5 New Equipmen (1/2)
”Good Afternoon General, How's the night?” Mikhail said with a straight face.
Lance got shocked with the disappearance of Mikhail's random Russian word in the conversation, ”ты в порядке, товарищ?” He asked while shaking his body violently.
”Что за черт? Генерал, остановись, я не сумасшедший и я в порядке. General, I'm ok and well. What is wrong with you?” Mikhail replied in Russian, and his Slavic accent had returned.
”I was worried that you have turned into Americans,” Lance said as he took a very deep breath.
”Americans? What are you talking about? Even If I were American, I'm still what I am. Russian or Americans, either way, Mikhail is still Mikhail, and I'm still I am,” Mikhail said to prove his point.
”What?” Lance asked shockingly.
”You're still in the era of the cold war, closed-minded, aren't you, General? See, the fact that we are working together now has eliminated our differences both as a race and as a nation. It doesn't matter even if I have to use American equipment because Americans also don't mind using Russian equipment. General, we are a unity in diversity. Everyone fills each other flaws,” Mikhail said to Lance as he waved around his HK416.
He wasn't wrong though, Lance's AK-47 had been replaced into an HK416 as well. A squadron of F-15E flew right above his head.
”What are those Eagles doing here?” Lance asked Mikhail.
”The Eagles? They are on patrol, I think, that was quite a ruckus last night, you know?” Mikhail said.
”Well, have you gathered all of the clothes that the soldiers that were stationed here wore?” Lance asked him.
”Yes we have, why did you ask? We thought it will be a good idea to wear that on the mainland if you send us there,” Mikhail said.
”Well, Capitan, you're a promotion material, you know?” Lance said to the Captain.
”Thank you, sir,” Mikhail said as Lance left him to operate the radio again.
The spy planes had already flown around the base to scan for a structure. Lance had not to get the recon report yet, but he will get it soon, and he will get along with the first recon battalion since his army has expanded a lot. Brigadier General Kochler had already been promoted to be a Lieutenant General by now. He should have another general as his adjutant right now.
A Blackhawk helicopter was parked near the fort. Lance walked to the helicopter, which a soldier had already piloted on it. Lance put the strap on his belt, and he sat down at the door of the helicopter. The pilot asked him, ”Sir, where do you want to go?”
”To the Heathen base please,” he said as the pilot flipped a few knobs, and the rotor of the helicopter started to spin. The helicopter took off and gained some altitudes. The helicopter flew above the road that was connecting between the Heathen base and the fort. The breeze of wind hit Lance's face and blew his hair.
He saw the animal running around in the forest surrounding the road, looks fun. The base have aircraft took off from the runway, including the big one since the airbase has expanded a lot. Now, the airbase has more than twenty flying squadrons. The airbase was very busy indeed.
The hangar was full of planes: F-22A, F-15C, F-15E, F/A-18F, F/A-18E, A-10, B-52, B-1, B-2, AC-130, E-3, KC-135, U-2, and many other NATO planes. The planes were parked neatly on their perspective hangar, but some of the experimental planes like the SR-71 were parked outside of the hangar.
Sadly, the trip had to come to an end once the helicopter landed on a helipad near the hangar. Though Lance wanted some rest, he simply can't because another recon report had come in the form of a white classified file. A Major General was the one that gave it to him, which was unusual.
The report was showing him the location of all of the landmarks on the island. As it turned out that the island formerly was a city that was completely wiped out by the dungeon on the island, but since lance had bombed the dungeon out of existence, the island was relatively safe again. The report suggested that the landmark was an abandoned village, an abandoned port, and an abandoned mine.
[Quest has been updated]
'wow, that was fast, system open quest status.'
[Showing available quests for user]
Main Quest:
Discover the whole island and beat the dungeon: Landmark discovered 5/5. Dungeon beaten 1/1
Rewards: CVN-78 Aircraft carrier + Escort [Completed]
[Main Island]
Return to the place where user was coming from: Mainland visited 0/1
Rewards: ???
'System, what do you mean by this? Do you mean that I don't have to visit the structure? So why don't you gave me the discovery sooner when I invade that fort?'