Part 25 (1/2)

She Waits Kate Sweeney 47590K 2022-07-22

I fished the b.u.t.ton out of my jean's pocket and held it up. ”Maggie found this in Bedford's apartment. His room looked as if someone had gone through his dresser and desk, obviously looking for something that might be incriminating. Bedford had no suits or jackets in his closet. By the way, where is Nathan? Is he still in Dubuque on what was it? An emergency surgery?” I looked at Doc as I toyed with the gold b.u.t.ton.

”So, now what?” he asked.

I glanced at the clock, almost one. Allison would be there soon.

”I think Allison is in some way involved with Sarah. Sarah mentioned a couple of things to me last night that she could only have known through Allison. I also overheard her conversation with Maggie last night by the lake. Sarah thinks I'm to blame for the recent problems. Allison cares for Maggie and believes Sarah.”

”What are you planning?” Doc asked curiously.

”I'm hoping Allison is only an innocent dupe, not a dope, and that she'll help us. Then I'm planning on finding the jacket that belongs to this b.u.t.ton.”

And that was my plan. It had sounded so good a moment ago, when it was a mere thought.

Chapter Twenty-Two.

Maggie shot me an angry look. ”Oh, you are so not going to do that.”

I stared at her for a moment. ”Is that a double negative?” I asked curiously, trying not to grin while she glared at me. I was getting used to that expression. I rather looked forward to it now, in some perverse way.

”Steve should be here. He's the sheriff,” Hannah said.

”No. If Allison sees Steve, she won't cooperate.”

”And you think she'll cooperate seeing you?” Maggie asked.

”I hope so,” I said. ”Maggie, I'm planning on getting into your aunt's and uncle's house. I'm thinking Steve would frown upon breaking and entering.”

”Kate, this is no game. Do you realize how many times you've been hurt this weekend? First, someone throws you through the door, then you're almost killed in the fire. I think you are I will not have you hurt anymore, that's it. If you go through with this hare-brained scheme, then I go with you,” Maggie finished firmly with a challenging look.

”Me, too!” Hannah announced.

I glanced at Doc who stood and put on his coat. ”I'm leaving. I feel the Winfield stubbornness coming. I'll be at the clinic if anyone needs me or if anything happens.” He looked at me. ”I don't want to see you there again.” He kissed Hannah and Maggie then left.

I'm used to being on my own-no ties, no worries. I live a simple, easy life and I hate complications. I looked at the object of my complication and shook my head.

”Maggie, do you understand that I don't want you or anyone involved or getting hurt?” I asked, trying to make her understand.

”Kate, do you understand that I am involved, and I don't want you or anyone to get hurt anymore?” she asked with equal simplicity and determination.

I had to admit-good point. I hate when that happens.

”Jesus, you're stubborn,” I said, ignoring my own stubbornness. ”Why don't we announce it over a P.A. system as we pull into your aunt's driveway?”

”There's no reason to be sarcastic,” Maggie said.

”Oh, I beg to differ,” I snapped back. Inwardly, I was beginning to enjoy the strolls down Sarcasm Lane with this feisty woman.

I was about to continue our debate when the doorbell rang. Maggie was still glaring at me as she walked away. I could hear Allison's dulcet tones all the way in the den.

”G.o.d, sweetie, you look awful,” we heard Allison say. ”We need to talk.”

”We need to talk to you, too, Al,” Maggie said as they came into the den.

Allison was shocked to see me ”What's going on here?” she asked.

”Allison, we need your help,” I said quickly.

She sneered at me. ”You need my help? I doubt that.”

”Al, please, sit down,” Maggie said. Allison sat on the couch as Maggie sat on the ottoman facing her.

”Allison, we know you told Aunt Sarah about the glove and the possible DNA testing,” Maggie started.

”What makes you think I told her that?” she asked.

”Because you knew about it all,” I said. ”Sarah didn't. You knew about the glove, Sarah didn't. You knew about the possibility of reopening the case, she didn't. When she talked to me about it all, I realized there was only one way she could have known and that's from you,” I said evenly.

”All of this started happening when you got here,” Allison yelled at me. ”You ran Maggie over, you're the only one who saw the intruder, you were with Maggie when she got thrown from the horse. Maggie might think you're charming-”

”Oh, charming my a.s.s!” I said vehemently. Charming? ”You told Sarah, right or wrong?” I asked, not looking at Maggie.

”Yes, I told Sarah, she's onto you as well.” Allison now stood over me.

I tried to get up, but Maggie stepped between us.

”Allison, you told Sarah? Why?” Hannah asked.

Allison said nothing, but her shoulders sagged. She looked at Maggie and she softened, but still she said nothing.

I knew why. I said quietly, ”Because Allison cares a great deal for Maggie and Sarah used Allison to find out what I knew. She told Allison I was the cause for all this and I shouldn't be trusted. Allison seized the opportunity to protect Maggie and get me out of the way, any way she could. So she listened to Sarah, thinking she was doing the right thing.”

I looked at Allison, who sat down and stared at the ceiling. ”That's absolutely right,” was all she said.

Maggie sat back on the ottoman and took Allison's hands and held them. Allison looked at Maggie with tears in her eyes.

”Someone tried to kill Kate,” Maggie said. ”They broke into my house. They killed Bedford. Al, what do you know? We need your help.”

”I thought I was protecting you,” Allison said in a small voice.

I felt bad for her. She had no clue what she had done.

”I know. Now you can help. Tell us what you know,” Maggie pleaded with her.

Allison took a deep breath. ”Sarah asked me to stay close, and if I overheard anything, I was to tell her. She said she was trying to figure this thing out as well, and we shouldn't trust a stranger. So I agreed. That's all. She never confided in me. Although...” She trailed off.

”Although, what?” Maggie asked. ”Please, Allison.”