Chapter 50: Hidden Motives (2/2)

Wait a second...

“Then why are you and the other two Elf princesses are here!? If it leaks out that you all are planning to study our system, won’t the situation become really bad? Isn’t your safety on the line here!?” I ask.

This time, Zakira actually laughs.

“Hahaha... And what makes you think that just because we are the princesses, we should not have come here?” she asks.

“I-I mean, I told you the reason. You might not be safe here...” I answer.

To be honest, I am asking just because I am curious about it, not because I am concerned about her safety or anything. Especially not after she tried to kill me yesterday...

“Not safe? Hahaha... I don’t have time to go into details but let me tell you this, Jacob; just because we are princesses doesn’t mean that we are not even powerful enough to protect ourselves. In fact, it’s just the opposite,” She says.

“Just the opposite?” I ask, confused.

“Yes. I consider myself fairly stronger than any vampire of my system Level. And about Leena and Illyrana? Well, I won’t say anything about them. I want to see your face when you look at them perform in the tournament,” she says.

So, the princesses are strong, huh? I though Zakira must be weak because of what happened yesterday. Well, I don’t know for sure yet...she might be lying.

But still, apart from this, even though I understand the reason behind this tournament and the treaty, many other questions are arising in my mind because of it as well which are bugging me a lot.

And the biggest one of them all is that why is Zakira telling us all of this? Especially to Rebecca and Aria whom she has not even met once before?

It seems really suspicious...

Rebecca is silent right now and is lost in her thoughts. It looks like the same case is with Aria as well. Though Zakira is looking at me again with that same sort of hungry look I saw in her eyes yesterday.

But for some reason, I think that’s not all. It almost seems like she wants to say something more to me...

“Listen, guys...”

Suddenly, Zakira speaks up.

“I need to go somewhere else but before I leave, I would like to have a few words with Jacob... privately,” she says.


“What!? Why!? Say what you want in front of us!” Aria says while sounding angry again, for some reason.

Zakira doesn’t reply to her but just gives me a meaningful stare.

Well, fuck it!

“I-I want to talk to her privately as well...” I tell Aria.

Aria turns almost red from anger.

“This is my house! You don’t get to decide here! I won’t leave this room—”

“Aria... let’s leave them alone.”

Suddenly, Rebecca speaks up while cutting in-between Aria.

“B-But sister—”

“Please, Aria. Let’s leave,” She says while standing up.

Wait, is Rebecca angry?

I look at her face properly but I cannot seem to find any anger there, instead, I can see a calm and understanding sort of look.

And even though Aria is looking really frustrated, she doesn’t argue with her sister and stands up as well.

Finally, Rebecca gives me a little smile before leaving the room together with Aria.

And, the moment the door of the room closes, Zakira turns back to me. Her face is completely changed now. It is etched with concern and worry...

“Jacob, I need to ask you something. Please answer truthfully...”


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