Part 21 (1/2)

She Waits Kate Sweeney 48860K 2022-07-22

”Margaret, your father wasn't there that day, honey. Don't you remember, he was in Chicago and didn't make it home?” Hannah asked.

Maggie frowned at her. ”Of course it was Father.” She looked around the room, confused. ”It was a long time ago. But, who took the picture?” She looked at Hannah.

”It was your uncle, sweetie. He and I were standing by the sh.o.r.e remember? And he said Miranda looked beautiful and took the picture.”

I sat there for a moment and looked at Teri. I could tell by her look she was thinking of something.

”Do you have a picture of your dad?” I asked casually.

Maggie seemed confused as she leafed through the pages and I looked at a man who was handsome, tall with lighter colored hair than Maggie. He looked... I don't know. I couldn't put my finger on it. There was a family resemblance between him and Nathan and Hannah.

I leafed through the pages. There were pictures of all family members: Charlie and Maggie when they were kids, the aunts and uncles, mothers and fathers as grown-ups and when they were younger.

Then I recognized the picture of Nathan. He sat with Maggie on his knee; they were smiling at each other.

”This was the picture of the two of them in the locket,” I said and looked at Maggie. ”When was this picture taken?”

Maggie looked at the picture. ”I was six I think. It was a party like this. I used to love to sit on Uncle Nathan's lap. Doc too, I felt safe. Like a grandfather, you know?” She looked at me and Teri with tears in her eyes, and Teri smiled at her affectionately and nodded.

”The same year you planted the hyacinth?” I asked.

Maggie thought for a moment. ”Yes, I think it was.”

Something was here-this was a piece of the puzzle, I could feel it.

They sat in silence. I looked at all the photos in the alb.u.m; I leafed through them, back and forth.

As a photographer, I don't think of the people in the picture but, instead, of who was taking the picture. All of the pictures of Maggie had Nathan or Hannah in them. I never saw her sitting on her father's lap. I never saw Miranda with Jonathan. Never saw the three of them together, happy and smiling, as Maggie was when she was sitting on her uncle's or Doc's lap. Who was taking these pictures? I could only think of Miranda taking pictures of the people she loved.

I knew what a photograph was worth; it stopped time. For an instant, it made the impossible, possible. Take a moment and freeze it in time. Take a picture of the man you love, with your daughter on his knee and put it forever in a locket, wear it around your neck and close to your heart.

Suddenly, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Too many loose ends, I thought. I needed a common thread to pull it together. Then I remembered my common thread was all the secrets in the Winfield family.

Poor Hannah was still looking a little frazzled over the picture of Miranda.

”So, you think Miranda was in the woods?” she asked staring out the window.

”I wasn't completely sure until I saw that picture. Now, yes Hannah, I do,” I said gently. I reached over and held her hand tight for a moment.

”I think I feel good that she is here, looking out for Maggie,” Hannah said.

All at once, she started crying. Maggie put her arm around her and they both quietly cried for a minute or two. These Winfield women can turn on the water works. I handed each of them a napkin.

I looked at Teri and she, too, had tears in her eyes. Soon we were all sitting there either crying or tearing.

I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes. ”Okay, if we don't quit, we'll flood the kitchen.”

We all laughed and took a few deep breaths. We all noticed the fragrance of hyacinth fading. I got a little sad, it was comforting, in a way. In another way, it scared the c.r.a.p out of me.

”Well, let's go to bed, for heaven's sake.” Hannah got up slowly. She looked exhausted.

It was almost two in the morning and I was more tired than I thought. My shoulder ached wildly and, when I yawned, I thought my jaw would crack.

”Kate you looked absolutely done in. Go to bed. Goodnight,” Hannah ordered.

”I'm going to check the doors and windows,” I said and Teri and Maggie followed me. ”I'm just going to check the cellar door. I'll be right back.”

”Oh no, you don't. I'm coming too,” Maggie said and I grunted.

Teri declined graciously and went off the bed. As she was leaving, she gave me that look again and I nodded my understanding. I'd see her before I went to bed.

Maggie followed me down the cellar stairs.

It was a bit creepy. I didn't like cellars. As we descended into the darkness, the musty, damp smell transported me back to that other dark cellar years ago. I begged the G.o.ds above as I desperately fought the vision and the wave of nausea that always accompanied it.

Lying face down in a pool of blood, I couldn't move. Through my haze, I heard gunshots. I opened my eyes to see her lying beside me, a mirror image; her lifeless eyes staring at me as if looking into my soul.

I stopped and ran my hand across my eyes. The vision, having it done its damage, vanished. I stood at the bottom of the stairs and realized Maggie was holding the back of my s.h.i.+rt.

”Okay, all clear, let's go,” she said in a hurry.

”Will you let go of my s.h.i.+rt? You're panicking me, woman.” I slapped at her hand. ”Let me check the door, then we're done.”

I walked up the four or five steps to the cellar door and gave it a confident tug. To my surprise and horror, the latch was open, the door was unlocked, and it flew open and out of my hand.

Maggie suppressed a scream. I did not.

I pulled the door closed, slammed the latch and s.h.i.+vered violently. ”Dammit, who the h.e.l.l opened that door? Did the caterers have to use this door at all?”

”No, no reason for them to use it,” Maggie said, shaking her head quickly.

”What happened when you and Allison came down here?”

”Just what do you mean?” She frowned indignantly.

”Did you leave her alone down here at all?”

”Oh. No, we picked up four or five bottles of wine and we left, together,” she said.

”Well, it's locked now. Let's go to bed. This place gives me the creeps.”

Still unnerved about the cellar door, I rechecked all the doors and windows downstairs. I left a small light on in the kitchen and another in the living room. Maggie followed me around like a shadow.

”Good grief child, go to bed.”

”Don't call me a child and I'm not leaving you down here alone. You'll probably trip over something and break a leg.” She smiled sweetly.

”Very amusing, I see you've been talking to Teri. I knew it was a mistake to bring them here.”

”Well, we did have a very pleasant talk this evening.”