Part 40 (2/2)
Ayla heard the tone of sorrow in her voice. She would be sorry, too, if she couldn't have children. Then her frown was replaced by a radiant smile. ”Did you know I am going to have a child?” she said.
Zelandoni smiled back. Her speculation about Ayla was confirmed. ”I'm very happy for you, Ayla. Does Jondalar know your mating has been blessed?”
”Yes. I told him. He's very pleased.”
”He should be. Have you told anyone else?”
Only Marthona, and Proleva, and now you.”
”If it's not generally known, we can surprise everyone at your Matrimonial and announce your good news, if you like,” Zelandoni said. ”There are special words that can be part of the ceremony if the woman is already Blessed.”
”I think I would like that,” Ayla said. ”I've stopped marking my moon times, since my bleeding has stopped, but I'm wondering if I should start marking days again, to keep track of them until my baby is born. Jondalar taught me how to use the counting words, but I don't know how to count that far.”
”Do you find the counting words difficult, Ayla?”
”Oh, no. I like using counting words,” she said. ”Jondalar surprised me the first time he used them, though. Just from the marks I made on my sticks every night, he knew how long I lived in the valley. He said it was easier because I cut an extra line above the marks on the days when my moon time started, so I would be prepared for it. I seemed to have more trouble hunting when I was bleeding. I think animals could smell me. After a while I noticed that my bleeding always came when the waning moon reached the same shape, so I didn't have to make the marks, but I made them anyway. You can't always see the moon if it's stormy or cloudy.”
Zelandoni thought she was getting accustomed to the surprises Ayla could come up with in such an offhand way, as though it were nothing. But making counting marks when she bled and then making the connection to moon phases was rather astonis.h.i.+ng for someone to make by herself.
”Would you like to learn more counting words, and different ways to use them, Ayla?” the woman said. ”They can be used to know when seasons are ready to change, before the changes are apparent, for example, or to count the days until your baby is born.”
”Yes, I would,” Ayla said, smiling broadly. ”I learned how to make marks from Creb, although I think it made him nervous when I did it. Most women of the Clan, or men, for that matter, couldn't count much past three. Creb could make counting marks because he was The Mog-ur, but he didn't have words for counting.”
”I'll show you how to count larger numbers,” the First said. ”I think it's best that you are having your children now, when you are young. You may not want to worry about taking care of young children when you are older. There is no telling what you may decide to do.”
”I'm not so young, Zelandoni. I can count nineteen years, if Iza was right about how many years I was when she found me,” Ayla said.
”You certainly look younger than you are.” A fleeting frown crossed Zelandoni's face. ”But it shouldn't matter. You have a head start,” she said almost to herself, and finished in her thoughts, She is already a skilled healer, she won't have to learn that before becoming a Zelandoni.
”A head start on what?” Ayla asked, puzzled.
” have a head start on your family, since Ufe has already begun,” Zelandoni said. ”But I hope you don't have too many children. You're in good health, but too many can drain a woman, age her more quickly.”
Ayla got a strong impression that Zelandoni did not want her to know what she was thinking and quickly said something else because she wanted to keep from telling her. It was her right, Ayla thought. She could refrain from mentioning what she was thinking if she chose, but it did make her wonder.
Twilight had settled by the time they approached the campfire, and it was already getting hard to see. When they arrived at the fire trench, people greeted them and offered them food. Ayla realized she was hungry; it had been a full and busy afternoon. Zelandoni ate with them and planned to sleep at the camp of the Ninth Cave that night, then immediately got into a discussion with Marthona and Joharran about the upcoming hunt and the Search the zelandonia would make. She mentioned that Ayla would be joining them, which they seemed to think was entirely appropriate, but it made Ayla feel uneasy. She did not want to become one of Those Who Served The Mother, but circ.u.mstances seemed to be pulling her in that direction and she wasn't happy about it.
”We should get there early. I need to arrange to set up some targets and step off the distances,” Jondalar said as they walked out of the lodge the next morning. He was holding the cup of mint tea Ayla had made for him and began chewing on the end of the wintergreen twig she had recently peeled, to prepare it for him to clean his teeth.
”I want to check on Whinney and Racer first. I hardly saw them at all yesterday. Why don't you go ahead and get things ready. I'll keep Wolf with me and meet you later,” Ayla said.
”Don't take too long. People will be gathering early, and I'd really like you to show them what you can do. It's one thing for me to cast a spear a long way, but when they see that a woman, using the spear-thrower, can fling a spear farther than any of the men, that will make them interested,” Jondalar said.
”I'll be there as soon as I can, but I want to brush them down, and check Racer's eye. It seemed red, like he got something in it. I may want to treat it,” Ayla said.
”Do you think he's all right? Should I come with you?” he said, full of concern.
”It didn't look that bad. I'm sure he's fine. I just want to check it. You go on, I won't be long,” she said.
Jondalar nodded as he scrubbed at his teeth, then swished out his mouth with the mint tea. He drank down the balance and smiled. ”That always makes me feel better,” he said.
”It does make your mouth feel clean, and wakes you up,” Ayla said. She had made his tea and prepared his twig nearly every morning since shortly after she met him, and had begun to follow his morning ritual. ”I noticed it especially when I was sick in the morning.”
”Are you still having morning sickness?” he asked.
”No, not anymore, but I do notice that my stomach is getting bigger,” she said.
He smiled. ”I like your bigger stomach,” he said, then reached over and put an arm around her shoulders and the other hand on her belly. ”I especially like what's in it.”
She smiled back. ”I do, too,” she said.
He kissed her with warmth and feeling. ”The thing I miss most about traveling is that we could stop and share Pleasures whenever we felt like it. Now, it seems there is always something to do and it's not as easy to stop and do what we want whenever we want.” He nuzzled her neck, felt the fullness of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and kissed her again. ”Maybe I don't have to get to the spear-throwing range so early,” he added with a huskiness in his voice.
”Yes, you do,” she said with a laugh. ”But if you want to stay ...”
”No, you are right, but I'm going to look for you later.”
Jondalar headed for the main camp and Ayla went back into the lodge. When she came out, she was carrying her backpack, the one with the holders for spears and spear-thrower, into which she had packed a few things. She whistled for Wolf and headed upstream along the small creek. Both horses knew she was coming and had strained to come toward her as far as their lead ropes would allow. Ayla noticed that the ropes had gotten caught in some of the vegetation. Besides the long gra.s.s that had twisted itself around both leads, Whinney's rope had an entire dry bush tangled in it, and Racer had pulled a living shrub out of the ground, roots and all. Maybe a surround would work better than those ropes, she thought.
Ayla removed both their halters and lead ropes, and while she was at it, she checked Racer's eye. It was a little red, but otherwise seemed fine. Racer and Wolf rubbed noses and then, so glad to be free of the restricting rope, Racer began running in a large circle, and Wolf chased after him. Ayla. started brus.h.i.+ng Whinney, and when she looked up, Racer was chasing Wolf. The next time she looked, Wolf was chasing Racer again. She stopped brus.h.i.+ng for a while to watch them. As Wolf got close to Racer, the young stallion actually slowed down a bit until the wolf pa.s.sed him and raced ahead. When they came full circle, Wolf slowed down and let Racer pa.s.s him.
At first, Ayla thought she was imagining that they were doing it on purpose, but as she continued to watch them, it soon became obvious that they were playing a game with each other, and enjoying it. Both young male animals, so full of life and energy, had discovered a way to run some of it off and have fun doing it. Ayla smiled and shook her head, wis.h.i.+ng Jondalar were there to enjoy their antics with her, then went back to brus.h.i.+ng the mare. Whinney, too, was beginning to show her pregnancy, but she appeared to be in good health.
When Ayla finished with her horse, she saw that Racer was grazing quietly and Wolf was nowhere in sight. Off exploring, she thought. She whistled the particular tones that Jondalar had developed to call his horse. He looked up and started toward her. He had nearly reached her when another whistle sounded, repeating the exact tones. They both looked for the whistler. Ayla thought it must be Jondalar, back for some reason, but when she looked up she saw a boy coming in her direction.
He was not familiar to her, and she wondered what he wanted and why he had imitated her particular whistle. When he neared, she thought he could count perhaps nine or ten years, then she noticed that one of his arms was somewhat stunted, shorter than the other, and hung a little awkwardly, as though he didn't have full control of it. The boy reminded her of Creb, whose arm had been amputated at the elbow when he was a boy, and she warmed to him immediately.
”Are you the one who whistled?”
”Why did you whistle like I did?” Ayla said.
”I never heard a whistle like that. I wanted to see if I could do it,” he said.
”You did,” she said. ”Are you looking for someone?”
”No,” he said.
”What are you doing here?”
”I'm just looking. Someone told me there Were horses here, but I didn't know anyone had set up camp. He didn't tell me that. Everyone else is by Middle Creek,” he said.
”We just recently arrived. How long have you been here?”