Chapter 40: The Vampire Princess (Part-3) (1/2)

[Beast Awakening]

Instantly, my heartbeat which was lowering because of the blood loss starts gaining strength and pace again. My breathing starts to get roughenas well and I feel a sudden burst of energyflowinto my bodyout of nowhere.

Even allthefear insidemymindgetsdiminish along with all theotherthings which were worryingand in place of all of these,a single,pure and prominent feelingarises to its peak… Lust.


Zakira’smoan changes to a little surprised one as a sudden inflow of more fresh blood enters into her mouth. I can tell that she was expectingthe blood to stop coming and forme to die soon.

Even my cock which has started to become flaccid frombloodloss regains its hardness.

Zakira’spussy is still working hardinmilkingout more cum frommycockbut unlike before,ithas stopped shooting semen out like a broken geyser.


As my breathing and heartbeatfurther increase in pace,an intense urgeforZakirastarts making my mind go mad…

I want to… Fuck her…ravish her…be in control…

Iknow that Ihave already lost control of my body andtrue to that,my hands and legs havealreadystartedto pull on the ropes as hard as they can.

But still, even though I am inbeastawakeningmode, I don’t think Ihave enoughstreng—


Thewoodencorners of the bed break altogetherwith a loud destructive sound.


And instantly,before even the sound of thedestructionfinishes resounding,I throwZakira’sbody away from mine, making her land on the other side of the bed.

I too stand up straight in a flash with pieces of wood still dangling down my arms through the ropes connected tomycuff.

“W-What!?”Zakiraexclaims insurprise.

I look at herfigurefrom top to bottom. She is staring at me with her eyes open wide in surprise. Her mouth is also slightly open with my dark red blood covering the lower half of her face.

As blood trickles down from her faceand dirty herpale skin,my gaze also feels downalong with itto her huge tits, sexy stomach, cute navel and finally herlight pink pussy whichisgaping slightly and leaking out my semen inthinstreams.

For some reason, no blood of hervirginitylossis mixed along with the semen even though I had clearly felt tearingthroughher hymen.

Oh, I remember, vampires don’t have their own blood…

But still, as my own blood travels down further, it reaches her pussyas well, completing the scene of her virginity loss.

And almost as if this was a cue, my bodyalso moves forward towardsZakirawith only one thought in my mind.

Iwant tofuck this woman…fill up all her hole with my cum… to make this woman mine…

“W-What are you doing!?”Zakiraasks,shocked.

I canclearlytell thatthe first thing she expected me to do is to try to run away because even though I am free now, a vampire is physically many timesstrong than a human, so, she can easily restrain me again.

Andeventhough I agree about the running away part, my out of control body doesn't.

Taking a few more steps forward, Ireach directly in front ofZakira.And, without evenwaiting for a second, I reach down and grab her throat with myright hand…liftingherbody upin the air.


Instinctively,she alsograbshold of my arm, trying to remove it forcefully but to her utter bewilderment, my arm doesn’t budge an inch.

“E-Even though I-I just drank blood—ghaaa…”

My grip tightens around her throat more making her unable to speak.Though not enough to hurt a vampire at all.

But still, evenI amgreatly perplexedrightnow. I clearlyfelt aforce easily capable ofsnappingmy arm intwojust nowfromZakira.

What the fuck is this!?

I figured out that my body getsstrengthened in Beast Awakening mode but still,for a vampire to not evenable toswat my arm away?

This is… this isjust insane…

Still out of control, my other hand also moves up andtightly gripZakira’shuge and softtits; kneading them roughly.

“Stop…You cannot…I am the… princess…”She says.

Yeah, you can do whatever you want with me but Icannot just because you are a princess,huh?

Zakiraalso starts thrashing her arms and legs at the same time, hittingme at many places with a destructive force, but for some reason, I am not feeling any pain at all.

And as ifto counterattack,my thumb andforefinger also move and hold her nipple and twistingit sharply.


Before even her scream could stop, Istep back a little and throwher bodybackon the bed moments before falling forwards on top of her as well and pinning her down.

I also putallmyweight on hersoft and smooth body,making her huge tits squash against my chest(they spill from the sides)and my dick press against her stomach.

My facealsocomesdirectly in front ofZakira’sand to my surprise,I see a really fearful expression there.

“S-See… I d-don’t know how you are doing this b-butyou don’t know the c-consequences of this…”Zakirasays with a shaking voice.

I don’t know what the consequences will be nor I don’t care right now.

I just want to bang her pussy good…

In fact,Zakirais stilltrying really hard to break free but it’s all in vain.

Well, I don’t even know why is shetryingsohard to break free anyway. She was fucking me herself before and it’s not like I will kill her afterthe sexlikeshe was going to do…

Grabbing my cock withtheleft hand, I place it against the thrashingZakira’scunt… and instantlypenetrateitinside.

As thepleasurablefeeling of hercold yet soft and tight pussy envelops my cockagain, theraging lust inside me increasesevenfurther.

And with long and hard thrustsI start plowing her cunt while making loudsquishing noisesresound in the room of her love juices beingchurned.

“NOOOOOO! I won’t let ithappen… I won’t becomeyo—mmmph”

Zakirais made to stop speaking from my sudden and rough kiss.

Her lips are thin and soft and as Imovelips around them more, I taste my own blood which is pasted there.

By the way, one little thing is also a bit strange. Unlike the earlier times,mytongue isn’t invading inside her mouth.

Well, I know she will probably bite my tongue off if I do so…

As I continue to kiss and lick her lips, my cock also continues to drill hervagina hard. Eventhough she is showing me extreme resistanceby putting all her power into trying to overthrow me, her pussy is not stopping toleak juices for even a second. Even her hard nipples are still poking on my chest.

Andonceagain from all these stimulations,pleasurestarts to riseand my cock starts twitchingin anticipation tocreampieZakiraforthe third time.