65 Notion of Performativity (1/2)

Autopsy of a Mind SunScar9 24020K 2022-07-22

He was somewhat like Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory, just from a different sphere and a little more emotionally adequate but oftentimes, how he communicated with people offended them. Yes, there were people who understood his quirks, but there were too many that didn't.

My follies were many, but couldn't I just wish to help him get better. Maybe someday he wouldn't need me to prowl behind him and help him.

”I have broached the topic before. I need you to see a therapist, Evie. If you need help, you need to take it. I know your previous experience has been poor, but I have contacts that specialize in violent trauma. They can help you. I need you to function and live a healthy life before you try to solve crimes.” His hand came over mine and he took it. He drew circles on my palm.

”Where did you learn that?” He looked me in the eye with a smile.

”We were taught at University. I know that you use the butterfly hug to alleviate symptoms and it is helpful, but if you don't get to the crux of the problem and solve symptomatically, your progress will be slower if not stunted.”

”And what are the chances that I will be cured.” Cured. How does one come back from what I had faced?

”No, you will not be cured, Evie. I can't guarantee you that. You will live with those memories, but you will see yourself in a healthier light.” I knew exactly what he meant. Maybe he couldn't articulate everything because it was not part of his training, but he was making sense. He was trying his best to help me.

”Thank you,” I whispered. ”Will you take me?” He looked surprised. His hands stiffened over mine for a second before he relaxed.

”You want me to go with you?” I shrugged.

”I'll probably need you to drive me back home for the first day. I don't know how it will go, so...” He nodded.

”I'm glad you'll have someone there.”

”Have you been to therapy?” He shook his head. ”I was asked to take sessions in college when they realized that I was mildly different from my peers and lacked the 'sympathy' and sense of justice that others had. It was a cause for worry in the department. But I convinced them that I didn't require therapy and they needed to separate their feelings from their jobs. That was the way they could be more efficient.”

Always so superior to others. I chuckled. Of course, what else could I expect from him?

”What do they think of you now?” He thought for a minute.

”None of my classmates really made it anywhere apart from Simon Nash, who was my senior from University. He is an excellent detective. While his job is more on the lines of interrogating and analyzing motive and threat levels, his job is as important as mine. I will make sure you interact with him a lot because he has some inside knowledge that I might not fully be able to provide to you.” He nodded sagely.