Volume 10 Chapter 5 (2/2)

”Is that somehow improper? I came from Garbera to become the crown prince of Mephius' wife. There is nothing to be bothered about in my going anywhere within Mephian territory.”

There was no way he could not be bothered by it. From the princess' manner, Odyne could more or less sense that she did not have Gil Mephius' permission. He was going to immediately get in touch with Birac when -

”Odyne, even if you dig your heels in the ground, it won't work,” the princess said with an unusual lack of expression. When the innocence vanished from her expression, her originally clear-cut features gave her a surprisingly adult appearance. ”I am still a princess of Garbera. Are you, a mere Mephian general, going to defy me?” She went so far as to say.

Vileena ordered him to send a messenger to Nedain to inform them of her visit.

”I cannot do it.”

”Is that so? In that case, I will fly an airs.h.i.+p and enter Nedain alone. It will be your responsibility if the enemy shoots me down in error and I lose my life because of it. There's no help for it.”

Odyne was puzzled by the violence of her words. In the end, he obeyed her order. As she herself had said, for all that she was the crown prince's fiancée, she was still a princess of Garbera. He could not restrain her.

While waiting for the other party's reply, the princess seated herself in a corner of the encampment.

What's she planning to do?

The soldiers were whispering together close enough for her to be able to hear them.

Maybe she's seen that we're at a disadvantage and wants to run away?

Weren't there Garberan soldiers who've invaded Mephian territory? She could be intending on joining up with them and go back to her country…

Impossible, the princess is…

The anecdote of how Vileena Owell had gone alone to the west and thwarted Mephius' invasion was widely told. And, since that coincided with the purpose of Crown Prince Gil's war, the general tendency was to hold the princess up as a heroine. So the soldiers were naturally confused. Among them, there were some voices that suggested that -

Maybe it's some kind of plan set up by His Highness Prince Gil.

Vileena waited some distance apart. She sat on a camp stool with her knees pressed together. Behind her, as quiet and still as a shadow, was Theresia.

When the sun was nearly halfway across the sky, an airs.h.i.+p arrived from Nedain flying a flag of intersecting white and black. The flag of a messenger. He came with the message that Jairus Abigoal, lord of Nedain, was prepared to receive the Garberan princess.

Good - as soon as she heard it, Vileena rose from her seat.

”Princess, are you really going?”

”Don't make me repeat myself.” Vileena curtly responded to Odyne's final confirmation of her intentions.

News of the princess' visit naturally caused no small amount of confusion within Nedain. The long face-off had exhausted the resources of both the people and the soldiers. Whereupon, Vileena Owell had suddenly requested to come over from the enemy side.

”It might be a trap,” some suggested in a whisper.

Crown Prince Gil was known to make use of all sorts of clever schemes to throw the enemy into disarray. He had done so both against Ryucown and when repelling Taúlia's surprise attack on Apta.

Those however were the achievements of the ”real” Gil, so to speak. The fundamental premise of this war was that the ”current” Gil was a different person, yet he too had overcome Folker's army and gained victory with just a small number of soldiers. Things were complicated in the extreme but, at any rate, they could not afford to be careless. However -

If this is the real Garberan princess we'll be receiving… Jairus had a faint hope that this stagnant situation might finally start to move again.

Currently, there was also that man, Salamand, who was causing trouble within Mephius in the name of ”rescuing the princess”. The sooner they get sent back to their own country, the better - thought Jairus.

However, although the response he had given was that ”we will receive her,” the lord of Nedain would not believe it was real until he saw her with his own eyes.

”It really is the princess herself.”

The messenger airs.h.i.+p was returning. Jairus, who had s.n.a.t.c.hed the binoculars away from a soldier and caught sight of the princess and a woman who looked like a lady's maid on board the s.h.i.+p, was momentarily speechless. He had met Vileena before when she had come to Nedain. At that time, she had been a guest visiting from Solon. Now, she was coming from Birac, which was opposing that same Solon.

She sure is busy.

Jairus was so well pleased that pa.s.sing and sarcastic thought of his that he repeated when he went to meet her face to face.

”Greetings, Your Royal Highness. I did not hope to ever see you again. Since you have been flying around all over Mephius, you must be terribly busy.”

He spoke from the entrance of the Abigoal mansion.

”I am very obliged to you for meeting me in person, Lord Abigoal.”

”What are you saying? Truly, it seems that our fates are somehow connected, Princess.”

Jairus received her with a smile but was far from bearing no grudges towards Princess Vileena. When she had visited from Solon, he was forced to look after her as a guest; and then she had outmanoeuvred Jairus by pretending to return to Solon but instead going to Apta. A battle had then occurred near the border with a western army and she had gone missing. At the time, Jairus' head had been spinning so much he thought he was on the verge of collapse; he could not imagine what kind of reprimand he would receive from His Majesty the Emperor.

What had saved Jairus was that Nabarl, despite being in a position of overwhelming superiority, had lost the battle and found himself bearing the full brunt of the blame.

However - look at the princess now - she stood before him, smiling modestly. In the end, she was just a young girl of fourteen or fifteen. She had probably admired those musty old heroes' tales and had thrown her weight about valiantly, only to come scuttling back without having accomplished a thing as soon as she realised that she was at a disadvantage. Thinking about it like that, he had the pleasant feeling that she was dancing in the palm of his hand.

And therefore, he was able to ask without restraint, ”were you not pleased with His Highness' impostor?”

”Lord Abigoal, are you suspecting me of being an impostor?” Vileena asked with an unexpectedly sorrowful appearance.

”Oh my, no indeed. What we have here is the n.o.ble-minded Princess Vileena choosing the path of righteousness.”

At which point, Boyce Abigoal appeared. Since the situation was one in which battle might break out at any moment, he was wearing armour. He had a single woman in tow.

”I believe this is your first time meeting my son?” Jairus introduced Boyce to the princess.

After they had exchanged careful greetings, Vileena's eyes alighted on the woman behind him.

”This person is…”

”My future wife,” Boyce announced triumphantly.

Seeing how Jairus frowned slightly, it appeared that father and son were not entirely in agreement on this matter.

Vileena gave a slight bow of her head and greeted the woman too. She returned the greeting in accordance with proper etiquette and gave her name as Louise, but both her eyes and expression seemed lifeless.

I see, so she is…

Vileena kept her hand clasped in hers for so long that the Abigoal father and son found it unnatural.

”Lord Abigoal.”

”What is it?”

Jairus felt startled. Her upturned eyes, that looked as though they were testing him, shone strangely.

”I am sorry to say this when you have come to greet me, but I am thinking of leaving at once. I wish to go to Solon immediately.”

It was after dawn when news of Vileena's flight reached Orba's ears. At first, he could not understand what had happened. He even wondered if an enemy spy hadn't sneaked in and kidnapped the princess.

However, as his surroundings grew brighter, his sight became correspondingly clearer and, bit-by-bit, he received more accurate inform and was able to digest it. Vileena Owell, along with her lady's maid, Theresia, had boarded a s.h.i.+p and, with Krau at the helm, they had flown in the direction of Nedain. Given that it was a s.h.i.+p with a long cruising range, they had almost certainly reached the Nedain area without needing to replenish their ether. Their destination was, of course, obvious.

”Shall we give chase?” Asked the air force commander from Rogue's division.

Orba's feeling however was that it was - already too late.

And, as expected, an airs.h.i.+p arrived in the afternoon from the direction of Nedain, carrying on board a messenger from Odyne's camp. He said that the princess, having alighted at the encampment, had shaken off any attempts from Odyne and the others to restrain her and, after both parties had sent messengers to one another, had entered Nedain.

When Orba heard about this, there were a few other people in the room, Gowen included.

What's she up to? Since having been informed about it at dawn, Orba had felt sick at heart and helpless.

He had constantly had the impression that what with Salamand, Ende, and Allion, the net was slowly but visibly tightening around him and leaving him isolated.

And on top of that, Vileena, who should have been an ally, had gone and acted on her own. Didn't you say that you were leaving this war to me? His temper flared up unbidden.

Orba - On receiving a glance from Gowen, he realised that his inner feelings were showing in his expression. The former overseer of slaves had given him advice previously: since from here on, he would have to thoroughly deceive not only those around him but also the entire country and every person who had anything to do with Mephius, Orba's 'face' as a private individual would be nothing but a hindrance.

In other words, he could not act on his thoughts alone. The burden he shouldered was too heavy, so much so that even taking a single step was cause for hesitation.

Although he understood that, his feelings were not so easy to curb.

Even calling someone a liar and a coward…

Actually, ”liar” and ”coward” were Orba's own words about himself when he had been second-guessing the princess' evaluation of him, but leaving that aside for now…



With Orba abruptly blurting out something nonsensical, Gowen reverted back to his expression ”from the old days”.

No, nothing - Orba shook his head while continuing his train of thought.

Right, a ”liar” was it? He inwardly realised. That was what Princess Vileena had told the masked Imperial Guard Orba less than a few days ago. It had been a message to Crown Prince Gil Mephius. Huh, now I remember it. Orba was supposed to pa.s.s it on to the prince.

He felt like a fool. He should have noticed at the time. When it came to carefully observing hostile opponents, Orba demonstrated unparalleled powers of concentration; as he took note of every one of their actions, even down to their words and unplanned gestures, in order to see through their weaknesses and intentions. But when the opponent was a fourteen-year-old girl, he was completely lacking.

If he had to deceive a mult.i.tude of people, then Vileena was undoubtedly one of them.

I forgot all about it.

In a way, it could be seen as the princess' revenge. She had deserted Orba just as he had once fled from all that had been burdening him.

But in Vileena's case, she wouldn't have run away. Even if he held nothing but hatred towards her, that was still the one thing he could a.s.serted with certainty. When she moved, it was to fight.

Since things had come to this, he wanted to be able to understand what she would do next.

”It couldn't be that…” He wondered.

Eei - the wave of his emotions rippled out in different directions and he found it impossible to calm down. He was seized with the impulse to slam his fist hard against a wall.



”It's already too late to hide the fact that Princess Vileena has gone, isn't it?”

”Since she went through General Odyne's camp, it will be impossible to stop all of the soldiers from talking.”

”Then have it been known that when I - when Gil Mephius heard of her departure, his only reaction was to say 'Is that so?'”

It was a ridiculous order.

However, if it were known that the princess had selfishly taken action and that the prince had lost his composure because of it, the soldiers' morale would plummet to rock bottom. He had to let it be believed, to the very end, that the princess' flight had not had a great effect on him, or else that she had acted with his approval.

Once everyone had left the room though…


… Orba was finally able to slam his fist into the wall to his heart's content.

He felt cold and numb to the bone. It was no longer only hatred that filled his heart. It was nothing so simple. He bitterly regretted that his own impatience at the current situation had been seen through. He even felt some sympathy for the princess' position as, had it been him, he might well have done the same thing.

Still, calmly a.n.a.lysing things and coolly observing what happened from here on was a completely different matter.

His heart was chilled. The warmth he had felt at his side had already vanished and gone far away. It had only been fleeting.

Who could even say for sure that it was still anywhere in this world?

Roan, his mother, Alice, and even s.h.i.+que - the people who had been breathing by his side as though it were the most natural thing in the world had, in an instant, lost their warmth and been lain to rest, cold.

Orba ground his teeth hard.

Recently, she had constantly been having the same dream.

It was shrouded in shadows and there was a beast-like smell.

She screamed and struggled to escape. But the shadow tirelessly flew towards her.

It was undoubtedly a beast.

Its blazing eyes gleamed with desire and, from within its open maw, fangs glistening with saliva waited to tear through her tender skin.

In the end, her hands and feet could no longer move.

All she could do was scream endlessly.

Overwhelmed by the omens of death and destruction, her very mind lost the freedom of thought. She knew that soon, her flesh would be destroyed.

Just before it happened, a fierce crash of thunder roared.

It was a gunshot.

She did not know who had shot the bullet but the shadowy beast staggered and fell, and soon, it had disappeared.

The terror that had utterly filled her body and mind also gradually faded away, like the ebbing of the tide.

Before she realised it, the sun was s.h.i.+ning brightly down from above her.

It was like a completely different world from earlier. A cool breeze brought the sound of a ringing temple bell to her ears.

Men and women that she was acquainted with were lined up on either side of her. All of them were smiling. And whenever their eyes met, they called out their blessings to her.


”Congratulations, Layla.”

Oh right - Layla realised - today was her wedding ceremony.

Thank you - she answered in return to each smiling face, happy and proud as she walked by in her pure white wedding dress.

At the point she was walking towards, amidst the shower of petals, her bridegroom was waiting. He was an honest and sincere young man. To amuse Layla, he would sometimes tell her jokes - something he was not used to - but immediately afterwards, he would always turn bright red. When it came to work, he closely resembled her obstinate father. She did not think that was why she was attracted to him. It was simply because she was convinced that they could become a couple that was just like her parents, who were always so affectionate with each other.

Her bridegroom was also smiling. Layla's fingers brushed against his outstretched hand.

But, just before she could take it, the bridegroom's expression suddenly turned dark and the arm that Layla's hand should have wrapped around was instead used to thrust the bride away.

She staggered back. It was so abrupt that she was left dumbfounded.

”Why?” She asked, staring at her bridegroom whose smile had vanished without a trace.

Or at least, that was what she tried to do, but her voice would not come out. Instead -

”Why?” She was asked in return. ”Why are your clothes torn to shreds? Your wedding dress should be as white as snow, why is it filthy with blood instead?”

Startled, Layla looked down at herself.

It was just as he had said. Her clothes were ripped all over, exposing her skin. And the area around her chest was stained a deep red. Although it must have been clinging to her until just now, as soon as Layla laid eyes on the blood, it reverted back to liquid and slowly dripped down her wedding dress; before long, it was trickling to the ground from between her legs.

The bridegroom pointed at the puddle of blood pooling at her feet.

”You've been defiled,” he said. ”Leave, this is no place for you to be. Leave, defiled bride. Leave, filthy wh.o.r.e!”

There was another scream.

It was so very loud that she wanted to cover her ears, and did not notice that it was coming from her until her surroundings suddenly changed again.

People were running around all over. All of them seemed to be shrieking, but Layla could not hear anything except her own screams. The friends who had been at the wedding ceremony moments ago were there. The kind neighbours she had met in that foreign land were also there.

All of them were being chased. It was as though the blood that had run down Layla's body had given birth to slaughterers clad in the red of gore and flames.

Steel glistened. A woman who had been her childhood friend was pierced from behind with a spear. A foreign boy who had given Layla flowers had his arm sliced off with a sword and sent flying in the air.

Layla screamed all the more. Not out of fear for her own life. She knew what would happen next. She had already witnessed it time and time again.

Right on cue, a shadow rushed between her and the slaughterer. Layla's father, the former officer of the imperial guards, Rone Jayce.

Her father stood before her and spread his arms out wide and, just like that, he was pierced through his abdomen. As though encountering no resistance from sinew and skin, the spear pierced her father's gut through to his back, its tip emerging before Layla's eyes. Her father's body lurched to one side.

Layla's gaze unconsciously travelled from her father's collapsed form, to the spearhead, and up to the man who was grasping the spear.

A man whose entire body was drenched in fresh blood -

Gil Mephius.

When he laughed, even his teeth were dyed red.

Layla could no longer even hear herself screaming.

”Good.” In its place, a solemn voice resounded. ”Be at ease, Layla. There's nothing to be afraid of. For now.”

This man was not her father, nor her lover.... not even someone she would normally have been acquainted with; yet at his voice, Layla's feelings calmed down shockingly quick.

She quietly closed her eyes and bent her head backwards as though in sleep.

In reality, Layla had been asleep all along. All that she had just experienced, with such vivid fear, was no more than a dream built from the dregs of her memory. The flesh-and-blood Layla was currently alone in a darkened room.

No - there was one other person there: the sorcerer Zafar, clad in robes so black they seemed to melt into the shadows.

He was the man who had arrived a few days ago in Birac and set up a medicine stall. Of course, it was not merely on a whim that the sorcerer had disguised himself as one of the common folk. It was to gather information.

Even if what he caught hold of was only vague, he had intended to learn from the soldiers serving at the mansion, as well as from the maids who heard of his stall through them, about the movements and att.i.tudes of the man who claimed to be Crown Prince Gil Mephius and who was currently residing in Birac.

Spies sent from Solon had no doubt also arrived in Birac by now and were probably collecting the same information.

Zafar's objective was to support their actions and help them achieve their purpose. However, he was not to let them know that he was a sorcerer serving the Dragon G.o.ds' faith, nor was he allowed to make direct use of his magic powers.

To the very end, everything had to be accomplished by human hands.

Thereupon, a person more suitable than he could ever have hoped for appeared before him.

A lady's maid serving the Garberan princess - Layla. Guessing from her position that she could be made use of, Zafar had brought her to that deserted house; by applying drugs and suggestion, he had then ensnared her into a deeply hypnotised state. As a result of which, he successfully managed to pick up fragments of her memories.

Thanks to them, he inferred that she held a deep-seated hatred towards the prince. It was she herself who had wished to serve the Garberan princess as a lady's maid, and that was probably not unrelated to that hatred.

Zafar worked hard in order to sound out the depths of her consciousness with greater precision. He got her to visit him once every two days.

”Hmm, I see, so that's what the princess is doing.”

He listened as Layla, sitting on a chair, gave her report. The sorcerer's invisible ”hands” were probing through the depths of her consciousness and, by cutting away scenes in her mind and manipulating them, he was able to alter the deep consciousness. However, that was not the same as saying that he could make her do whatever he wished.

Exactly as had been the case for Reizus, the sorcerer who had once appeared in the western lands claiming to be Garda, it was necessary to spend a lot of time in understanding the heart and mind of the targeted person. Moreover, it was impossible to force them to do something that greatly differed from their own intentions. All that could be done was to guide the person's feelings until they became convinced that those intentions were their own.

When Zafar had heard that the princess had left Birac, he had wondered - might there be a way to take her hostage and lure the prince out?

However, in order to do so, a great many procedures would need to be put into place. Making important changes to a situation was bothersome since a lot needed to be taken into consideration.

Anyway, according to the plan, it should be about the time when I get in touch with the spies.

Just as with Layla, their meeting would have to appear completely coincidental. With that in mind, he would pull in Layla, whose interests coincided with theirs; and, with her cooperation, he would guide the plan to its conclusion.

And for that… It was essential to destroy Layla's doubts, ethics, and feelings as much as possible.

Just as when Reizus had once ordered Princess Lima of Kadyne to ”die,” making a person under hypnotism act against their own instincts was extremely difficult. Which was why Zafar was taking the time to summon Layla and have her relive again and again the memories of her past. Where and when it was convenient to make a change, he planted feelings within her that overrode her instincts.

Feelings of wanting to kill Crown Prince Gil Mephius.
