Vol 9 Chapter 4 (1/2)
Chapter 4
Chapter 4: The Attributes of a King
Part 1
Winding back time a little.
The day after Nabarl and his men left Apta as ‘messengers’, Orba once again crossed the River Yunos as Gil Mephius.
“I need to formally give Sir Ax my thanks and my greetings,” he explained to the generals. Seeing the prince breezily cross over the border between the two countries, Rogue and Odyne looked like they were in the grip of strong emotion. “I’ll be back soon. You’re in charge while I’m gone.”
Even though he had been missing until just recently, Orba said that entirely in the manner of a lord. Of course, the generals and Imperial Guards were respectful.
He boarded an air carrier along with a few others. Gowen was among them. They had not met directly since their violent verbal clash, but now Orba deliberately went up to him.
”This your first time in the west, Gramps?”
He clapped him on the shoulder expansively. The old warrior, unused to the rolling of the s.h.i.+p, staggered forward and returned a glare towards him.
I told you not to call me Gramps – was probably what he was thinking, but Orba paid it no mind.
”It's a good place. The people, the atmosphere and the land aren't bad at all. But right up to the end, I just couldn't get used to the food.”
”I see.”
”There are also many beautiful women. Gowen, you're still in active service, so don't go too wild.”
When he said that, the Winged Dragon officers manning the bridge laughed. Gowen managed a strained smile, but once Orba's back was turned, he gave a small scowl in his direction.
News of Gil Mephius' survival had turned into a rumour that had been carried on the wind back to Taúlia. There had not yet been any official announcement, but just how much of an impact that rumour had was obvious from the way people were lined up along both sides of the streets where the carriage travelled, standing on tiptoe and craning their necks to try and catch even the smallest glimpse, as well as from the sight of people running alongside it. It was proof that the story that Mephius' Imperial Crown Prince Gil was riding in it had spread like a flash.
Despite the fact that Mephius had only very recently violated their border, the people's expressions held neither hatred nor fear. Instead, they were as wildly enthusiastic as if they had been eagerly awaiting a hero's return. That was in part because there was a widespread rumour that just as the second attack force was about to leave Apta for Taúlia, Gil Mephius had appeared in person to halt their march.
Finally, the carriage entered the premises of Taúlia's castle. Naturally, the people could not enter with it so they gathered along the fence on their side, forming a ring of excited faces.
In the audience hall, on the highest floor of the castle, its master was sitting on the throne for the first time in a long time. Ax Bazgan had hurried back to Taúlia as soon as he had received the news from the strategist, Ravan Dol. On either side of him was that self-same Ravan Dol, Ax's wife, Jaina, and his daughter, Esmena.
Decked out in full uniform, Bouwen Tedos stood slightly before the royal family, while the remaining high officers were also a.s.sembled.
It was not just Taúlia; Lasvius from Helio, Moldorf and Nilgif from Kadyne, as well as the commanders who had come rus.h.i.+ng from the various countries were lined up shoulder to shoulder.
Since some time earlier, this crowd of people had constantly been exchanging glances and talking among themselves. They were hardly any less excited than the populace.
Only Ax Bazgan looked a little
The noise instantly stopped when the door to the audience chamber opened and the soldiers showed a man in. Leaving those soldiers standing by the doorway, the man proceeded to walk alone straight into the throne room.
The first to react was Princess Esmena Bazgan. Seeming startled, she suddenly got up from her chair. Her mother Jaina gestured to rebuke her for her lack of manners, but n.o.body was looking. All eyes were turned to the man who was striding along.
Although they had, of course, been informed beforehand of the visit, neither Ax nor Bouwen could hide the surprise from their faces. Oh, this man is... – Lasvius, Nilgif, the Blue Dragon of Kadyne, and the others, meanwhile, observed him with great earnestness.
Only one person, Nilgif's older brother Moldorf, wore a slightly different expression from that of the other officers but, as with Esmena, there was no one to notice it.
The one who had stepped forward - Crown Prince Gil Mephius of the Imperial Dynasty of Mephius, dropped to his knees in front of Ax, his cloak fluttering.
In appearance, he was the very picture of a fearless young warrior but it was said that only a few months earlier, he had been shot by an underling and had almost lost his life. The significance of the decorative circlet on his brow was that it was to hide the scar. But what astonished the people gathered there more than anything was the story that it was none other than the lord of Taúlia who had saved him when he had been wandering between life and death.
Both of these things had only just been explained to them a short while earlier by the strategist, Ravan Dol.
”It has been a long time, Lord Ax Bazgan.” Gil raised his head and gave his greetings with a smile. For all that he was kneeling, Gil and Ax were bound by a relations.h.i.+p of personal alliance. ”Although having said that, it's only been two or three days since I left. Taúlia is now like a second hometown to me. When I sensed the western wind, it truly felt as though I was coming home.”
Ax did not answer for a while. It was unclear whether he actually intended to create that 'gap', but when Ravan Dol discreetly cleared his throat, he replied with unchanged despondency,
”The most important thing is that you have recovered from your injury, Prince Gil.”
”It's thanks to you. As long as I live, I will never forget the warm care that I have received from you Lord Ax, and from Taúlia.”
d.a.m.n that sly fox.
While forcing himself to smile, Ax was seething with rage. When he had received the urgent notification from Ravan, Ax had truly considered whether he should just finally strangle the old strategist. There he was saying that ”Mephius' Crown Prince Gil was actually being sheltered in Taúlia” as though it were perfectly natural.
It was a story that pa.s.sed his comprehension.
When he got to see Ravan Dol face-to-face to grill him about it in detail, he was told that, ”it seems that the subordinates I have spread throughout Taúlia looked after the injured prince without knowing who he was. Once he had recovered from his wound, he announced himself as Mephius' crown prince and I, hearing about it, rushed to him with all haste.”
Gil had asked that no one be informed for a while that he had survived. In exchange, and as thanks for sheltering him, he had sent his men, the former Imperial Guards...o...b.. and s.h.i.+que, to enlist as mercenaries in Taúlia's army.
”And of course, you didn't think the situation important enough to tell your liege about it.”
”My lord, there is a time and a place for all things,” Ravan gravely informed him. ”You, my liege, being honest and frank, are a gentleman who cannot tell a lie or be sneaky.”
”In other words, you're saying that I'm a foolish and stupid man. Yeah, that's right. I splendidly made Orba captain of the mercenaries without realising that he was Gil's subordinate.”
”I am filled with awe at your perspicacity.”
All seemed to be well. It looked as though Ax had not realised Orba's true ident.i.ty but had only clearly discerned his sharp wits.
“However, I would like you to pretend that you knew from the start, Lord Ax. If we say that it was according to your intent that Sir Gil was hidden here, the situation from here on will proceed far more smoothly.”
“With the way you cleverly deceive me, it’s as good as saying that you actually intend to make Taúlia yours one of these days.”
“Even if that were the case, I do not have many years left to live. There is no doubt that I will be called to the Dragon G.o.ds before you are, my lord. Fortunately, as I have neither child nor grandchild, I will not be leaving behind the seeds of calamity,” Ravan said nonchalantly.
While Ax vowed in his heart to drink a toast in celebration when the old man eventually died, he had no choice but to go along with the plan. Gil needed to have some kind of weakness. After all, there was still that matter of the sovereign’s seal from the Ancient Dynasty, which is proof of being king, not only of Taúlia, but of Zer Tauran. When they had a.s.saulted Apta, Gil had stolen it with his own hands, although it had later been returned to Ax through Esmena.
Before Gil’s visit, Ax had summoned his officers and had given them a general explanation about the prince – the matter of the sovereign’s seal of course excepted.
Bouwen, who was personally acquainted with Orba, seemed utterly astounded. Certainly, they had once fought at Apta, but he could not possibly have imagined that the masked swordsman who had cornered them then was the same person as the one who had killed Garda.
“Well, if we’re talking about goodwill,” wiping his various emotions from his expression, Ax spoke to Gil, “we’re also grateful for you having lent us a capable subordinate, Prince. He magnificently accomplished a difficult task. I would like to purchase him for a high price, but I don’t suppose that his prince would nod his consent.”
“Orba is certainly an able man. Somewhat like a sword forged by a master craftsman. No matter how sharp it may be, if the one wielding it is not endowed with strength, it will be of no more use than a pillow. To tell you the truth, I too was surprised by his accomplishments this time. As expected of Sir Ax Bazgan, the leader of the west, you skilfully use your soldiers.”
“Humph, well, anyway,” Ax’s bad mood had lifted. However, “Orba’s name is now quite well-known throughout the west. Returning him to you, Prince, is regrettable, after all.” Seized by the sudden urge to make mischief, he grumbled deliberately. Standing beside him, Ravan gave him a sidelong glare but Ax ignored him. “I’ve been thinking. How about taking a man from Mephius, and furthermore, one of the prince’s subordinates, as a high-ranking commander here in Taúlia? If we did that, the people would surely be impressed by the friends.h.i.+p between our two countries.”
“Well. That’s…”
“Humph. Still not satisfied with the offer? Then, for example, how about Esmena here?” Ax glanced at his daughter who was looking blank. “If I approach Orba with the offer of Esmena here for his wife should he stay in Taúlia? I wonder how he would answer?”
At the word ‘wife’, Gil Mephius coughed violently. Unusually for him, he could not hide his consternation over Ax’s teasing.
The people filling the room however were naturally well-acquainted with their master’s personality and did not take it seriously. The lord has started joking around again.
They watched the exchange with warm, contented feelings, and only Bouwen Tedos looked stunned.
Even though he had known that Orba was Mephian, Bouwen’s feelings towards him were a little complicated as he had neither realised nor been informed that he was the crown prince’s subordinate. In all honesty, he kind of wanted to seize him by the scruff of the neck and send him flying, but it would be beyond a joke if his childhood friend Princess Esmena were to be added into the mix.
Just as he was about to unthinkingly throw aside his position and rank, and loudly rebuke Ax –
“Father!” Princess Esmena cried out in such loud accents that Bouwen was even more astounded than before and even Ax was surprised. Esmena had once again risen from her seat and, with everyone’s attention focused on her, she regained control of her tone of voice.
“… His Highness Gil looks troubled. It would be rude to let a joke go too far. On your orders, Father, Sir Orba, who is a foreigner, risked his life and defeated Garda. Has this not sufficiently expressed the faith and friends.h.i.+p between our two countries?”
“D-Definitely, it’s as my daughter says,” although taken aback by his sheltered daughter’s unexpected behaviour, Ax nodded magnanimously. He then purposely took the war fan hanging at his waist in his hand. “Indeed, when Taúlia and Mephius join hands as though the sorrowful history that pa.s.sed before were no more than a lie, there is definitely nothing that they cannot accomplish. It is because these two countries joined forces that the menace that was Garda could be driven from the west...”
“And that I, Gil Mephius, could be saved,” Orba continued.
Ax Bazgan gazed in turn, not only at his own retainers, but also at each of the officers who had been invited from the various other countries.
“How about it? It is my wish that Taúlia should continue in its friends.h.i.+p with Mephius. The other countries of the west are certainly not without relation to Mephius but would you welcome this?”
“For us, there is no doubt. Both His Excellency Hardross and His Highness Rogier are in agreement.”
At Lasvius’ answer, the Red Dragon Moldorf threw out his ma.s.sive chest.
“If the king of Taúlia, which shares a border with Mephius, says so, Princess Lima is certain to have no objection either.”
Ax nodded in satisfaction.
“However,” the one who interpolated was Gil Mephius, “however, for this to come to pa.s.s, it is first necessary to halt a certain ambition.”
“What ambition?”
”To devour the west, starting with Taúlia - my father, Guhl Mephius' ambition.”
The atmosphere in the audience chamber immediately became tinged with a hint of sternness.
Considering the implications of the crown prince's survival and of his formal visit to Taúlia, this development was to be expected. But now that Gil himself had broached the topic, those who were there, standing at the crossroads of history as they were again about to confront Mephius together, the omens of war swirling ever more strongly in their hearts, felt a strange and deep emotion sweep through their b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
”You, his son, are saying that?”
Ax's expression grew taunt. Gil nodded.
”It would be meaningless to gloss over things at this point. Therefore, I bare my heart and although this may be shameless of me, I have a request to make of you, King Ax, as well as of you gentlemen of the many western countries.”
”Soldiers,” Ax antic.i.p.ated Gil. Since this was naturally to be expected, Ax was showing consideration by voluntarily making the proposal himself. ”We will not spare our strength in helping the prince who gave us a.s.sistance in subjugating Garda. So, how many do you need? When should they hasten towards Mephius?”
His tone was incredibly light but there was doubt that Ax's words expressed considerable resolve. If he lent a great many soldiers to Gil, it would mean war between the west and Mephius. And there would be casualties. To earn the neighbouring country's friends.h.i.+p – taking a long-term view, this could not be more beneficial, but how strenuous an effort it would be for the Tauran region, this war that would have no immediate benefits for the west that was exhausted after suppressing Garda.
Was it because Gil understood that situation that he said –
”About a thousand.”
”A thousand,” repeated Ax.
It was by no means a negligible number, but a slightly surprised look flickered across his face. Taking into consideration Mephius' full capacities, he had to wonder if the prince could really fight with only those reinforcements. And what Gil Mephius said next had not only King Ax, but also Lasvius and the Twin Dragons, opening their eyes wide.
”Yes, a thousand. But there is no need for those troops to leave the western territories. It'll be enough if they can raise their banners in full and show Mephius that the western forces are prepared to move.”
Just as Ax was finally unable to conceal his emotions any longer –
”Oh, and also, there is another thing I'd like to request.”
”W-Which is?”
Unconcerned by the lord of Taúlia's confusion, Gil remained quiet for a moment.
Should it be said that he had played his hand well by aiming to create a pause at the last moment, when the other was becoming impatient? Gil Mephius gave a radiant smile that was quite unsuited to the strained atmosphere in the hall and spoke.
”I would like to borrow a few dozen of the beautiful dancing girls that Taúlia is so justly proud of.”
Part 2
”What the h.e.l.l are they doing?” Talcott, a mercenary born near the coast, asked, thoroughly p.i.s.sed off.
All around him were Stan, with whom he had worked for a long time, Kurun, an apprentice dragoon from Helio, and all the other members of Orba's unit.
Speaking of Orba's unit, they had, of course, accomplished considerable achievements in the war against Garda. And they had been given a very warm reception in Taúlia. Yet a crowd of soldiers had suddenly marched in on them, imprisoning nearly all of them together in a large room.
Having said ‘all of them’, they were actually short three people: the all-important captain of the unit, s.h.i.+que, and Gilliam. In other words, only the Mephians had vanished.
“They can’t possibly have really been executed?”
The reason for Talcott’s misgivings was that just before they were imprisoned – which had been shortly after the invading Mephian army was driven back – Orba had been confined alone. Rumour had it that, at that time, Bouwen Tedos, who had been left in charge of Taúlia’s army, might have flown into a rage against Mephius for disregarding the peace agreement by attacking, and, as an example to others, had Orba executed.
Just as Talcott was about to start feeling genuinely anxious about their own fate, they received a change of environment. Having been locked up in a single room, they were now transferred to a large hall. It had a great many rooms and, as...o...b..’s unit had never been large, each member was provided with his own bed. They were also given freedom within the building. Although Taúlian soldiers stood guard outside, it was somewhat different from the treatment given to criminals.
At the same time, the Mephian mercenary Gilliam was brought to the hall and was locked up in it along with Talcott and the others.
“Jumbo, what the h.e.l.l’s going on?”
“Who knows,” the contours of Gilliam’s eyes were black and blue, as though someone had hit him, but he laughed cheerfully. “If you’re clever, you’re a patriotic hero, if you’re unlucky, it’s the scaffold.”
After two days had pa.s.sed, Gilliam began to talk about the truth of the situation. At first, Talcott completely disregarded the idea of Orba and s.h.i.+que serving as Imperial Guards to the crown prince of Mephius, and that they had come to the west to accompany the prince, who had himself been forced by circ.u.mstances to leave Mephius.
“Why would the crown prince’s men fight against Mephius?”
“That’s just it. The crown prince himself doesn’t want war with the west. That’s why he had them drive back the Mephian army that one time.”
After that, the crown prince had given Orba a letter to take to Mephius. As on the Taúlian side, they had still not been able to ascertain the prince’s ident.i.ty, until Orba returned, the people of his unit were detained as hostages.
“What a joke! What Imperial Guards? Playing along with your bragging is just going to end up putting us in danger!”
Talcott was starting to become enraged when Stan calmly interrupted.
“No, Brother. When it comes to Mephius’ masked swordsman Orba, even I’ve heard of him. They have the same name and both are swordsmen that wear masks. It makes sense.”
“Again, why can’t you keep your mouth shut when it’s important?” Talcott spoke disgustedly. “We’ve always been together for a long time now, there is nothing that you know that I don’t. Stop playing along with his reckless bragging.”
“Brother, that’s because you’re always in a trance over some woman or another and don’t listen properly to what people are saying.”
“What’s that, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d?”
Even if they quarrelled, their situation did not change. They were given food each day and, if they asked the guards, they could even get books and board games, but not knowing what was going to happen to them left them increasingly irritated.
On the third day after they had been moved to the hall, the streets had been noisy since the morning. As they were wondering what was going on, the door to the hall opened and a man wearing a hood appeared. Talcott and those by the door leapt up, convinced an executioner had arrived but –
“I’ve caused you trouble.”
The man pulled back the hood and exposed his face. Well, in this case, rather than a face, it could be better said to be the mask worn over his face.
Many of the mercenaries rushed towards the entranceway. For a moment, Talcott, mouth wide open, clung blankly to a pillar. Then –
“Y-You. What’s with that nonchalantly showing up? Whose fault do you think this is?” He lunged to grab Orba by the collar.
Faster than anyone around them could react, Orba dodged lightly then flung a heavy leather purse onto a shelf in the entrance hall where things like water jugs were kept.
“I don’t think that this is enough to be forgiven, but... It’s prize money from Sir Ax.”
“Prize money?”
Acting out of something like a natural instinct, Talcott snapped out of his rage in an instant and immediately started inspecting the contents.
“It also includes all of your wages up until now. It’s to be divided equally between everyone.”
“What does this mean?” Stan asked in place of Talcott, who was busy counting the money.
Orba looked around at all of the members of the unit who were gathered there.
“The unit is being dissolved,” he told them. After which, he repeated the same explanation that Gilliam had given them. “I was not lying about my loyalties when I wielded my sword for Sir Ax, but actually I’m an Imperial Guard to Crown Prince Gil Mephius. Having also received permission from Sir Ax, I’ll be going back to Mephius with the prince.”
“Gilliam also told us about it, but are you saying that you fought against Mephius even though you’re the crown prince’s subordinate?” Surprise was plastered all over Kurun’s face.
“It’s a question of having made up my mind,” Orba said impa.s.sively. “But for most of you, Tauran is your birthplace. You won’t be as determined as I am, and besides, you’ll all be far more concerned about the reconstruction of Tauran than about the civil war in Mephius. So I’m dissolving the unit.”
“That’s pretty abrupt, isn’t it?”
Where had the energy that Talcott had when he tried to seize him gone? He had rapidly gone back to looking listless and dispirited.
Orba once more looked around at everyone.
“I’m fine with you hating or resenting me. But please don’t think that because I’m the prince’s subordinate, I deceived you to have you fight. There was absolutely no connection between my real ident.i.ty, the swords you wielded and the blood you shed for the west, or with the heart and soul you all displayed for the sake of defeating Garda. And it is a truth beyond all doubt that you are heroes who saved the west from the hands of evil.”
The entrance hall fell completely silent.
Everyone was moved to the point of being paralysed. When at that moment, “your manner and tone have kind of changed, huh,” Stan expressed his feelings in a low voice.
Ah! – Orba inwardly put up his vigilance. Because he had not worn the ‘mask’ of the crown prince for a long time, his words and manner had come out as exaggerated. Nonetheless, the words he had just spoken to the soldiers were undeniably Orba’s true feelings and he was grateful towards the people who had fought for him under all circ.u.mstances.
After that, he summoned the unit’s treasurer and had him start dividing the money between the members. While that was going on, Orba called Gilliam to a spot away from the others.
“You made it back.”
“Yeah, somehow.”
When s.h.i.+que had left for Apta, Gilliam had been imprisoned for the crime of helping him escape. However, once the meeting between Orba and Ravan Dol ended, he had temporarily been released. After which, Ravan Dol had personally come to see him.
“This is what you need to tell the people of the unit for now.” He had drilled into him the ‘circ.u.mstances’ that Gilliam had recounted to the members of the unit. The idea was to prevent too many rumours from springing up in the future.
“Since I was locked up in here, I couldn’t go and see the crown prince’s face as he went along the streets.”
“He was in a carriage, so you wouldn’t have seen it either way. Why the interest?”
“Because it’s the Prince’s face and, more importantly, because it’s the face under that mask.”
“You don’t need to keep putting on an act for me at this point. So now that I know, you going to have me stealthily a.s.sa.s.sinated?”
“Looks like I’ll have to be careful who to choose for the a.s.sa.s.sins. I don’t want to lose a whole bunch of soldiers just to take one life.”
Gilliam burst into loud laughter. Then, he placed his brawny arm around Orba’s neck.
“It looks interesting, so I’ll stick with you a little longer. But I’m only promising this for now. If you ever feel like I know too much or I’m in the way, and want to have me killed in secret, you don’t need to choose any hitmen. Come at me yourself. I’ve been thinking that one of these days, we should fight seriously.”
From behind the iron mask, Orba looked at this man that he had known since their time in Tarkas’ gladiator company.
“Got it,” he nodded.
‘Orba’, who had entered Taúlia, as ‘Crown Prince Gil’, had not played the part of ‘Imperial Guard’ for a long time.