Chapter 92: Being A Bitch (1/2)
“He forced her to have sex with him!?” Ryan says loudly.
“Keep your voice down, idiot!” Leo snaps angrily.
“S-Sorry,” Ryan apologizes, lowering his voice.
“That dickhead forced his own girlfriend to have sex with him? Why though? Weren’t they sexually active already?” He asks again.
“That’s what I thought as well, but guess what? They weren’t,” Leo says, shaking his head.
“Damn… Six months in a relationship and nothing? That Kate must be in the “saving my purity until the marriage” crowd,” Ryan says.
“I guess so…” Leo mutters.
“But still, that doesn’t give that bastard the right to practically rape her!” Ryan says angrily.
“What do you think, Jacob, should we report him or something? We could tell Miss Laura…” He asks, looking at me.
But I am in no condition to reply, let alone say anything. Blood is rushing to my head, my body is getting heated, and my ears are ringing…
Kate… raped? That son of a bitch forced her!?
I should have known that that bastard won’t keep his filthy hands off of Kate for long. He must be growing restless for the past few months, being so close to Kate, yet so far.
And finally, it seems like his lust exploded and he attacked her.
Damn it! I should have warned Kate to be careful around him. Being at the receiving end of insults and assaults most of the time, no one knows better than me how repulsive and trashy his mind is.
But… I didn’t do anything. Heck! I didn’t even speak to her in these last few days.
I am at fault as well…
“Oh, there is no need to report anything,” Leo tells Ryan, his voice turning sour all of a sudden.
“What!? Why!? We should totally make that bastard pay!” Ryan says.
“We cannot,” Leo says regretfully.
“Because apparently, that Kate chick started loving sex so much after her first time, that she’s practically begging that bastard to fuck her now. I don’t think she’s going to support anyone’s claim anymore,” he says, disgusted.
“What the fuck did you just say!?” I say incredulously.
“Keep it down, man,” Leo says, shushing me.
“I know it’s hard to believe, but that’s what Derek told me. In fact, some of the rumors going around in Class A are even more extreme. They are saying that Kate is willingly letting that bastard do anything he wants to do with her now. They are trying out everything, man. And by everything, I mean everything,” Leo tells me, jealousy clearly saturated in his voice.
“Damn… And I was thinking how poor that chick is,” Ryan says, revolted and jealous as well, “That slut—”
“Shut up!” I say loudly in anger.
“What?” Ryan asks, surprised and confused from my sudden outburst.
“Don’t call her that,” I say, gritting my teeth.
“But you heard what she—”
“I need to go!” I declare loudly, cutting in-between Ryan and standing up from my desk at the same time before running out of the classroom.
“Hey! Where are you going!? The class is about to start…”
Leo’s voice fades away as I reach the stairs and start climbing upstairs. I feel a little bad for raising my voice with Ryan and taking out my anger on him, but there is no time to think about that now, I will apologize to him later.
But fuck… I need to find Kate.
Something is really wrong here. There are things that don’t make any sense. I can understand Alex raping Kate, but her starting to beg him for sex afterward? Impossible.
Remembering how hateful she sounded when talking about that bastard, I cannot believe that such a thing could happen. Was Derek lying to Leo? But why would he?
No, there’s no smoke without any fire. I am sure that something has happened and I need to know what it is…
Reaching the third floor, I start jogging in the corridor towards Class A.
Suddenly, I remembering something.
Shit! Kate was absent yesterday! It was surely because of whatever happened.
I just hope that she came to school today…
Starting to jog a little faster, I finally reach Class A. There are some girls still standing outside the class, talking to each other in a small group. I can also hear loud noises coming from inside the class. It’s clear that the class-teacher of section A hasn’t arrived as well.
Not wanting to attract any attention to myself, I slow down and casually walk past the open door of the class, peeking inside. I couldn’t see Kate, but my gaze does fall upon Alex and his hoodlums, roaring with laughter at something.
Suppressing another surge of anger, I turn around and walk past the classroom again, just to make sure that I looked properly.
Shit, she is not here…
“Excuse me!” I call out to the group of girls standing outside the classroom, making them look at me.
“Have you guys seen Kate today? Or is she absent?” I ask.