Part 36 (1/2)
Q. Have you received those lights, and in what manner? A. In receiving first the small light.
Q. Explain this? A. When I was received by steel and fire.
Q. What signifies the steel? A. To remind us of the steel by which our Most Respectable Chief, Hiram Abiff, lost his life, and which I am sworn to make use of whenever I can revenge that horrible murder of the traitors of Masonry.
Q. What means the fire? A. To put us in mind that our forefathers were purified by fire.
Q. By whom were you received? A. By Cyrus.
Q. Why by Cyrus? A. Because it was he who ordered Zerubbabel to rebuild the temple.
Q. What did you promise and swear to perform when you received this degree? A. I swore that I would see the laws, statutes, and regulations strictly observed in our Lodge.
Q. What was your name before you received this degree? A. Zerubbabel.
Q. What is your name now? A. Cyrus.
Q. What means the word Animani? A. ”I am that, I am;” and it is also the name of him who found the lion's den.
Q. Why is the Lodge decorated with blue and yellow? A. To remind us that the Eternal appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai, in clouds of gold and azure, when he gave to his people the laws of infinite wisdom.
Q. Where do you find the records of our order? A. In the archives of Kilwinning, in the north of Scotland.
Q. Why did you travel from the South 'round to the East? A. In allusion to the power of the Grand Architect of the universe, which extends throughout all the world.
Q. Why did you wash your hands in the taking of one or the previous degrees? A. To show my innocence.
Q. Why is the history of Hiram Abiff so much spoken of? A. To put us always in mind that he chose rather to sacrifice his life than reveal the secrets of Masonry.
Q. Why is the triangle, with the word secret on it, considered as the most precious jewel in Masonry? A. Because by its justness, equality, and proportion, it represents our redemption.
Q. By what mark was the place discovered where Hiram Abiff was buried by his A. By a sprig of ca.s.sia (say granate).
Q. For what reason do the Master Masons in the Symbolic Lodges speak of a sprig of ca.s.sia? A. Because the Sublime Grand Elected descendants of the ancient Patriarchs did not think proper to give the real name or truth of Masonry; therefore, they agreed to say that it was a sprig of ca.s.sia, because it had a strong smell.
Q. What are the reasons for the different knocks at the door to gain admittance? A. To know and be a.s.sured that they have pa.s.sed the different degrees, which number we must understand.
Q. For what reasons do we keep our mysteries with such circ.u.mspection and secrecy? A. For fear there might be found amongst us some traitorous villains similar to the three Fellow Crafts who murdered our chief, Hiram Abiff.
Q. What is the reason that the Grand Masters of all Lodges are received with so much honor in the Symbolic Lodges? A. Those homages are due to their virtues as Princes of Masons, whose firmness has been shown on so many occasions, by spilling their blood in support of Masonry and the fraternity.
Q. Why do we applaud with our hands? A. In that manner we express our happiness and satisfaction at having done a good action, and rendered justice.
Q. What reflections occur, when contemplating the conduct of Solomon?
A. That a wise man may err, and when he is sensible of his fault, correct himself by acknowledging that fault, whereby he claims the indulgence of his brethren.
Q. Why do the Symbolic Lodges take the name of St. John of Jerusalem?
A. Because in the time of the Crusades, the Perfect Masons, Knights, and Princes, communicated their mysteries to the Knights of that order; whereupon it was determined to celebrate their festival annually, on St. John's day, being under the same law.