Chapter 63: Learning Basic Magic (Part-1) (1/2)
What the hell is this?
I rub my eyes and look at the MCT paper again carefully.
The same bank space in place of my compatibility percentage greets me.
What is the meaning of this?
“Is everyone done? Okay then, I will be taking those papers back…” Miss Laura says.
Suddenly, black miasma erupts in front of my eyes.
{Place your hand on top of the paper! Quickly!}
Wait, what!? Why!?
{Please, we don’t have time, master!}
I place my hand on top of the paper hastily.
The next instant, my palm begins to glow in a light blue color.
What the fuck!?
Don’t tell me… is this magic!?
Suddenly, the MCT paper slips off from beneath my hand and the blue light also vanishes at the same instant.
I look up and see that all the MCT papers are again flying into the air and arranging themselves into the wooden box placed on the teacher’s table again.
Once the box is full again, Miss Laura places her hand on top of the bundle and closes her eyes.
“Good. Very good. Almost everyone got a rather nice score,” She says happily after a few seconds.
“Mam, is there any significance to these scores?” Aria suddenly asks while raising her hand.
“I mean, we will be using magic through the core stones, right? Will these scores affect out magic performance in any way?”
“Yes, it will,” Miss Laura answers.
“Usually, these MCT papers are used to determine on which level a person will gain access to magic. If a person is more than 75 percent compatible, he/she will access magic at level 2. If a person is between 40 percent to 75 percent compatible, he/she will access magic at level three. And anyone below that will gain access to magic at level 4 or level 5.
“Now, as you all know, the same cannot be a basis for evaluation here, as all of you can access magic through the core stones now. But the reason why we are still testing your compatibility is because, through this method, we can find out to what extent you can use magic from the core stones.
“More compatibility means that you can use magic for a longer period of time and the power of your spells will be stronger as well,” Miss Laura explains.
“Damn… I just got 52 percent,” Ryan says exasperatedly.
“I-I got 67 percent…” Leo says, finally returning from the dark abyss.
“The fuck!? You are 15 percent more than me!? Lucky bastard. And what percentage you got, Jacob?” Ryan asks while turning to me.
Damn… What should I tell him?
“Okay, class, silence!” Miss Lauren says loudly.
It looks like everyone else also started asking each other about their scores.
“I don’t want students with higher compatibility bullying those with lower compatibility than them. So, I am banning you all from asking each other’s scores. Those who will break this rule will be punished, okay? So, please focus on your own scores,” she says in a rather strict tone.
Everyone quiets down.
I think she is right. There are a few people I know who love nothing more than bullying others.
“Now, we are finished here. Please stand up from your seats and follow me to the grounds,” Miss Laura says while picking up the wooden box.
“Fuck, I hope they haven’t started yet…” I mutter while running towards the school grounds.
I took a detour to the washroom and was stuck in a line there.
Reaching the grounds, I see numerous students standing with their class teachers and people from other races and are getting what seems like a lecture on something.
When I pass by a few of these groups, I can make out that they are learning how to use magic.
Fuck! This is important!
I start to run even more desperately, in search of my class group.
Well, I might as well do something productive while I am looking for them.
Hey, Black system, you there?
{Yes, master.}
What did you do to my MCT paper?
{Oh, I just added a few numbers there, master.}
You added some numbers? Wait, why was it blank anyway?
{I am not perfectly aware of how that thing works master, so I cannot answer your question. Sorry.}
Ahh~ never mind then. But still, why did you do that? Maybe something was wrong with that paper?
{No, master. The paper was just fine. Though I do not know for sure why your percentage was not written on it but I think letting that paper seen by others could have resulted in a greater mess.}
I-I guess. Anyway, you will be helping me to learn—
Suddenly, something solid makes contact with my back and hits me strongly. The force is so great that my body lifts off in the air of a moment before falling down hard on the ground.
“Fuuuckk!” I cry out in pain.
“Ohoho… Hear the voice of this pathetic worm.”
Suddenly, a familiar voice speaks from behind me.
Slowly, I turn around and find a group of 10-12 guys standing behind me. The one who has spoken just now is standing at the front of them. He is a really good looking guy with a tall and athletic physique. His eyes are purple in color. His blond hairs are long and have a stylish windswept look to them.
“Fuck off, Alex…” I say while slowly getting up.