Part 89 (2/2)

After that they spoke of the terrible power that Satan had lately obtained in that unhappy district, of the arts he had employed, and of the votaries he had won. Both prayed fervently that his snares might be circ.u.mvented, and his rule destroyed.

During this part of the discourse the cat swelled to the size of a tiger, and his eyes glowed like fiery coals. He made a motion as if he would spring forward, but the voice of prayer arrested him, and he shrank back to his former size.

”Poor Jennet is ensnared by the Fiend,” murmured the maiden, ”and will perish eternally. Would I could save her!”

”It cannot be,” replied the young man. ”She is beyond redemption.”

The little girl gnashed her teeth with rage.

”But my mother-I do not now despair of her,” said Alizon. ”She has broken the bondage by which she was enchained, and, if she resists temptation to the last, I am a.s.sured will be saved.”

”Heaven aid her!” exclaimed Richard.

Scarcely were the words uttered, than the cat disappeared.

”Why, Tib!-where are yo, Tib? Ey want yo!” cried the little girl in a low tone.

But the familiar did not respond to the call.

”Where con he ha' gone?” cried Jennet; ”Tib! Tib!”

Still the cat came not.

”Then ey mun do the wark without him,” pursued the little girl; ”an ey win no longer delay it.”

And with this she crept stealthily round the arbour, and, approaching the side where Richard sat, watched an opportunity of touching him unperceived.

As her finger came in contact with his frame, a pang like death shot through his heart, and he fell upon Alizon's shoulder.

”Are you ill?” she exclaimed, gazing at his pallid features, rendered ghastly white by the moonlight.

Richard could make no reply, and Alizon, becoming dreadfully alarmed, was about to fly for a.s.sistance, but the young man, by a great effort, detained her.

”Ey mun now run an tell Mester Potts, so that hoo may be found wi' him,” muttered Jennet, creeping away.

Just then Richard recovered his speech, but his words were faintly uttered, and with difficulty.

”Alizon,” he said, ”I will not attempt to disguise my condition from you. I am dying. And my death will be attributed to you-for evil-minded persons have persuaded the King that you have bewitched me, and he will believe the charge now. Oh! if you would ease the pangs of death for me-if you would console my latest moments-leave me, and quit this place, before it be too late.”

”Oh! Richard,” she cried distractedly; ”you ask more than I can perform. If you are indeed in such imminent danger, I will stay with you-will die with you.”

”No! live for me-live-save yourself, Alizon,” implored the young man. ”Your danger is greater than mine. A dreadful death awaits you at the stake! Oh! mercy, mercy, heaven! Spare her-in pity spare her!-Have we not suffered enough? I can no more. Farewell for ever, Alizon-one kiss-the last.”

And as their lips met, his strength utterly forsook him, and he fell backwards.

”One grave!” he murmured; ”one grave, Alizon!”-And so, without a groan, he expired.
