Part 6 (1/2)
”What ho there!” they cry, As he flourishes by With a whisk of his beautiful tail; And the fish in the sea Are as scared as can be, From the nautilus up to the whale!
And the Fly-Away Horse seeks those faraway lands You little folk dream of at night-- Where candy-trees grow, and honey-brooks flow, And corn-fields with popcorn are white; And the beasts in the wood are ever so good To children who visit them there-- What glory astride of a lion to ride, Or to wrestle around with a bear!
The monkeys, they say: ”Come on, let us play,”
And they frisk in the cocoanut-trees: While the parrots, that cling To the peanut-vines, sing Or converse with comparative ease!
Off! scamper to bed--you shall ride him tonight!
For, as soon as you've fallen asleep, With a jubilant neigh he shall bear you away Over forest and hillside and deep!
But tell us, my dear, all you see and you hear In those beautiful lands over there, Where the Fly-Away Horse wings his faraway course With the wee one consigned to his care.
Then grandma will cry In amazement: ”Oh, my!”
And she'll think it could never be so; And only we two Shall know it is true-- You and I, little precious! shall know!
Swing high and swing low While the breezes they blow-- It's off for a sailor thy father would go; And it's here in the harbor, in sight of the sea, He hath left his wee babe with my song and with me: ”Swing high and swing low While the breezes they blow!”
Swing high and swing low While the breezes they blow-- It's oh for the waiting as weary days go!
And it's oh for the heartache that smiteth me when I sing my song over and over again: ”Swing high and swing low While the breezes they blow!”
”Swing high and swing low ”-- The sea singeth so, And it waileth anon in its ebb and its flow; And a sleeper sleeps on to that song of the sea Nor recketh he ever of mine or of me!
”Swing high and swing low While the breezes they blow-- 'T was off for a sailor thy father would go!”
Up in the attic where I slept When I was a boy, a little boy, In through the lattice the moonlight crept, Bringing a tide of dreams that swept Over the low, red trundle-bed, Bathing the tangled curly head, While moonbeams played at hide-and-seek With the dimples on the sun-browned cheek-- When I was a boy, a little boy!
And, oh! the dreams--the dreams I dreamed!
When I was a boy, a little boy!
For the grace that through the lattice streamed Over my folded eyelids seemed To have the gift of prophecy, And to bring me glimpses of times to be When manhood's clarion seemed to call-- Ah! that was the sweetest dream of all, When I was a boy, a little boy!
I'd like to sleep where I used to sleep When I was a boy, a little boy!
For in at the lattice the moon would peep, Bringing her tide of dreams to sweep The crosses and griefs of the years away From the heart that is weary and faint to-day; And those dreams should give me back again A peace I have never known since then-- When I was a boy, a little boy!
Play that you are mother dear, And play that papa is your beau; Play that we sit in the corner here, Just as we used to, long ago.
Playing so, we lovers two Are just as happy as we can be, And I'll say ”I love you” to you, And you say ”I love you” to me!
”I love you” we both shall say, All in earnest and all in play.
Or, play that you are that other one That some time came, and went away; And play that the light of years agone Stole into my heart again to-day!
Playing that you are the one I knew In the days that never again may be, I'll say ”I love you” to you,”