Part 4 (2/2)
”Just some business I need to take care of here. We've got the Oldenberg will and power of attorney ready for her signature, right? And she's due in at ten. Good. We're also expecting the police report on that Blakely business. That kid's gonna be the death of his poor parents. One more thing. Give Dean Bluejacket a call. He's supposed to come in tomorrow morning to talk to me about his property. Tell him I'm tied up here and I'll meet him for lunch on Tuesday, say noon. Then if the phones are quiet you can put the machine on and take off early. How's that sound?”
It sounded good.
”'Night, Betty. You have a good one.”
He heard a shrill scream from outside and the screen door flew open and suddenly Darlin' was hugging his leg for dear life. And there was Brian behind her holding a small, very dead brown mouse by the tip of its tail. He dangled it into her sightlines, grinning. She squealed and giggled and buried her face in his pants leg.
But then she couldn't resist. She peeked up at her brother.
He opened his mouth and pretended he was going to eat it.
”Eeeee off the west wall of the living room and denuded it of all its ornamental starfish and, folded it and taken it out to the fruit cellar. Then she'd heard him on the stairs just now and looked out from the kitchen to see him carrying four of Brian's plastic-coated hand-weights, which the boy never used - the weights were a total waste of money - across the foyer and out the door. She crossed to the dining table and through the window in front of it saw that the weights were going into the fruit cellar as well. By then the food was already on the table.
She opened the window and leaned out.
”Be just a second, hon!”
She closed the window and sat down to eat with her kids. She b.u.t.tered and salted her corn. The corn was good this year.
Finally the front screen door slammed and Chris was at the table, smiling at them. He sliced a piece of ham and cut it into pieces. Tasted it. Chewed.
”Good,” he said. ”Um...a little cold.” Like he was surprised.
She almost laughed. What did the man expect?
”Want me to zap it for you?”
He handed her the plate.
She didn't know whether it was the hammering or the dogs that woke her.
She rolled over into his empty s.p.a.ce and switched on the standing bedside lamp he would read by with its too-expensive pale silk lampshade and filled the room with sixty watts of light. She got out of bed and found her robe and belted it around her waist. The hammering stopped. Then continued.
She padded barefoot down the hall to the stairs. She had nearly fallen down this staircase once when she was six months pregnant with Brian riding delicate in her womb so that now as ever since her hand went automatically to the railing.
At the bottom she walked to the front door and looked out the window panel. The hammering had stopped again.
The door to the fruit cellar was flung wide and she could see his shadow moving below in the flickering light.
”What's he doing?”
She jumped at the voice and then had a single strange moment of utter disorientation. Sitting on the couch in the dark in the palest shaft of moonlight, staring out the window, her bathrobe pulled tight around her, arms crossed beneath her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, Peg might have been a younger Belle, the Belle of twenty years ago, a slim young woman sitting alone on that very same couch in just that pose and bathed in just that light of the waning moon, wondering. Wondering had she done the right thing.
Marrying him.
”d.a.m.n, Peggy. You scared the h.e.l.l out of me.”
”Sorry. I couldn't sleep.”
”Well, try. School in the morning.”
”What's dad doing?”
”We'll find out tomorrow. Go to bed, Peg. It's late.”
She watched her daughter place one bare foot on the floor and pivot her weight off the couch in a single smooth motion, tighten her belt and move gliding to the stairs. Again she had the uncanny sense that she was seeing herself giving in to the necessities of life in some other distant time.
Belle had been a soft and pretty woman then just like her daughter.
Now she was all angles.
”'Night, mom,” she said.
”'Night, Peg.”
When she was gone and Belle heard her bedroom door click shut and saw the shaft of light disappear from under her door she peered out the window again and heard the dogs barking and then went to where she and her daughter had sat upon the couch.
It was still warm.
She awakens before dawn, before the gulls and the terns. She hears only the gentle susurration of the waves. In the dim last moonlight she inspects her wounds. Her eyes need little light. The wounds are puckering, knitting, a wide purple bruise surrounding each and connecting at her side as one.
She stretches on all fours like a cat, tailbone high, working out the soreness the hastily fas.h.i.+oned browse-bed and damp night air have left throughout her body. The fire has fallen to ashes now. Beside them lie the blackened bones of wolf and fish.
She crouches down at the entrance to the cave. She studies the dawn. The graying sky. The first gull-cry.
It is time to depart this place. She is still not far enough away from where she left her family and the others cold and dead. She has cut a wide pouched sling from the pelt and in it she now places the wolf's left rear thigh. All that is left of him. She drapes it over her shoulder. Across the other shoulder, the remainder of the pelt. It will be colder to the north.
She belts the knife and steps outside.