Part 11 (1/2)
”We'll be downstairs,” Teri said.
I went into the room and stood for a moment, watching her. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to find Dr. Winfield with an icepack. He walked by and sat on the edge of the bed and gently placed the ice against the side of her head.
”She's got a hard head, it runs in the family. She'll be fine. Why don't you stay with her? Hannah is naturally upset. I'll go see to her.”
We exchanged places as he left the room. I held the ice in place and gently ran the back of my fingers against her soft cheek. As she stirred and opened her eyes, I took my hand away.
She looked at me for a moment, as if trying to focus. She reached her hand up to her forehead and tried to sit even as I pushed her back onto the pillow.
”Hey, take it easy. You had a nasty fall,” I said.
She blinked and looked at me. ”I fell off my horse.”
”Ya know, kid, you might want to find a better mode of transportation. This is twice since we've met that you've fallen off your horse. Of course, the fact I'm with you when it happens means absolutely nothing,” I said with a grin.
She laughed and winced as I held the ice in place. ”How do you feel? You scared the life out of me.”
”Really?” She searched my face and smiled faintly. ”Why?”
I looked down into her blue eyes for a moment. ”Because I don't want to be the one to tell Hannah you broke your stubborn little neck, that's why.”
”Oh. Well, I'm all right.”
Did I hear disappointment in her voice?
”We did see a lady in the woods, didn't we, Kate?” she asked.
”Yes, we both saw her. I don't know who she was, but we saw her.”
”I feel like an idiot, falling off my horse. Again.”
I laughed slightly and avoided her glare. ”Hey, the way your horse bolted, I'm surprised you stayed on as long as you did. However, if you like I can give you riding lessons some day.”
She laughed, then winced, and put her hand to her head.
”Look, you need to keep quiet. I'll go downstairs and you can rest. Teri and Mac are here. You rest.” I looked down into the blue eyes again. ”Maggie I'm...” I had absolutely no idea what I was about to say.
”I'm glad you weren't hurt too badly. Rest now.”
Hannah, Nathan, Teri and Mac were sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee.
”Did she come around?” Hannah asked.
”Yes, we talked and she seemed alert.”
”Miss Ryan, Hannah has been filling me in on what's been happening. Thank you for helping out.” Nathan said, drinking his coffee. I could tell his mind was elsewhere.
”I'm glad I could be here. Did Hannah tell you what I found?” I picked up the plastic bag that was still on the table.
”Yes, it's amazing. After all these years to have them turn up,” he said.
”Dug up. Sorry, my insane canine went amok.”
I searched his face-it revealed nothing. I glanced at Teri, who looked confused. I couldn't wait to fill her in. I handed the locket to Dr. Winfield. He took it and I saw a flash of sadness cross his face.
”This is Miranda's,” he said. ”I remember... when she wore this.”
There was silence around the table for a moment. ”Dr. Winfield, did you know your picture is in the locket?” I asked.
He took a deep breath and opened the locket. ”This would be like Miranda. At one time we were close.” He closed the locket and almost reverently placed it on the table. ”To think they've been here all the time, all these years... Anyway, Miss Ryan, I understand you're an accomplished photographer and amateur sleuth.”
I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.
”Perhaps you think you can figure out who would break into Maggie's house and leave that note,” he said absently looking at his coffee.
I was about to ask him about that very thing, when he abruptly stood and kissed Hannah on the top of her head.
”Well, I should be going,” he said. ”Make sure Maggie stays quiet for the rest of the day. I think she'll be fine-she's a healthy girl. See you tomorrow, sis. It was a pleasure meeting all of you.”
I watched him as he mounted his horse and easily rode down the trail in into the woods. I looked over at Hannah who was watching as well. She looked tired and worried.
”So, you're knocking this poor kid off her horse right and left, huh Kate?” Mac said proudly.
Hannah laughed heartily. ”I like him.”
”Want him?” Teri asked.
We seemed to relax for a moment, as we laughed at poor Mac's blus.h.i.+ng face.
”Hannah, you just met Mac and already you have him blus.h.i.+ng. Good girl!” I said.
”How is Maggie?” Teri asked.
I could tell by her look that she wanted to talk to me alone. She looked a lot like our mother, who had a way of looking at you so you knew exactly what she was thinking.
”She's resting. She'll be fine,” I said. ”She seems to have a hard head.”
Hannah got up. ”Well, I will leave you alone. I want to check up on Margaret.”
Mac, Teri and I sat for a second staring at each other then Teri and I both started talking at the same time.
”G.o.d, you'll never believe what happened!” I said.
”Was I spooked when we drove up!” Teri said.