Part 17 (1/2)

Q. When composed of eleven, of whom does it consist? A. Warden, Sword-Bearer, Standard-Bearer, Recorder, Treasurer, Junior Warden, Senior Warden, Prelate, Captain-General, Generalissimo, and Grand Commander.

Q. Warden's station? A. On the left of the Standard-Bearer in the West, and on the left of the third division.

Q. His duty? A. To observe the orders and directions of the Grand Commander; to see that the sentinels are at their respective posts, and that the Encampment is duly guarded.

Q. Sword-Bearer's station? A. On the right of the Standard-Bearer in the West, and on the right of the third division.

Q. His duty? A. To a.s.sist in the protection of the banners of our Order; to watch all signals from the Grand Commander, and see his orders duly executed.

Q. Standard-Bearer's station in the Encampment? A. In the West, and in the centre of the third division.

Q. His duty? A. To display, support, and protect the banners of our Order.

Q. Why is the Standard-Bearer's station in the West? A. That the brilliant rays of the rising sun, shedding their l.u.s.tre upon the banners of our Order, may encourage and animate all true and courteous Knights, and dismay and confound their enemies.

Q. Recorder's station in the Encampment? A. In front of the Captain-General.

Q. His duty? A. To observe with attention the order of the Encampment; keep a just and regular record of the same; collect the revenue, and pay the same over to the Treasurer.

Q. Treasurer's station in the Encampment? A. In front of the Generalissimo.

Q. His duty? A. To receive in charge all funds and property of the Encampment; pay all orders drawn upon him, and render a just and faithful account when required.

Q. Station of the Junior Warden in the Encampment? A. At the southwest angle of the triangle, and on the left of the first division.

Q. His duty? A. To attend to all poor and weary pilgrims traveling from afar; to accompany them on the journey; answer all questions for them, and finally introduce them into the asylum.

Q. Senior Warden's station in the Encampment? A. At the northwest angle of the triangle, and on the right of the second division.

Q. His duty there? A. To attend on pilgrim warriors traveling from afar; to comfort and support pilgrims penitent, and after due trial, to recommend them to the hospitality of the Generalissimo.

Q. Prelate's station in the Encampment? A. On the right of the Generalissimo.

Q. His duty there? A. To administer at the altar, and offer up prayers and adorations to the Deity.

Q. Captain-General's station? A. On the left of the Grand Commander.

Q. His duty? A. To see that the proper officers make all suitable preparations for the several meetings of the Encampment, and take special care that the asylum is in a suitable array for the introduction of candidates and dispatch of business; also to receive and communicate all orders from the Grand Commander to officers of the line.

Q. Generalissimo's station? A. On the right of the Grand Commander.

Q. His duty? A. To receive and communicate all orders, signals, and pet.i.tions, and a.s.sist the Grand Commander in the discharge of his various duties, and in his absence to govern the Encampment.

Q. Grand Commander's station? A. In the East.

Q. His duty? A. To distribute alms, and protect weary pilgrims traveling from afar; to encourage pilgrim warriors; to sustain pilgrims penitent; feed the hungry, clothe the naked, bind up the wounds of the afflicted; to inculcate hospitality, and govern his Encampment with justice and moderation.


Question--What were the preparatory circ.u.mstances attending your reception into this ill.u.s.trious Order? Answer--I was conducted to the chamber of reflection, where I was left in silence and solitude, to reflect upon three questions, which were left with me in writing.