Part 13 (1/2)

She Waits Kate Sweeney 47570K 2022-07-22

”Who do you suppose this woman is?” Teri asked, still scowling at Mac.

”I don't know, but I'd bet big bucks she's not trying to harm Maggie. I just get that feeling,” I said, looking at Maggie.

Maggie nodded. ”I have to admit when I saw her I was shocked, but I wasn't afraid. I wanted to know who she was.”

Teri had that look on her face as if she knew something but didn't want to say.

Maggie apparently saw it, too. ”If you think of something, please go ahead and share. As Kate said, this is an unusual situation. So please, don't hold back.”

”What did this woman look like and what exactly was she wearing?” Teri asked.

Maggie started, ”Well, from what I could see, she had long brown hair and wore a white dress, but with the trees in my way, I didn't see much.”

I had to agree. ”She was standing there looking at us, but not in a malicious way, just looking. Like she was waiting for us to do something. I don't know. The minute we started in her direction, she turned and faded into the woods-somewhat like last night when I saw whoever or whatever at the edge of the woods. Maybe that's who I saw last night.” I turned to Maggie. ”Did you ever see her before? Think-at any time, did you or Hannah ever see her?”

”No, dear. I have to say I've never seen anyone like that,” Hannah said and looked to Maggie.

”Not before today, though I don't venture to woods too often,” Maggie said.

”Okay, let's move along. Chance, who seems to be doing all the leg work here, finds the jewelry-Miranda's wedding ring, watch and a locket that has Maggie's picture in it, but also has her uncle's picture as well.” I looked at Maggie and Hannah and asked, ”Why would Miranda have Nathan's picture in her locket?”

Maggie shook her head and stared at the fire. ”I have no idea.” She looked at Hannah.

I figured this was as good a time as any. ”Hannah, what do you know about the locket? Please tell me, if you know anything or even if you think of anything,” I pleaded.

Hannah looked at her gla.s.s. ”Kate, it is all speculation. I knew Miranda and Nathan were close. As I said, back in those days we were all close to Miranda, because Jonathan was always gone. She was in this big house alone for most of the time. I discussed it with Nathan and Walt. None of us liked to see her all alone. I was with Miranda constantly after Maggie was born. I haven't thought about it in years.”

I looked at Maggie. ”There's a connection between your mother's murder, your father's death and what's been happening to you. It doesn't take much too see that.” I looked around at the tired and confused faces. ”Let's take a break, shall we? This is a lot to absorb right now. Hannah, how's dinner?”

”Should be ready in half an hour,” Hannah announced.

Teri got up and grabbed Mac's hand. ”Well, I think Mac and I will unpack.” They went upstairs.

I stood looking at the fire. Chance was lying at my feet and I sat down on the hearth and ruffled her ears.

”Well, I'm stumped pooch. I can feel I'm close but...” I grunted and rubbed the back of my neck. I was exhausted. I went out to the back porch. It had turned very cool, and as I turned to get my sweater, Maggie came out and handed it to me.

”Thanks,” I said. I looked up into night sky. There were a few stars; the moon would be up in a while. I smiled wistfully, thinking how much I loved being in the outdoors. The scenery here was beautiful.

Maggie interrupted my thoughts. ”It's getting chilly. How are your shoulder and your head? I feel responsible for this,” she said with regret as she looked out at the woods.

”Don't be silly. I'm a little You should see me when I'm working. I can't tell you how many times I've tripped, fallen-you name it. I think I have a scar for every state of the union. Teri and Mac wince every time I pick up my camera.”

”I'd probably worry, too, if you came back all banged up after an a.s.signment. Maybe you should get a nice, safe desk job,” she said and I laughed at the idea.

”Wouldn't matter. I'd staple myself to something,” I said.

”So, I take it you and a letter opener would not be great friends?” Maggie asked through her laughter.

Once again, her contagious laughter pulled me right in as I let out a good laugh and nodded in complete agreement.

During all this, I looked down to see my hand covering hers. Maggie noticed it as well.

”This is a good feeling,” Maggie said as she moved her fingers through mine.

”Y-Yes, laughter is a good relief mechanism. I-It releases stress and, and helps, um...”

Maggie chuckled and shook her head.

”C'mon, it's getting chilly. Let's get back inside.”

I tried to get ready for dinner in peace. That was not going to happen. There was a soft knock at my door and Teri poked her head in.

”I wanted to see your room. Ours is huge. It's like being at a hotel. Do you have your own bathroom?”

”Yep,” I said and motioned to the door.

Teri was looking out the window. ”So, what do you think is happening?” She looked back to me.

”Ter, I don't know. For some reason, someone is trying to scare the h.e.l.l out of Maggie or maybe even kill her. Whoever it is, they're sure doing a good job of scaring me. You should have seen that saddle. If Maggie had been riding any faster, she'd have broken her neck.” I rubbed my neck and yawned wildly. ”I need to sleep.”

”You're right,” Teri said. She went back to the window and looked out. ”Who is the woman in the woods, Kate?”

”I wish I knew. It spooks me. I was petrified when I saw her in my rear view mirror this afternoon. It was definitely the same woman. She looked content, you know, not scary or dangerous. I don't know.”

”Well, I was going to ask this earlier, but I don't want them to think I'm a psychic nut or something, but I'd love to see what Maggie's mother looked like. I have a feeling, Kate.” She s.h.i.+vered and walked over to me.

I could feel my eyebrows getting lost in my hairline. ”You think the woman is Maggie's mother?” I wished I would quit s.h.i.+vering.

She nodded. ”I do.”

”Maggie's mother,” I repeated, making sure I understood her. ”Maggie's dead, murdered, mother,” I said again.

”Yes, I do.”

I found a chair and eased myself into it. ”c.r.a.p.”

Chapter Twelve.

Dinner was wonderful; we ate like kings and queens. Hannah beamed when she saw all the empty plates.

Mac sat back. ”Hannah that was delicious.”

Teri nodded in agreement. ”I can't remember when I've had such a good meal.”

Maggie got up and cleared the dishes. ”I'll get the coffee.”