Part 22 (1/2)

Q. How were they placed? A. The altar of incense stood nearest the Sanctum Sanctorum, and the tables and candlesticks were placed five on the north and five on the south side of the holy place.

Q. What is meant by the EYE in our Lodge? A. That Secret Masters should keep a careful watch over the conduct of the craft in general.

Q. What is your age? A. Three times 27, and accomplished 81.

CLOSING A LODGE OF SECRET MASTERS.--The Master strikes five.--The Grand Marshal rises.

Master. Brother Grand Marshal, what is the last as well as the first care of a Lodge of Secret Masters? Answer. To see that the Sanctum Sanctorum is duly guarded.

Master. Please attend to your duty, and inform the guards that we are about to close this Lodge of Secret Masters by the mysterious number.

The Grand Marshal obeys, and repeats, ”It is done, Most Powerful.”

Master strikes six.--Adoniram rises.

Master. Brother Adoniram, what is the hour? Answer. The end of day.

Master. What remains to do? Adoniram--To practice virtue, fly from vice, and remain in silence.

Master. Since there remains nothing to do but to practice virtue and fly vice, let us enter again into silence, that the will of G.o.d may be accomplished. The signs are given, and seven blows struck as at opening.

Master. I declare this Lodge duly closed.


OPENING.--Right Wors.h.i.+pful and Respectable Master strikes two, upon which Grand Marshal rises, and Master says, ”Brother Grand Marshal, are we all Perfect Masters?” Answer--We are, Right Wors.h.i.+pful and Respectable.

Q. Your place in the Lodge? A. In the North, Right Wors.h.i.+pful and Respectable.

Q. Your business there? A. To see that the Lodge is duly tyled.

Q. Please to attend to your duty and inform the Tyler that we are about to open a Lodge of Perfect Masters. (Grand Marshal reports.) Right Wors.h.i.+pful and Respectable Master knocks three, upon which the Warden and the Master of Ceremonies in the South rise. Master says, ”Brother Stokin, are you a Perfect Master?” Answer--I have seen the tomb of our respectable Master, Hiram Abiff, and have in company with my brethren shed tears at the same.

Q. What is the hour? A. It is four.

Master then knocks four, upon which all the brethren rise. Master says, ”If it is four, it is time to set the workmen to labor. Give notice that I am going to open a Lodge of Perfect Masters by four times four.” (Senior Warden reports to brethren.) Signs given of former degrees, together with those of this degree. Master knocks four, Stokin four, Master of Ceremonies four, and Grand Marshal four--then all the brethren strike four times four with their hands.

Then Master declares the Lodge open, and orders the Marshal to inform the Tyler.

RECEPTION.--The candidate has a green cord put 'round his neck and is led by the Master of Ceremonies to the door, who knocks four, which is repeated by the Warden and answered by the Master. The Senior Warden says, ”While the craft are engaged in lamenting the death of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff,” an alarm is heard at the inner door of the Lodge.

LECTURE.--Question--Are you a Perfect Master? Answer--I have seen the tomb of Hiram Abiff, and have in company with my brethren, shed tears at the same.

Q. How were you prepared to be a Perfect Master? Answer--A sprig of ca.s.sia was placed in my left hand, and a green cord about my neck.

Q. Why was the sprig of ca.s.sia placed in the left hand? A. That I might deposit it in the grave of Hiram Abiff.

Q. Why was a rope of green color put 'round your neck? A. Because the body of Hiram Abiff was lowered into the grave by the brethren, at his second interment, by a rope of that color. There is another reason, to signify thereby that a Perfect Master by flouris.h.i.+ng in virtue, might hope for immortality.

Q. How did you gain admission? A. By four distinct knocks.