with Captain Mikhail as its commander. They were doing their last charge across the burned grassland from the hostile bombing run. The grassland was full of blood pool and the rest of the walking infantry was in their respective armored vehicles. So everyone was protected.
In the heat of the battle between the mages, knight, rifleman, and tanks, Captain Mikhail in his tank said, ”Bombardier 1, this is Joker 1, CAS destroys the knight column and open the way for the 3rd tank platoon.”
”Copy that joker, air support inbound,” Bombardier 1 in the A-10 said.
Not more than a minute later, a first brrrt sound produced a giant firecracker in the vicinity. Then the second brrrt followed those firecrackers and killed every knight in the vicinity. The tank platoon whacked the remnants of their horses and their bodies.
”Target down,” The A-10 flew passed the tank battalion.
”Last push, the city wall is up ahead,” Mikhail said as the Gunner shot the 125mm HE rounds to the 20 pounder magic cannon. The cannon shattered in big pieces and killing everyone that was near it.
The whole 12 tanks that were sent by General Andrei massacred the remnants of the army that were bombed to the Oblivion. Their big number can't match the firepower of modern weaponry. The army was pushed to the defensive position which was the town of Westfall which was the last line of defense in the kingdom.
The town was surrounded by three inner walls with several partitions on each wall. The wall goes as high as 20 meters and every wall has cannon and mages stationed there.
However, Mikhail's eyes were focused on one weird thing, a little girl on top of the wall and were followed by other mages wearing a witch hat. ”What an urod. Sending a mere child on a battlefield, but those who have the RPG has the right to be shot on sight,” He commented as he shot the witch with the remote turret on top of the M1A2 Abrams.
”Capitan, The witches are down and we are pushing forward,” Another tank commander said to him.
”Gunner load the cannon with HE Squash head. Destroy that gate!!” Mikhail said as the loader loaded another round to the cannon and the gunner fired it at the city gate.