Part 40 (1/2)
”My patience is wellnigh exhausted,” exclaimed the voice.
”Alizon!” cried Mistress Nutter, imploringly.
And again the witches gathered furiously round the two girls.
”Kneel, Dorothy, kneel!” whispered Alizon. And forcing her down, she fell on her knees beside her, exclaiming, with uplifted hands, ”Gracious heaven! deliver us.”
As the words were uttered, a fearful cry was heard, and the weird troop fled away screaming, like ill-omened birds. The caldron sank into the ground; the dense mist arose like a curtain; and the moon and stars shone brightly down upon the ruined pile.
Alizon prayed long and fervently, with clasped hands and closed eyes, for deliverance from evil. When she looked round again, all was so calm, so beautiful, so holy in its rest, that she could scarcely believe in the recent fearful occurrences. Her hair and garments were damp with the dews of night; and at her feet lay Dorothy, insensible.
She tried to raise her-to revive her, but in vain; when at this moment footsteps were heard approaching, and the next moment Mistress Nutter, accompanied by Adam Whitworth and some other serving-men, entered the choir.
”I see them-they are here!” cried the lady, rus.h.i.+ng forward.
”Heaven be praised you have found them, madam!” exclaimed the old steward, coming quickly after her.
”Oh! what an alarm you have given me, Alizon,” said Mistress Nutter. ”What could induce you to go forth secretly at night in this way with Dorothy! I dreamed you were here, and missing you when I awoke, roused the house and came in search of you. What is the matter with Dorothy? She has been frightened, I suppose. I will give her to breathe at this phial. It will revive her. See, she opens her eyes.”
Dorothy looked round wildly for a moment, and then pointing her finger at Alizon, said-
”She has bewitched me.”
”Poor thing! she rambles,” observed Mistress Nutter to Adam Whitworth, who, with the other serving-men, stared aghast at the accusation; ”she has been scared out of her senses by some fearful sight. Let her be conveyed quickly to my chamber, and I will see her cared for.”
The orders were obeyed. Dorothy was raised gently by the serving-men, but she still kept pointing to Alizon, and repeatedly exclaimed-
”She has bewitched me!”
The serving-men shook their heads, and looked significantly at each other, while Mistress Nutter lingered to speak to her daughter.
”You look greatly disturbed, Alizon, as if you had been visited by a nightmare in your sleep, and were still under its influence.”
Alizon made no reply.
”A few hours' tranquil sleep will restore you,” pursued Mistress Nutter, ”and you will forget your fears. You must not indulge in these nocturnal rambles again, or they may be attended with dangerous consequences. I may not have a second warning dream. Come to the house.”
And, as Alizon followed her along the garden path, she could not help asking herself, though with little hope in the question, if all she had witnessed was indeed nothing more than a troubled dream.
Pendle Forest.
A lovely morning succeeded the strange and terrible night. Brightly shone the sun upon the fair Calder as it winded along the green meads above the bridge, as it rushed rejoicingly over the weir, and pursued its rapid course through the broad plain below the Abbey. A few white vapours hung upon the summit of Whalley Nab, but the warm rays tinging them with gold, and tipping with fire the tree-tops that pierced through them, augured their speedy dispersion. So beautiful, so tranquil, looked the old monastic fane, that none would have deemed its midnight rest had been broken by the impious rites of a foul troop. The choir, where the unearthly scream and the demon laughter had resounded, was now vocal with the melodies of the blackbird, the thrush, and other songsters of the grove. Bells of dew glittered upon the bushes rooted in the walls, and upon the ivy-grown pillars; and gemming the countless spiders' webs stretched from bough to bough, showed they were all unbroken. No traces were visible on the sod where the unhallowed crew had danced their round; nor were any ashes left where the fire had burnt and the caldron had bubbled. The bra.s.s-covered tombs of the abbots in the presbytery looked as if a century had pa.s.sed over them without disturbance; while the graves in the cloister cemetery, obliterated, and only to be detected when a broken coffin or a mouldering bone was turned up by the tiller of the ground, preserved their wonted appearance. The face of nature had received neither impress nor injury from the fantastic freaks and necromantic exhibitions of the witches. Every thing looked as it was left overnight; and the only footprints to be detected were those of the two girls, and of the party who came in quest of them. All else had pa.s.sed by like a vision or a dream. The rooks cawed loudly in the neighbouring trees, as if discussing the question of breakfast, and the jackdaws wheeled merrily round the tall spire, which sprang from the eastern end of the fane.