Vol 5 Chapter 6 (1/2)
Chapter 6: The Strategist's Plan
Part 1
”I object.”
When he learned of Orba's plan, those were the first words out of s.h.i.+que's mouth, but it was clear from the start that he would follow it. He was uneasy though. You could say that he felt nothing but uneasy.
”Will Taúlia even move?”
Taúlia would be in danger if Cherik seized the chance to attack their flank. Thus he worried about whether Ax Bazgan would go along with such a risky bet.
Orba had chosen s.h.i.+que, Stan and Talcott as messengers to Taúlia. None of them were Zerdians. They had decided to take the carriage used for transporting supplies and to disguise themselves as merchants.
”According to what the dragoons have been saying, the Belgana mountain fortress is currently held by a man called Ebra, one of Greygun's direct subordinates who is as greedy as his master. Because he was deployed away from Helio, he is still lamenting not having taken part in pillaging the city. Probably because he wants a taste of that nectar, he makes unreasonable demands of the people and merchants who pa.s.s by the fortress and s.n.a.t.c.hes away their valuables.”
”What do we do if we catch the attention of such a dangerous guy?” Talcott frankly hated his given role. ”We don't have any money for under-the-table dealings. What if he flies into a rage and seizes us?”
”It's all right, Brother,” Stan on the other hand had given his carefree seal of approval, ”besides, wasn't it you who said that he didn't want to spend another day here? This is a chance to go back to Taúlia.”
In reality, since Talcott was constantly at odds with the dragoons the only question if things remained as they were was whether he would die of starvation first or be killed by the irritated soldiers. So, since there was no other way, he was reluctantly taking part in the plan. And it could also be said that he believed in Stan's intuition that allowed him to say that it would be ”all right”.
At daybreak just before leaving the cave, s.h.i.+que grasped Orba, who was remaining as hostage, by the shoulders. ”It will definitely return with good news. Until then, don't do anything reckless.”
”I get it, geez.”
”The same goes for that gentleman,” s.h.i.+que looked towards Gilliam, who was pretending to take a leak but who had in fact come to see them off. With his large build, he truly looked like a mercenary, so he couldn't be sent in the role of a messenger.
”If anything happens, you'd better make use of that huge body of yours to protect Orba. It's for that purpose that you received such a ridiculously large body from your parents.”
”If you're not back within a week, I'll tear Orba to shreds,” Gilliam bared his fang-like canines.
A few hours later.
The Belgana fortress was what was left of a fort that Zer Tauran had built to keep a tight watch across the mountains, back when the east had been dotted with violent warrior nations. It had been in Helio's possession for many decades and guarded against the powers that schemed to cross the border through the Belgana Summits.
According to the information Orba had obtained, a subordinate of Greygun's called Ebra was currently in command there. As for the soldiers, they numbered about a hundred.
Immediately after the battle at the Coldrin Hills, Ebra had personally led his men from the fortress to hunt for survivors among the defeated army, even though it wasn't part of his duties. As there had been so few enemy soldiers, the mood within the fortress was now thoroughly slack. The soldiers were conspicuous for amusing themselves by gambling, they drank from morning onwards and would occasionally pry high toll taxes out of merchants or people who were fleeing the destruction of war by heading south.
But that morning, gunshots tore apart the stagnant atmosphere. Was it an enemy attack - the soldiers on guard duty lifted themselves heavily up and climbed the watch tower.
What they saw was a covered carriage approaching in a cloud of dust. Behind it, amid an even denser cloud of dust, were men on horseback brandis.h.i.+ng axes and guns. From the ornaments that hung from their backs to the hems of their white clothes, they recognised them at a glance as the belligerent herders from the northern gra.s.slands known as the Pinepey tribe.
The watchmen rang the bell and several dozen soldiers armed with rifles and spears rushed to the gate. Somewhat tardily, Ebra also came running up.
”What should we do?”
”Open the gate,” Ebra's decision to let the carriage in had nothing to do with his being worried about them. If they made a poor show of impressing the Pinepey tribe then next time, they might attack the fortress. If that happened and they needed to expressly call for reinforcements from Helio, he would be on the receiving end of a harsh rebuke from Greygun.
When he saw the gate open, the driver spurred his horse even more. The gates shut as he glided through and the soldiers lying in wait above showered the Pinepey with gunfire. They were not yet at a distance where it could reach, but it seemed to have been enough of a threat as the nomads immediately turned their horses around and left.
The carriage was almost halfway across the fortress' inner grounds when it finally drew to a stop. Ebra gave the soldiers orders to inspect it and they reported that within there were only a small man and a young woman. ”A woman? Does she look good?” Ebra's nostrils flared.
”No. She has a hoa.r.s.e voice and no good with makeup. The man is laid flat either from illness or an injury. According to the driver, they’re foreign merchants who have fled from Helio. They don't seem to have anything of value.”
As they were not Zerdian soldiers, and also with regards to the woman, Ebra completely lost interest. Still, he didn't forget to squeeze what money he could out of the merchants as a reward. Negotiating in place of his bedridden master, the driver was clearly reluctant.
”Can't you give us more of a discount?”
”Don't get c.o.c.ky,” the soldier thrust the tip of his spear towards him threateningly, ”we saved you. You can sh.e.l.l out the cost of the bullets.”
Several dozen minutes after the carriage had pa.s.sed through the open gate at the other side of the fortress,
Turning to look back from inside the carriage, the woman...-ly looking s.h.i.+que breathed out a sigh. He turned to Talcott who was acting as driver,
”Why didn't you hand over the money at once? We could have ended up staying there too long if they got suspicious.”
”It's because I was reluctant back there that we were easily believed. By behaving exactly like merchants, the enemy soldiers didn't think to suspect us.”
”True, you were pretty good. You seem at home pretending to be a merchant.”
”Brother was originally from a merchant family,” said Stan who was lying stretched out next to s.h.i.+que and who truly looked sick. ”Because he was bad at arithmetic, he ran away from home and boarded a pirate s.h.i.+p.”
”Shut up,” wiping off his cold sweat, Talcott sprung the horse into a gallop. ”And of all the things for you to disguise yourself as. Since it's you, I thought you'd look better than that in women's clothing.”
”Of course,” s.h.i.+que puffed out his chest in pride over something strange, ”Someone who understands their own face can transform it with nothing but makeup.”
At any rate, the first hurdle had been cleared. Greygun and Ebra didn't know that Lasvius' unit had survived, so their level of caution was low. As such, stealthily pa.s.sing by the fortress in the dead of night might instead have attracted attention, whereas they had readily believed in foreigners being attacked by nomads.
s.h.i.+que urged the horse onwards and they managed to arrive in Taúlia before nightfall of the second day.
Since they were messengers from Bouwen, even Ax hurried to meet them. As did Esmena.
”Is Bouwen, is Bouwen alive?” Her pallid face became flushed. Although she appeared surprised that the messenger was s.h.i.+que, whom she had previously invited to the women's quarters, his own face betrayed nothing and he maintained his role as a messenger before the Bazgan father and daughter.
”Sir Bouwen was injured but as is to be expected from one who is fit and well-trained, he is recovering well. He apologises deeply for having worried and troubled his lords.h.i.+p and the princess, and for having lost his precious subordinates...”
”It's fine.”
Ax's face also reflected strong emotions, but when he received the letter from s.h.i.+que, his expression immediately returned to that of the governor-general.
After Esmena and the messengers had left, he invited Ravan Dol to his living room and, together with the strategist, went through the letter. Ax's always stern eyes grew sterner.
”Enemy reinforcements?”
”First they performed a large-scale march in order to lure the majority of their enemies into the Coldrin Hills, then they send reinforcements after Helio has fallen. That accursed Garda has not only studied sorcery, he is also rather proficient in the military arts.”
”Are you praising the enemy here? However...” Ax nodded then turned his eyes once more to the letter. That this Lasvius person was lying low with three hundred subordinates on the outskirts of Helio, and that more of his men within the city had made preparations to rise up in arms was not bad information to receive. But the request that they leave Taúlia forthwith and march on Helio to perform a pincer attack was not something he could regard with any immediate favour.
Cherik's forces had taken up position within a stone's throw of the border and he couldn't leave Taúlia defenceless.
”We have three thousand left at hand. If we mobilise the elite guards, the militia and the remaining mercenaries, that gives us at best four thousand. Should we divide that in half and have them march under Raswan's command?”
”My lord,” Raswan Bazgan, whom he had just been talking about had appeared. His young face was full of vigour.
”What is it? I gave orders for everyone to leave, didn't I?”
”Is it true that messengers have arrived from Bouwen? What is the state of affairs?”
Just as Ax was about to explain, Ravan Dol interpolated,
”The contents of the missive were vague,” he said respectfully. ”We will now be examining it to ascertain its authenticity.”
Oh? Ax felt sceptical of Ravan’s words. The dagger that the messengers had brought to prove their ident.i.ty undoubtedly belonged to Bouwen. There was no mistaking it since Ax himself had handed it to him when he had first obtained a rank of command. None other than Ravan had declared that while one could suppose that the enemy might have stolen it to serve their purposes, neither were there any difference between Bouwen's own handwriting and the one in the letter.
Raswan looked dissatisfied but as he was before the governor-general, he left without protest.
Ax gave the elderly strategist a sidelong glance.
”...What are you thinking, Ravan?”
”It would be best for now to disclose your plans to n.o.body. Since we hired mercenaries extensively, we must consider the possibility that spies of Garda's or Cherik's have slipped in among them. We should continue our preparations in secret then move in a single breath. ”
”In a single breath. But, to do what in a single breath?”
”Move the entire army.”
”The entire army?” Ax was dumbfounded. To have all four thousand soldiers leave Taúlia. ”Cer-Certainly Cherik can be beaten if we suddenly move the entire army although we'll have to be sure to end it before enemy reinforcements arrive.”
”No. Using all of our military might, we will seize Cherik.”
As his lord was once more left dumbfounded, Ravan casually continued,
”Even though Cherik has a connection to Garda's army, all they can do is keep us in check from a safe position after all. The mission they will have been told to perform will simply be to block Taúlia's movements. They couldn't possibly imagine that we would go directly to them.”
”With that, the castle will be empty and Garda's forces, seeing a good opportunity, will also make their move. It will be easy for Lasvius' unit to take Helio and this time, we will be able to perform a pincer movement from there. With that as our aim, we will need to force Cherik to surrender quickly. That is all.”
”Using all of our military might, was it?”
Ax had been staring wide-eyed, but he soon started gazing fixedly at Ravan's face.
”What is it?”
”No, you just feel like an a.s.sa.s.sin sent by Garda's army. If we encounter even the smallest setback while capturing Cherik, Taúlia will fall in that time.”
”It's fine, isn't it my lord,” Ravan's tone of voice was exactly that of someone persuading a child, ”this is our best and last chance. If we act slowly, we will be the ones driven into a corner. If the worst were to happen as we are about to return, we can always fight Cherik with our backs to the wall. At that point, we can take position in Cherik as we aim to take back Taúlia.”
”You're very bold. Have you been influenced by that youngster who bombed Apta himself?”
”Don't be ridiculous,” unusually for the elder, Ravan turned his gaze aside for a moment. ”At any rate, let us hope for a good opportunity and have our scouts keep a close watch on the pa.s.sage between Cherik and Helio. We must grasp things at the root. First of all, we must cut them off here.”
There would be no mistakes. Ax too had more than half resigned himself.
Part 2
Within the Belgana Summits came the sound of repeated gunshots. Under the eyes of the birds who were flapping their wings among the trees, the white-clad Pinepey tribe was attacking the fortress. That tribe's forte was firing from horseback.
Opposite them, from atop of the bulwark and from within the towers, those in the fort were counterattacking with guns or bows and arrows.
After the exchange of bullets had lasted a while, the Pinepey tribe began to withdraw. Inside the gate, Ebra snorted.
”s.h.i.+t, day after day those irritating b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. We're wasting bullets on this. We'll run out if we don't receive supplies from Helio.”
Maybe in revenge for having hindered their attack on the carriage or maybe because they judged that the fort was worth plundering, the Pinepey had been attacking them every day without fail.
Ebra had expected that driving them away once or twice would be no problem, but this was the third day.
They had used up too many bullets in threatening the enemy on the first two days. Ebra, who hadn't thought for a moment that they were beginning a war of attrition, now reluctantly decided on hard-line tactics.
”Right. As of tomorrow, we'll have soldiers lying in ambush along the ridgeway. If the enemy attempts another raid, we'll cut off their escape route. We'll then open the gate and start in pursuit.”
Their enemies didn't have stout armour. However because of that, they were nimble and on top of that they excelled at handling horses. If they chased after them in a normal way, they would not be able to catch up with them. That was why they were setting up an ambush, and Ebra was also adamant that the pursuing corps was not to wear armour.
”Once we capture one or two of them, we'll get the information about where their tribe is then attack them. There will be women too. Who knows how lucky you'll get,” Ebra told his men to raise their morale.
And the next day, the Pinepey tribe attacked again. There was the usual gunfight and it seemed that they would as usual slip away when on cue, the troops waiting in ambush appeared from the other side of the hill. The horses of the Pinepey tribe bolted upwards. Then the fortress' gates opened and more soldiers drew up from their rear.
”After them, after them, after them!”
The Zerdians who had chosen to live in cities made of stone tended to despise those of their kin who had not abandoned a life of nomadism. Ebra's conscience didn't feel a twinge at hunting down these savages and annihilating their settlement. With the Pinepey unable to move, they would easily carry off the pincer attack.
As they were descending the north side of the hill, the path was filled with a brilliant light. Staring hard, the soldiers were horrified to see fully armed and armoured riders coming up the opposite end of the slope.
”They fell for it. Go!” Roared the giant at the vanguard as shook his lion's mane of hair, and fifty riders swooped down on them.
The Pinepey group at once threw off their white clothes and drew the swords from at their waist.
”Ah!” Shouted the soldiers as the group drew near the fortress and they saw that they were not Pinepey. There was a subtle difference in skin tone between nomads and Zerdians, and the weapons they wielded were also dissimilar. The Pinepey usually used scimitars but the swords they had just pulled out had the wide blades of the broadswords commonly used within the centre of the continent.
The soldiers from the fortress fell easily to the three-stage attack . As they wore no armour, the riders with their swords and spears pierced their chests without difficulty, slashed through them and toppled them from their horses.
”Dammit, withdraw, withdraw! Wait! Don't shut the gate, I'm still...”
Frothing at the mouth, Ebra fled towards the fort just as those within, realising the crisis, were about to close the gate.
By then however, his men had all fallen dead along the mountain path and the riders were already starting to a.s.sail the gate. Ebra was caught in the charge and his spine was crushed under the horses' hooves, killing him.
A few dozen minutes later, the Belgana fortress which had been filled with the sound of screams and of swords clas.h.i.+ng, fell silent.
”We did it,” the mounted warrior who had constantly been in the van - Gilliam - called out to his companions. His mane of hair was red from his victims' blood. ”You guys too. To be honest, I've never known men fight with as much valour as you did.”
The dragoons from Lasvius' unit who had played the part of the nomads also heaped praise on Gilliam's fighting style. They had once looked coldly at the Mephians but in the end, they were like-minded people fighting on the same side. The pent-up resentment at the way they had to live that Gilliam and the dragoons had acc.u.mulated had erupted during the fight. But that wasn't the reason Ebra's indolent troops had been no match for them.
Although it would have been better to attack in greater numbers, they didn't have enough horses and armour. They had bought the horses and clothes from the real Pinepey tribe in exchange for what few remaining weapons they still had.
From a separate path leading to the fortress appeared a few dozen men, Orba in their lead. They were drenched in their opponents' blood.
”Oh, the sage is back,” Gilliam's thick lips curved into a smile. ”Orba! How's this for a result?”
”Splendid,” Orba answered from horseback.
Orba and the others had been lying in ambush along the mountain road to Helio where they had taken the task of hunting down any soldiers who tried to flee the fortress for the city.
The soldiers carried out food and weapons from inside the fortress. When the gold and valuables that Ebra had ama.s.sed were thrown out, the soldiers looked amazed, then laughed.
Orba and Gilliam stood a little apart.